Round 2

She let out a small squeal as the hair on her back stood on ends, it's legs were chunky and a layer of spiky hairs covered it's body. It's breath wreaked of death and its wasp-like wings were torn to shreds and punctured with large holes. It's head was huge, fangs seemed to grow out of its mouth and it's 6 eyes glared at me menacingly. "Holy shit" she blurted out quietly. It roared violently and green goo covered Tanya's pale face, she froze as it quickly gripped her arm with brute force and tossed her harshly across the cave. She hit the wall with a loud thud. She gasped for air as blood trickled down her head, eyes wide she tried to get back to her feet. First foot. Second fo-. Bang! Before her second foot even reached the floor the beast charged into her with the force of a herd of elephants, red liquid broke free from her now stained lips. She let of a yelp of agony as her back slid against the wall of the cave, splinters of rocks and stone pierced her flesh. "I didn't stand a chance to start with did I?" A small tear appeared on her cheek and made quick work of fusing with the blood on her face.

Her staff fell to the ground followed by her limp body, blood poured out of every wound she endured, her black hair was now soaked by the crimson dye. Yet the beast stood there, not a single mark scathed it's insect like features. Tanya's eyes dulled as the life slowly drained from her body and her warmth left her mangled corpse , "I don't want to die, not here, not like this" she thought "I'm scared" she sobbed as a final tear left her. The world around her turned black for hours and Tanya spent most of that sobbing, begging and screaming for another chance. She fought for her consciousness to come back to her but her pleads were futile.

Suddenly a notification popped up before her.

'- Achievement unlocked: Will of a Queen!'

'Do you wish to accept the reward?'

"Uhmmm sure?" She strained, her voice was raspy due to the intensity of her cries, it quietly echoed throughout the large black space.

- Obtained: Orb of Esprit

Ables the user to be revived.

"What? I didn't even know an item like this could exist?" She said shocked by her discovery, "Inventory!" She tapped away at her inventory screen anxious to use this strange item and summoned the orb, as soon as the green ball touched her hand a wave of colour burst out of her chest. Above her was the serenity of a blue sky filled with clouds, she quickly covered her eyes to shield herself from the light. Her wounds evaporated like water, it stung a little but the agonising pain was gone, her bones were mended and nothing but scars remained.

Tap. Tap.

Tanya felt a light tap on her shoulders, stunned she quickly turned her head to see a figure with a warming smile and beautiful eyes, one the colour of the sun and the other has the burning colour of red. She relaxed as she stood there in awe gazing upon this divine being.

"Good afternoon. Tanya Hart." Her voice was oddly soothing and melodic. Tanya gave a small smile and waved awkwardly.

"Hello" Tanya replied puzzled.

"You sound confused, have you forgotten you summoned me already?" The woman said giggling like a small child.


"Yes summoned, I answered your pleads, now I'm here to give you a second chance, I am Alaina, the being of life."

"Why me though?" She furrowed her brows and rubbed the back of her head.

"You have potential, Miss Hart. Now go, I'm sure you don't want to be bashed around like a child toy again." Alaina laughed and jumped back, fading away like dust, leaving Tanya confused by what she just witnessed.


This chapter was rushed out, I apologize as I have an art exam on Wednesday which I have to prepare for, chapter 3 will be much better.

   🌸  Sincere apologies Tia 🌸