Taking over

In Infinite Corporation building every workers seem anxious about the new temporary CEO who took over the company. No one seem to know who is the new CEO nor the face. In fact when their manager were called to the meeting, they still couldn't get anything from them. Except that they were asked to be careful of the new CEO. Some of the manager were fired immediately for daring to oppose the new CEO. And they were escort by a guards when they left. It seems like the new CEO is not someone who can be looked down upon. While some other workers rejoice when the managers whom were fired is someone who's not qualified to be one. Only being in the position due to personal relationship with the higher up. Now that the company is going through total clean up things are going to be bright from now on.

Sitting behind the desk, Aurora have been going through a lot of paperwork that are piling up on the desk. It was Cole's office and she doesn't have any intention on changing the design. She can easily adapt with the current place. She's been in the office since dawn sorting out the things and had a meeting with all the managers the moment they start working, placing some rules, firing people and now she's been frowning over some accounts report. It's been a hectic morning for her. She refuse to have grand welcoming entrance thus why she's been here in the office before anyone else in. Derek who have been by her side looking worried since she haven't had her breakfast and now her pale face is making him annoyed. If it wasn't for some foolish manager who decided to oppose her on her first day and daring to make smooth procedure into chaos, Aurora wouldn't overexerted herself. Thankfully Aurora had plan B to encounter all of the problematic workers. He can't help but to curse Cole for keeping such employee in his company. It's a no wonder when he falls into company the sturdy company can easily be taken down due to them.

"Aurora, you should eat first. You haven't had anything at all since the break of dawn." Derek who's looking quite restless while holding onto the food that he packed from home hoping she would listen to him. Otherwise he will have to call Caleb or Tristan to deal with her. Among other brothers. Aurora only choose to listen to those two. One is a doctor. And one who have been with her the longest. Aurora looked up from the endless report and at the same time massaging her sore neck.

"Yeah. Let's eat first. This whole thing is just child's play." Having a successful and powerful company she had a gist on what's going on in Infinite Corporation. It's just like Zeus says. Divided into three factions. Mason's group, William's and Cole's. It all comes from one thing. Money and power. The greater their money and power are, the better chances for them to win. But their opponent is not some newbies nor someone with revenge motive. They're facing Aurora. And for her, it's mainly something that she sees everyday during her early years starting a company. It's simple yet irritating.

Aurora is still having her breakfast with Derek inside the office when the telephone rang. She frowned and Derek went to pick up the call could not help but curse. After a couple of seconds he hung up and look grim.

"They're in the meeting room." He announced.

"Oh... I don't remember calling them. Decline." Aurora ordered. Huh, she's not someone they can easily meet.

Derek happily inform the secretary before continuing with their breakfast.

In the meeting room, all of the shareholders came as soon as they heard someone is occupying the CEO's seat without their consent. They request for a meeting with the new CEO however after hearing what the secretary says, they faces turn ugly.

"Daring to decline to have a meeting with us? What sort of sorcery is this?"

"This is outrageous!!!"

"The company won't survive is all of us pull out from this company."

"Who's the one that dare to belittle us?"

Everyone in the room release their anger and shows their annoyance. Mr Wayne who's in the same room couldn't help but wipe sweat on his forehead. While William who's watching from the side is frowning. Wondering who's this new CEO that dares to challenge the shareholders. Mason who was livid when he heard Mr Wayne found someone to temporarily take over the company somehow felt please hearing the insults and complaint from the shareholders. Taking this opportunity he decided to add oil to the fire.

"It truly is unheard of. We can't rely this company to a person who doesn't know any respect around the company. And i heard the new CEO fires almost all of the managers and replacing with a new one. The new CEO is truly acting without caring about our point of view. This matter cannot be resolve just like this." Mason said in grievances.

"I agree. Mr Wayne, i know you think you might have found the perfect person to take over this company. But this act is not showing us face at all. What's the point of us still investing in this company." Mr Johnson added and clearly support Mason on this matter. Others who are on Mason side also voice out their discontentment.

"But this is just the new CEO's first day. We should give it a chance." William who's been silent for a while finally spoke up. In accordance, others who are in the same camp as William also agree with William. Mr Wayne look up at William feeling grateful.

But no one truly knows what William is thinking at the moment. To agree doesn't mean one has to follow through. William snickers. While Mason openly glare at William for trying to gain more 'believers' to his side.