'Girls talk'

It was one hectic night. Leaving no one behind, all the possible threat has been removed. From that night onward, the Wayne family vanished from the country. No one ever seen them nor heard from them ever again. They were easily forgotten. As for the company, they only know Cole as their CEO and unrelated with the Wayne family. The company continue to strive and made its position even sturdier than before.

And to add along with the good news, Aurora is no longer in danger as it seems the antidote works perfectly. Although the toxic poison is still there but as long as Aurora eat the antidote the next time the attack happen, it will be clear. She will be free from the poison that has been torturing her ever since she was small. Which is a great news for everyone. Right now, Cole is bringing Aurora to another house followed by her brothers. Since the previous house are easily broken into, Cole chose another location for Aurora to recuperate properly. Caleb also insist on discharging himself from the hospital. According to him, he's responsible on seeing Aurora back in good health. Easier for him to monitor Aurora's condition as well.

"Caleb, do you think it's fine for me to have babies right now?" After a week of the chaotic night, Aurora who is still being confine by Cole is sitting at the dining table eating her lunch. Caleb and Derek who seated with her froze when they both heard her question. Derek cough awkwardly while Caleb is trying to answer her question.

"What do you mean?" Caleb try to probe further. He drank water when suddenly he feels his throat got dry.

"Will the poison passed down to my babies if the poison is still inside my body? Or do i have to wait for the poison to be completely gone before i could have sex with my husband?" She asked innocently. Leaving Caleb spurt out the water that he drank. He was coughing so badly and Derek start to slowly remove himself from the table. Aurora didn't notice their uneasiness as her mind was elsewhere and she kept stabbing the food in her plate.

Caleb try to take a deep breath and calm himself. He knows Aurora can be blunt but talking Aurora about this type of matters is not something he's comfortable to discuss with. If it was their brothers, he didn't mind at all. They're men and it's like the most common topic to talk about asides from their personal interest. Now that Aurora is treating him for some 'girl talk' he had to choose his word carefully. He cleared his throat as he prepare to answer her question.

"According to the poison in your body, it won't affect your womb. But because you need to eat that final antidote and waited for the attack to happen, i suggest it is best to wait for the poison to be completely expel from your body. You do realize the antidote is quite strong. If the attack during your pregnancy, you might lose the baby. But you can start by wearing protection." He had to add that one last bit of info when he saw her face turn gloomier.

Aurora who heard his last sentence start to perk up her head and shows a gleeful smile. Caleb sigh with relief. He better get out of here as to avoid having this kind of 'girl's talk' again. He cursed Derek for leaving him behind. Afraid Aurora will ask more question, he quickly finish his meal and took off as fast as lightning. Aurora who seem to be lost in her own world, didn't notice that she was all alone at the dining table.

This was the scene that Cole saw when he enter the house. Only to find Aurora alone at the dining table and her hand kept on stabbing what seems like her lunch. he frowned. He leaned his body at her and kisses her head before making his way to the seat next to her. He took the plate from her recklessly stabbing and grab onto her hand.

"What are you thinking?" He asked when she kept on staring at him without saying another word. She still kept quiet but she leaned her head forward and letting her other hand supported her head. They were so close and he couldn't resist kissing her red, rosy lips. It was enticing.

"Caleb said we can have sex as long as you wear protection." She said as soon as their lips parted. He froze. Of course he knows it too. He asked Caleb before but he didn't inform it to her. It's not like he didn't want to but he's not confident with the so-called protection. What if there's 'accident'? He didn't dare to take that kind of risk. Which is why he kept on having his cold shower whenever she's asleep.

"This..." He took a moment to think.

"You don't love me? Is that why you don't want to have sex with me? Is it because you found someone else?" She interrupted. She was feeling anxious when he took a long time to answer her. Her head start to give negative thoughts when she saw he was hesitant about it. Her heart sank.

"Honey,,," Once again he got cut off.

"Never mind. You can assume i didn't say anything. I'm going to the bathroom." She stood up leaving him unable to explain anything from his side. He was speechless. Recovered from his daze, he stood up and chase after his wife. The only reason she would act this way is because her poison start to attack. This is one of the sign. He called out Caleb's name and they both rush towards the bathroom. True to his thoughts, they found her sprawling on the bedroom floor in front of the bathroom door looking pale. Immediately Caleb gave her the last antidote that she needed to take and not long, she cough out the dark black blood from her mouth. She kept on puking and spurting out the blood until it turn to normal red colour blood. She fainted from the loss of energy but both Cole and Caleb felt relief seeing those last black blood coming out from her body. It can only mean one thing, she's safe.