You don't have a choice

Mason who was smiling widely inside his office couldn't wait the moment that the company will receive a certain 'visitor'. It won't be long and that position will be his. Except that he didn't calculate Cole's arrival at the company at this moment. He was still in the middle of drinking his wine when his own secretary inform him about the arrival of Cole and he's on his way to his own office. Mason was flustered when he heard it. He immediately got up and headed towards the highest floor. He couldn't figure out why and how it happen. Shouldn't he still be in coma? And don't people who are in coma took a long time to wake up? What about the temporary CEO? Until now he never did manage to find anything about that new temporary CEO. If Cole is in the office right now, then his plan would still be in motion. Just the target is different. Catching Cole is better than the temporary CEO. At least he could get rid of Cole straight away.

Cole arrive in his own office. Looking around as if he could see the image of Aurora sitting on his chair and working on his behalf. The desk looks empty as his own secretary brief that the temporary CEO manage to settle most of his work. He nods his head and took a seat. Not long Mason and William arrive at his office and he let his secretary to bring them to the meeting room. The other shareholders are there including his grandfather. He just let them for him until he finally receive something from someone. He knew it's from Aurora but he doesn't have the time to ask her whereabouts yet. He need to sort out the problems and headed towards the meeting room. Wearing a stoic and cold he enter as the new person.

A few hours later, Mason who was entering the meeting smiling widely before can now be seen shouting in anger with two other person holding onto him. His plan has failed when it backfired. But how did Cole got onto it the moment he woke up? Is it because of the temporary CEO? Just who was it that dare to plot against him? All the evidence that were shown inside the meeting room all related to him. He could no longer plead for himself. As soon as he saw Cole going out from the meeting room along with other shareholders, he broke free from the two person who was tugging at him. He got onto his knees, pleading for Cole to help him.

"You can't do this to me. I'm your cousin. We're blood related." Mason plead. Cole only look at him coldly.

"You don't have a choice." He left without turning back after saying those words. Leaving Mason who's lost his will to live. It's meaningless. He's going to spend his time in prison. And if Cole decided to sue him regarding the accident, he might as well spend his lifetime there. He have to warn Elaine about this. But he couldn't do a thing when he was grab again and his phone got confiscated. William who was watching the entire silently from the side only smile thinly.

'It seem the one who became temporary CEO cannot be underestimated. Things will get interested if i could take the temporary CEO to be my person.'