I want to sleep

Dealing with Mason is only the beginning. Apparently he still have a long way to go to take William down. As far as he can see while they were in meeting room, he could guess most of the shareholders are leaning towards William. With his short talk but demanding, he could easily sway their point of view. It looked like William was doing him a big favor. If it weren't for his wife little advice, he would believe it also. He's definitely someone who will not act brazenly like Mason. He's good in grasping every opportunity to gain more trust on his side. In the past, Cole would have let it happen since he doesn't see the meaning of getting higher position nor keeping it. But now that he needed it to find his wife, he will do whatever it takes to stop William from advancing forward. Remembering his wife, he feel helpless. He almost let go someone as brilliant as her. He should have woke up earlier. Than he could keep her by his side. And he would protect her with all his life. Until he can stand up for himself and make himself stronger, than he would be brave enough to face her. He just hope it won't be too late. The necklace that she left along with his and her wedding ring is now worn on his neck. Holding onto it once in a while before he continue with his work.

Back at Aurora's private island, all of Decemvirate gather together inside the house. Caleb who's keeping a watch on Aurora never left her side. Aurora who's face no longer holds that cherry blossom colour on her cheek could be seen writhing in pain every now and then. Other times she would throw out a mouthful of dark red blood. And other times it's as if she was sleeping while trying to gain her energy. This time they don't know how long the poison attack her. Caleb was getting restless as he conduct another batch of antidote but it was to no avail. Sitting by the bed, Aurora who's still looking pale refuse to rest when the attack subsides a little. Caleb took this time to draw out her blood and went back to do some research. In hoping he can finally create the right antidote. It was a pain watching the bruise arm but he doesn't have a choice.

"How's he?" She asked feeling drained. It's even harder for her to utter those question. But she wanted to know what happen to him. Despite everyone's disapproval, she still wanted to care for him even from far.

"Hush now. Take a rest." Tristan reprimanded.

"Tristan...cough,cough..." Aurora took a deep breathe after coughing so hard. She can feel another wave of blood rousing from her internal. Another heavy cough, the dark red blood sputtering out. Making another mess for her shirt.

"Aurora, stop worrying. He's fine. Don't you have us? We'll take care of him even if we don't like him." Harrison shows his soft side. Something that's not for anyone to see. Hearing Harrison utter those word, she could not help but smile.

"I won't worry then. I'm tired Tristan. Will Caleb let me sleep?" She turn to Tristan who's now holding onto his sadness. Although the redness from his eyes betray his stoic but he still refuse to show her that.

"No. He won't. Didn't you say you still have other matter to sort out? What will happen to us if William do manage to take our place? Will you really let that happen? Don't you care about us anymore?" Tristan sound harsh but everyone knows he's just venting his frustration. As well as theirs.

"Aurora, what do you want me to tell my brother? He's looking for you. He'll beat to death to get your whereabouts. You don't want to protect your brother anymore?" Carl wanted to remind her of Cole so that she can still fight the pain.

Aurora could only smile widely. She wanted to say more. But it's taking a lot of her energy to say more.

"You don't need to say anything. We know what you wanted to say." Zeus who was looking from the side spoke up. He can see she was struggling to say something but he doesn't want her to use too much energy for her to utter the words. They know it eventually. They saw it from her eyes. Aurora blink. Another heavy cough distorting the situation. They all shout for Caleb seeing her state is getting worse again. Caleb rushed to her side and check her pulse as well as the machine. His face doesn't look good. It was as if nothing is working for her any longer. She's now having a hard time to breathe and he had to put on oxygen mask for her. In her daze state, she look at each of the important person in front of her are hiding their feelings. She still held onto her smile.

"Caleb,,,i want to sleep." Despite everyone's disagreement she let herself drift off in darkness. Unable to hear their protest and their anger. If she do wake up again, she won't let Cole see her in this state. She'll let him go. It's enough for her brothers to be in pain for her. No one else.