The one

In his own desolate world, he ignore everyone and anything around him. Not knowing he was being watch. He look toward the vast ocean and towards the orange sky. All the bitter feeling, all his frustration just burst out. Seeing the view in front, habitually he would see the image of Aurora smiling at him.

"Aurora." He called out gently.

"Do you still hate and blame me Aurora? It was so hard without you by my side Aurora. If only you could wait for me to wake up that day, i will tell you your first husband's advice. Probably i won't lose you and we will still be together to this day. To watch the sunset like this and to hold our hand just like you always do when you talk to me during those two weeks. Those two weeks has been the best and happiest weeks of my life to hear you talking to me. To hear you wife's advice. You're right Aurora. I was blind and a fool. Everyone i ever love has betrayed me including my grandfather. I have no one else Aurora except you. But to know you haven't forgive me until now, it hurts me more. Aurora, if one day i ever find you. Will you take this blind, fool and lonely man to be your husband again?" After saying that, his calm and cool composure broke off when the tears that he kept for so long rolled out from his eyes. The stuffiness inside his suffocated heart finally burst out and kill off his manly image. The frustration and anger that he's been holding ever since he found out the truth is unbearable. It was at that moment when suddenly he was hugged from behind. More like someone threw herself towards him and hug him from behind almost causing him to fall off from the rock. If it wasn't for his fast reflex to stabilize himself they would definitely fall towards the ocean. His body stiffened and quickly he tried to pry off the hand that's hugging him tightly. However the moment he hold onto that pair of hands, he stopped. He recognize the hand. The small and fragile hand who's been holding onto his for that past two weeks. The last time she held onto his hand it was cold. Now it's warm. He clasped his hand at hers tightly when he finally notice the small sobbing and some wetness behind him. He wanted to call out her name like he usually do in his conscious mind. But somehow it got stuck at his throat when he was reminded at the airport scene and also at the hospital last two years. He kept holding onto her hand telling himself it's real and not a dream. The one behind him is Aurora. Aurora. The name, the one who's been inside his heart. The one he never notice until she was gone. The one he gave up due to his own foolishness. He didn't know how long they were like that but he feels complete. Without any warning, he turn around and saw her crying face. The face that he longed to see has turn red and wet from crying. He didn't notice his tears are flowing until she took her hand and wipe the tears around his eye. He wanted to say something, anything and ask for forgiveness but he still couldn't get the word out. He ended up hugging her tightly. Letting his head lean onto her shoulder. Sniffing her scent near her neck. Ignoring the wet tears that kept on falling. If it was a dream he will curse his own fate for playing such a cruel trick on him when he woke up. And if it was real he hope it will last until the day they got old. Until they were left with bones. He wanted it be true. He really wanted it to be true.

"If this is a dream, don't let me wake dear God. Just let me sleep and be with her." He said out loud. Aurora who heard him saying that realize Cole is still in his own world. She look to her shoulder right where his head is and whisper to his ear.

"A wife's advice. A wife will always forgive her husband no matter what. Does my foolish, blind and lonely husband forgive himself?" She whispered making Cole stiffened his body and hugged her tightly. Since he can't say anything more, he just nodded his head and kept on embracing her for quite a while.