Their fate

After a whole day of endless meeting, P.A Dom and Cole have move to another hotel that's located near the sea. Since they have two more days until the Multinational annual dinner, Cole decided to let P.A Dom to enjoy his time while they were there. It was mainly because P.A Dom bring the wrong document that needed to go through and needed his attention. Realizing how he's been torturing P.A Dom, he let him off with a warning. Alone in the hotel room, his eyes are gazing towards the sea before he took his jacket and headed towards the beach. Mainly for calming his mind. It has been a mess when he saw Aurora back then at the airport. He ordered his men to look for her whereabouts and the place that she headed but it all turn into devastating news. It's nothing usual but that frustration to not be able to hold her in his arm and to know where she is, will never change. The pain still felt fresh.

Was it not enough Aurora?

All those two years he spent on looking for her while cursing himself for being blinded. His family never bother to ask how he's doing nor care. The only person who cares is his grandfather. But all of that seem useless when he found out the real culprit is his own grandfather. The spy that he put around William and his grandfather lead him feeling more painful. To be exact, he's tired. Being alone, fighting for something that doesn't belong to his. But that doesn't mean he's giving up on the company. He worked his whole life there and had it to this point. He lost the person he loves the most. There's no way he's going to let it go. Since his own family decided to cast him out then he will not care. That include his grandfather. Thinking how he wasted his years on stupid childhood love and the 'love' from his grandfather only to be betrayed, there is no way he's going to live his life fairly. If in the past he naively forgive and forget, this time he will do anything he can to protect everything he love and cherish. And that is Aurora. To do that, he must ask forgiveness from Aurora. Only with her by his side, he feels like his life is worthy.

Unknowingly while his mind was full of thoughts, he enter the private beach under the watchful eyes of countless bodyguard. Usually those bodyguard would prevent the public to enter there. Today, it was different. They let Cole pass and close off the entrance by Tristan's order. Coincidentally, he was checking out with the bodyguard, patrolling the area and he happen to see Cole who's been absentminded walking around the beach. He ordered the men to stand down since this is such a rare chance and he consider it as Aurora's and Cole's fate. Tristan asked Derek about Aurora's whereabouts. When Derek replied he gave a wide grin while his eyes are staring at Cole who's headed towards the rocky area. He told Derek to let Cole pass and watch from far.

"Aurora, i'm doing this for you. You've helped us a number of times and this time let us give you the person that's in your heart. Cole, you better had a good line to say." Tristan mumble ignoring his men who was looking surprised.

Cole still walking mindlessly until he met a rocky place where he decided to climb up and sat there. The moment he got up, he was surprised to see the amazing view from the rock. He chose a perfect rock to sit on and just sit there staring at the view. It was almost sunset. And the sky has turn orange with a hint of blue. It would be perfect if he was with her. To watch this view together with her and to grow old together with her. Whatever he have now is all for her. To prove that he's good enough for her. Remembering how she turn away from him at the airport, he knew she haven't forgive him. He knew he failed her for that three years. To see her again would be a dream come true and also a nightmare when she ran away. He sighed and let himself drown into the beautiful but sad view. He didn't realize he's not the only who's there. Aurora who saw him climbing up the rock and sat there looking depressed in his own world just stood not far behind him. She was surprised to see him here of all places. And it's her private beach where it's close to the public. Heavily guarded by Tristan's men. She decided not to think further about the lack of security as she watched him looking more downcast. Her heart wrench in pain. Unconsciously, her leg move on its own. As if following the buried feeling inside her heart. Another three more steps towards Cole, she suddenly stop when she heard him calling her name. She was stunned as if he knew she was there. She was about to get angry when he heard his next sentence. Without any second thoughts, she threw herself towards him and hugged him from behind.