The Master Of The Beast

Tanya's eyes were the same colour as the shadow and gradually it drained from her. A gust of wind smacked the back of Tanya's back sending her robes flying forward, flapping in the wind, a loud shriek shook the ground and a large thud followed it. She swiftly turned around to see a wyvern with a knight riding on its scaly back. Horns came out of its head and it's eyes glowed a ruby red colour, it's wings were spiked and a huge claw poked out of the tip.

"You are under arrest!" The knight exclaimed in a deep jagged voice.

"What for? I didn't do anything, I don't even know what happened?" Tears still fell down her cheeks.

"Tell that to a guild full of casualties, you must be the cause, look around you! How are you and only you survived, unburnt."

"I don't know!" Tanya broke down into a fit of tears, punching the ground. The whole city watched from a distance.

"Missy come with me, if not we will use force" the knight commanded, refering to himself and the wyvern.

"I refuse to atone for sins I did not commit" Tanya lifted her head and glared at the knight, the colour began to slowly drip back into her eyes as she clenched her fist.

"Fair enough" the knight raised his voice "Burst!" He shouted. The wyvern didn't move, Tanya was glaring at the beast, eyes burning brighter than ever. The wyvern slowly treaded backwards, fearful of Tanya's next move. "I said burst!" The knight kicked the scaly being, "fucking thing!" Tanya smirked, tears still dripping down her pale cheeks, "that's no way to treat a work friend, is it now?" She tilted her head as maniacal smile spread across her face, her raven hair began to float upwards as if she was under water. A green aura emitted from her violently.

The knight stuttered "what are you?" His eyes widening at the sight of what appeared to be a demon in Tanya's body.

"Your worst nightmare, a wolf in sheep's clothing, a demon, etc" she said giggling to herself.

"Burst, BURST!" The knight panicked but the wyvern didn't move, instead lowered its head remaining full eye contact with 'Tanya'. "Wha-What are you doing?… STORMWING PLEASE!" The knight begged and pleaded… No reaction.

"Stormwing? I like it, Stormwing… Burst!"

Without a moment to spare the wyvern shook it's huge body, flinging the knight off of him. He glared aggressively and an eruption of flames burst out of his mouth, the Knights screams could be heard across the country as flames devoured his body, "Good boy" she said walking towards him with a small grin on her face and cold gold and red eyes. She stroked his snout, "good boy" she said softly, the Knights screams and pleads could still be heard in the background.