What do you want me to do?

"He's here again." Derek who was looking out the window from the highest floor can easily spot an old man trying to find his way inside the building. Tristan who was laying lazily on the sofa sneered. His cunning eyes gleam. He look towards the other person who was busy reading reports after report, proposal after proposal. As if she didn't hear anything, focusing 100% on her work. This girl. Once she emits cold aura in her bones and blacklist the other person it's not easy to melt her heart. Who says the hot burning temperature could melt ice? She's just another version of coldness that doesn't melt but to freeze others.

"He still haven't give up? Was that company really worth it?" Harrison who have been hanging out inside Aurora's office for the past few days could not help but be surprised.

"Apparently, the company right now is dealing with major declination with their stocks after word got out about Cole in coma. And including inner conflict happen in the company. Part of the shareholder wanted to keep Cole position and let the VP to handle the current problems. And another part wanted to drop out Cole and choose his foxy cousin Mason while most of them chose William Brighton. The former CEO's Mr Brighton grandson." Zeus who was helping Aurora sorting out the important paper give out the info that he knew.

"Owh? The former is finally making its move?" Tristan seem interested in the news the moment he heard about William Brighton make its move.

"You're interested in this William guy?"Harrison look up from the magazine that he was reading.

"I heard there's rumors that someone wants to steal my spot and become Demon King. Or you could say acting like he owns the underworld. And now to hear that he wanted take over Infinite Corporation is rather interesting." He sneered. The thin smile showing his true evilness that lies within.

"Which reminds me, he's been inquiring people from the military as well." Tristan seem to be adding another achievement for this William guy. But in fact wanting to make the other person agitate. Which turn out to be true when Harrison burst out in anger.

"Who is it that dares to approach this general territory without my permission?" Harrison roared. Forgetting for a moment he was inside Aurora's office. Only when he felt some cold shivers with killing intent emitted with him as the target he finally something. When he turn around and saw Aurora just sitting there still doing her work but with killing intent vibe surrounding her, he realize his mistake. No one dares to disturb Aurora when she's working. She'll turn into terrifying God of Death. Even Tristan known as Demon King by many wouldn't dare to show his fang around her. He glared at Tristan who's doing a good job triggering him. Tristan smirked but his gaze still focus on Aurora who's still doing her work. Acting as if they're not there.

"Aurora what do you think? Should we help that old man? Or should we crush that company?" Either he's been feeling quite brave lately he unknowingly asked Aurora the question. Seeing her ignoring everything after the whole truth finally been dug out is something that he doesn't want to see. It's like whenever she chose to blacklisted someone her heart won't be the same any longer. As much as he hates that old man for tricking her but he saw something in her turns to life when she came back.

Aurora release a sigh. She's been ignoring whatever it is their conversation because she decided not to bother with other people's life any longer. Enough is enough. However when she heard Tristan intentionally drag her into it, she could not understand his reason. Wasn't he was the one who have been displeased and annoyed about the whole matter and now he's asking her what she thinks. Slowly, she lift her cold gaze and look at Tristan who is now sitting properly on the sofa. Everyone was holding their breath, fearing what Aurora would say next.

"What do you want me to do Tristan?" she asked.

"I want you to be you." He answered truthfully. If it was the real Aurora, she wouldn't ignore the old man for two whole weeks. And he knows she secretly went to find Cole late at night when there's no one in the room for two weeks as well.

"It seems like i've been... should i say merciful lately. To think that you have to request such a thing to me." Aurora lean back while looking at Tristan who's now in cold sweat. The rest keep their head down fearing they will be next victim.

"You know that's not what i meant Aurora."

"Then what did you mean?"

Tristan wanted to say something but he can't think of anything. Under her cold, emotionless gaze he somehow lost the will to say anything. Zeus who was standing aside couldn't hold it in any longer. Stupid Tristan bringing a topic like that inside the office. Of course he's going to be devour by Aurora. If it was at home then it won't be as tense as this.

"The moment Aurora heard William try to snatch your position as well as inquiring about the military, she already took action. Next week she will be handling Infinite Corporation until Cole wakes up." Zeus said and others were surprised by his word. Especially Tristan and Harrison.

Of course, this is how Aurora always work. Whenever any of them encounter some problem, silently she will retaliate. They were her precious family and it's not something that anyone can touch. Tristan seem to forgot about that. Somewhere inside their heart, they felt warm by her small but meaningful action. She was just a woman. But she always exceeds their expectation no matter what.

"Sorry Aurora." Tristan apologize. Aurora hum before continuing with her work. Just like that, time passes by.