A Peaceful Flight

Four days had passed since that event, Tanya laid sprawled out on the back of Stormwing as he gracefully glided across the sky, each flap of his grey wings tore through the air like butter. She had no idea where he was taking her and they did occasional stops for food and water. The scenario of her and that poor knight replayed in her mind like crazy, she couldn't understand, she was in control but at the same time she wasn't. What was that beast? Who is Alaina? Why do I keep losing control? All these questions and no answers, the only thing she knew was that she was a bomb, one wrong move and she could fire off like a canon- destroying everything in her path. She couldn't go back to the city, not now.

"Stormwing, where are you taking me?" She murmured exhausted from the intense thoughts rampaging in her head, she knew he couldn't reply, but he's all the company she had at this moment in time. He snorted and shook his head. "What's that supposed to mean then?" She smiled a little and turned her head closing her eyes. Stormwing quickly took a sharp turn as he dived towards a nearby forest and did a rather elegant barrel roll, Tanya gasped as her she looked up the ground was almost facing her. "Hey! Hey! Hold up, what are you doing?" Tanya panicked and gripped his neck tightly, eyes taped shut as the air rushed past them. As he got closer to the ground his wings extended fully and and updraft slowed them down instantly, the size of him was insane as his wings flapped uncontrollably in the wind and strangely enough they made a soft landing to the forest floor. Stormwing threw his huge head backwards and let out a strange growl of a laugh, "real funny…" Tanya said lifting her head off of his scales and rubbing the back of his neck. She giggled for the first time in days as she slid down his wings and two feet hit the ground.

Stormwing ran ahead through the forest, stomping on bushes and twigs as he pounced from point to point. "Stormwing wait up!" She shouted he heard her and stopped but just like a puppy his tongue hung out and his tail seemed to be wagging. "What the hell has gotten into you?" Tanya furrowed her brows and he sat there with his front legs tapping the ground, left then right. "Why so impatient?" She laughed as he darted off again into the forest, if it was any other creature she would have lost it but the sound of his giddy pants could be heard across the forest and his footprints carved the ground like granite. "Hey, stormy could yo- you slow down?" She stammered as she struggled to catch her breath, Stormwing quickly stopped at a sudden hault and looked up as his tail swung side-to-side. Tanya finally caught up. "You misted are a pain, you constantly dart off without warning and it's almost impossible to catc- woaaah!" She was rambling on until she too looked up and up above was a beautiful sight.