Advancing to the Final





The keeper could only stand motionless as the football whizzed past his trembling hands into the top corner of the now ruffling net. SIlence pursued until the football wonderkid who was the criminal of the act started to throw his hands up and started to cheer louder than any of the fans have ever heard before.

"YEAHHHHH!!!" screamed Julian as he raced towards the fan section of the gigantic Old Trafford stadium, igniting his teammates to join his enthusiastic display of happiness for scoring the winning goal.

Crowds of cheering erupted from the stadium as all the fans, ballboys, cameramen, chefs, and even cleaners burst into faces of happiness after seeing their young talent scoring the winning goal to progress to the finals of the preseason tournament, and whilst it may not be considered an amazing feat or something to cry about, it was still enticing for fans to see what was in store for the Man United team this season.

Julian raced into a horde of Man United fans with his teammates as they hugged them and started chanting:





At this moment, if one were to take a picture of this beautiful scene of passion between fans and players, it would seem as if this was Julian's happiest moment...


maybe second to him meeting Jennifer once again...


[JULIAN! You did it, you scored the winning goal! MAN! I know I don't normally say this but I'm so proud] exclaimed Omega who seemed to be crying as sounds of sniffling could be heard.

"Omega, yes we did..." I sighed happily as me and my teammates walked back to the halfway line waiting for the referee to blow his whistle after Juventus resume kickoff "yes, we did"

Whilst I was feeling ecstatic and internally communicating with Omega, I did not notice the presence of the player of my dreams, my idol, coming up to me.

"Good goal, Mr. King, very good goal" sighed the French international, Zidane who despite looking slightly sad, still possessed a determined face "it only had to be the young wonderkid who the world's been watching who put on a masterclass against Liverpool to also be the one to halt our advances to the final."


"But what else could our team do to stop you, you were unstoppable, honestly, you may be the best football player ever to grace this planet. That is after me of course!" exclaimed the Frenchman as he laughingly lightly slapped my back.

I smiled widely, knowing one of my footballing idols complimenting me. Although this was only a preseason tournament, it was still an achievement I'm extremely proud of; willing my team toward the final, scoring the deciding goal against my idol.

"Thanks, Zidane, it was a tough game between the two sides of our teams, and in the end, someone had to come victor and it just seemed to be United's day!" I chuckled as the both of us then separated for Antonio Conte, the captain, to take the final kick to end the game.