Stringy Situation

All Tanya heard was the crumbling of rocks beneath her feet and the stench of rotting flesh consumed her nostrils. She was a level 6 in a dungeon fit for level 20's. This was basically a suicide mission, the guild only told her it was a high level dungeon, a solo mission and a gold mine of rewards, loot and gems, oh how wrong they were. It was a fortress 4 legged snares and other 'basic low levelled' monsters such as slime, she had no idea what the king of the dungeon was or even what breed it was.

Tanya froze as she felt a presence lurking among the shadows behind her."Ignis!" she yelled with fake confidence. A gush of yellow flames escaped through the orb positioned at the end of her staff. It illuminated the path as it flew through the air, she gulped.

"Oh. My. God" were the words that scarcely managed to even fall out her pale, pink lips. Snares hung and seemed to drip off the ceiling. Their twig like legs bent backwards and their heads were harshly mutilated.

"One, two…Three… four, I can't even count them. Level 15 at least" she said shakily as her mouth chattered in fear. "Worth a shot." She mumbled in attempt to shake off the dwelling fear within as she knew that once in a dungeon there's no leaving it until the king was dead. "Concentration!" A small magic circle appeared beneath her emitting a purple light. Text saying "+50 mana" popped up infront of her, "let's do this" she murmured to herself.

"Explosion!" Orbs of an orange colour threw themselves out of her wooden staff, small explosions boomed and rocked the cave, loose boulders crashed to the ground crushing the mobs below . As the snares fell off the roof of the dungeon they quickly scuttled to their feet and launched themselves towards Tanya in a fast, spider-like manner. She screamed in fear and attempted to cast another spell "Frost Storm!" The ends of her golden hair swiftly blew back and froze at the tips and her blue frilly robes were now coated with a layer of snow. Webs that originally hung for rock to rock were now solid ice and the snares were now bound to the floor with snow and glaciers. She let out a sigh of relief but shivered due to the intense cold which now filled the room. "Nicely done, time for some crystal mining!" she said to herself with her priceless white smile, she travelled on through the twists and turns of the dungeon collecting small fragments dranarium on the way, they sold for a high price back at the tavern and she needed the cash for some decent gear plus the beautiful shine of blue and yellow shine which emitted from the crystal fascinated her.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of banging and crashing behind her made Tanya freeze as she headed towards the next cluster of precious crystal, "what the hell? Ughh, what is that smell" Tanya quickly covered her nose and gipped at the scent, the stench wreaked of death and decay, the smell was followed by an aggressive growl that came from the second and last room of the dungeon, Tanya winced at the thought of what could be resting there, whatever it was it wasn't resting anymore and it sounded pissed.

Dust flowed out of the cracks of the ceiling as the ground shook. The growl came closer and closer until she felt a large gust of warm air smack the back of her neck and the smell of flesh quickly hit her in the face. The beast growled and her hair blew forward, she slowly turned around to be met by 6 eyes and 2 fangs dripping in a green, slimy substance. Her worst nightmare an over grown bug which could most likely rip her head off in one bite. It creeped closer as Tanya remained paralyzed in one position, rattling with fear. Her purple eyes wide with shock and disbelief, her words and enchantments couldn't even pass her teeth or even make it out of her vocal cords…