Securing the 1st Date


The game ended straight after Antonio Conte passed the ball to one of the Juventus players, sighing in disappointment because he was hopeful before the game that this was Juventus's game to win.

Although United had an amazing team packed with superstars such as Julian and Beckham, one could not argue against the proposition that Juventus had just as much chance as the Red Devils to win. Unfortunately, for the Italian team, it just seemed to not be their day but a certain 16-year-old youngster's day by the name of Julian King.

And this up-and-coming superstar was making his own way towards his idol in hope that they could exchange formalities and hopefully something extra before the two teams disperse off the field.

"Zidane, is it possible to exchange shirts before we leave" exclaimed Julian as he walked toward the Frenchmen who were already smiling as if he knew that this was going to happen?

"Well, Julian, I don't normally give out my shirt as I don't normally face opponents fit enough to possess it" Zidane uttered to the now depressed Julian, "However, today, you proved more than enough that you deserve a shirt like mine. Honestly, if anything, I should be the one to be asking you a question like that, you proved today that you are one of the best players in the world" Zidane further said as he started to take off his shirt and in the process of handing to Julian.

The latter doing the same.

"Thanks, Zidane, I'll treasure this forever!" shouted Julian with a face so happy that not even happiness could describe it.

"Alright, alright, we've talked enough, eh, your teammates and manager are waiting for you, Julian" announced Zidane as he pointed at the Manchester United team who were waiting for Julian to join their appreciation to the fans in the form of a group bow.

"Yes, they are ... yes, they are"



As I made my way out of the stadium, walking towards my dad's car, I got a message on my phone from someone I did not expect ... the girl I loved.


Well, the girl I will love considering she is still underage.

"Julian is it possible to meet at my house on Saturday, I also live in Manchester and my address is 24th Crescent Avenue" I read as my eyes sparkled more and more as I continued reading the text sent by Jennifer.

Was this a date?

Did the girl I love/will love to ask me out on a date?

Ain't this a bit too soon? We've only known each other very briefly in this timeline.

Eh. Who cares?

This is the girl I'm in love with, I don't care whether this is progressing too fast or not, the only thing I care about now is how am I going to prepare myself for this date?

What should I wear?

Where should I take her?

Where should we eat?

As these thoughts circled around in my head, I finally came to a conclusion and that was to stop acting like a prepubescent teen who had never experienced a sliver of love.

Whilst I may have not married anyone in my past life, I had been on many dates; sadly they were all in an attempt to escape from the loneliness of having no parents but still...

The fact of the matter was I had experience and I need to use that experience in helping myself in securing a good date with Jennifer. Whilst she may not be currently in love with me, she holds a degree of infatuation/interest enough to ask me out on a date and I needed to take advantage of this situation.

[Thankfully, you realized what you need to do, it was getting quite boring, watching you act like a fool for the past 10 minutes. Can we please go home now?] commented Omega who chuckled as I grew quite red.


"Well, I guess we do need to get home quickly" I replied as I walked towards my dad's car, slightly annoyed at the grinning look my dad was giving me.


"Man... I wish I had my own house and car"