He'll wake up

Tonight is the same. Around the same time, Aurora would leave the house with Derek following her. Her routine starts a few weeks ago. The moment Caleb inform her Cole is under coma. Arriving at the dull, desolate hallway she saw Tristan waiting for her in front of Cole's VIP room smiling at her as if he caught her doing something that she's not allowed to do. She rolled her eyes knowing full well what he's thinking. Ignoring his teasing gaze, she enter the room only to see Caleb checking on his vital and progress.

'Either they're checking on him or they're having fun spying on her.' She grumbles in her heart. She shot a glare to Derek who seem to be avoiding her gaze. The culprit. Tsk.

"No need to be shy around us. It seems like our little sister's heart got stolen during those years." Tristan start to taunt her ignoring the laying person on the bed. She scrunched her eyebrow together pondering what Tristan meant. She knew she's been feeling different towards Cole but to the point she got her heart stolen is out of question. Or so she thought.

"What are you doing here Tristan? Too much of leisure time back in the underworld?" She asked lazily. Wanting to change the topic especially heart matters. She haven't got her own conclusion to her own confused heart.

"Thanks to someone, i can finally took my time off. Letting that guy taste the feeling of standing so high when the throne doesn't fit. It's been a while i had entertainment. Let him play for a while before i crush him to dust." Tristan had a sinister on his eyes whenever he thought a certain someone just love to challenge the Demon King.

Aurora just nod her head but her gaze is still on Cole. Watching if there's any movement from his side.

"I heard from the rest you'll be taking over Infinite Corporation next week. Won't you be busy?" Caleb says after he's done checking what needs to be check.

"I was hoping i wouldn't have to. Hoping he'll wake up before next week." Aurora let out a sigh before she move to sit on the sofa near the bed with the rest of them. Making the room as their small discussion room without giving any consideration to the one who's laying on the bed.

"Tough luck. He's still in his dreamland. There's nothing wrong with anything else. It's probably just his will to live is fading. Let's just pray he won't give up on his life." Caleb gave his opinion.

"I should have put a curse on him." She mumble feeling annoyed. Why would Cole lost his will to live? It's not like he's dealing with all the slandering and ugly gossip for the past three years.

"Pfffttt... I thought you like him. A tiny bit. If not, you wouldn't come to see him every night. Maybe you should talk to him from time to time. Who knows after hearing your alluring voice he'll wake up." Tristan grinned only to be shot deathly glare from Aurora. The temperature drops in just a matter of seconds.

"Stop freezing us to death. You'll affect him too. Regarding you taking over Infinite Corporation, i think you let Zeus do it. I'm more worried about you. You're going to tire yourself and overworked yourself. It will trigger your..." Caleb said in concern.

"I'll be fine. I just want to this for him. I saw the work that he's done and how he lead the company to success. Without getting his hand dirty, he mainly believe everything will turn out to be good. Even if his grandfather who done the wrong but he's unlike his grandfather back then. That's why i decided to help him out. Hold his position until he wakes up. And with that someone messing with two of my brothers, there's no way i'll be nice. Don't worry. I won't overworked myself. I know my limit. Besides, don't i have you?" Aurora cuts in. Unwilling to hear anymore about her own incurable sickness. The sickness that are cause by devil in human form.

"Yeah. You have me. And all of us." Caleb rub her head dotingly.

"Ahhh!!! His fingers just move." Derek shouts. Startling the people inside the room. All four of them rush towards the bed and Caleb use his doctor's tool to check if there is any other movement. Others are waiting for some positive news only to be disappointed when Caleb just shook his head.

"Probably just a false alarm. His pulse is still the same." He said.

"I really think you should talk to him in case he can hear you." Tristan still want to go through with his theory but once again got ignore by Aurora. He rolled his eyes but he knows she'll do it someday.