A Cosy Refuge

Wyverns jumped and flew from tree to tree and furlos of all breeds lived up in tree houses above. Vines dangled down like decor and a waterfall tripped off a near cliff, it was an oasis and a refuge. The green Moss laced around every tree and flowers grew out of every crack and crevice the sunlight touched. Tanya glared in amazement as the sound of birds and the oddly serene calls of wyverns filled her head. She had finally found refuge. "Stormwing… is this where you live?" Stormwing replied with a subtle nod and the strange attempt of a smile, he pounced to a nearby rock as roared almost as if he was announcing his arrival. Suddenly he began to glow a vivid blue and he started to shriek once again, the blue light got smaller and smaller until it was the size of a small housecat. Once the blue light vanished all that was left was a tiny, scaly lizard. "What the hell! You could have done that the entire time? Although you are alot less scary like this…" Tanya stood in awe at the tiny, winged lizard. The people turned their head and smile, some waved and others gave a friendly nod towards him. "You must be popular, it's either that or some kind of God" Tanya giggled and walked along the rocky pathway, Stormwing just let out a proud snort.

A few shops and merchant stalls were dropped here and there and she saw a guild board up ahead. A perfect chance to understand this new, strange power. But first and foremost, she needed rest, bags drooped from under her eyes and her stomach growled louder than that of a dragon. She gripped her staff tightly as she was anxious to figure out the next step on her adventure. A post stuck out the ground like a sore thumb which conveniently had locations and names pointing in every direction, "Food hall, Tiger Tooth guild, Carlis Inn…" She sighed not knowing where would have sold the best foods and goods, she felt the need for an upgrade as her robes were tatty and seemed to wilt away, her damage was even low for a level 6 and the stick- a magic stick seemed to be incredibly low on magical energy.

"Stormwing, you hungry?" She asked walking towards the Carlis Inn. The sun was getting low and the vines held lights on each pathway, illuminating every street. Chatter from the huts above seemed to give the atmosphere a warm, cosy touch. Stormwing hung his tongue out like a dog and nodded frantically. "Alright bud let's go grab a bite, we haven't eaten properly all week plus I'm borderline malnourished after a couple days. Also are we not going to talk about the fact you are now a mini wyvern?" She smiled and continued the small talk.

They headed down the road, passing all different breed of furlo, one had the traits of a wyvern which almost seemed to mirror the personality of Stormwing, her tail however had a pink tone to it and horns sprouted from her head.

After a few minutes of admiring all and every trait of each person passing by Tanya arrived at a creaky almost decayed door, this also seemed to be consumed by the forest. A small sign hung out of the building 'Carlis Inn'. "I hope something is edible in here or someone's leg will have to do,maybe their child, who knows?" Stormwing paused in his tracks and stared in shock at her, then shook his head. "What too dark for ya?" She laughed innocently and shrugged her shoulders sarcastically. Stormwing grinned and shook his head once again.

The inn had dull lighting adding to the mellow atmosphere and the scent of delicious food which didn't hesitate ravishing her nose. Tanya quickly wiped away the slaiva which attempted to escape her lips. She wasted no time getting to the front desk and ordering 2 large portions of steak.