Our Final Opponent!


Julian panted as he exited his pocket dimension, exhausted from all the plays he was conducting with the AI.

"Man, Omega, who knew despite having a superhuman body, that it's still incredibly difficult to play football with world-class talents" stated Julian as he walked to his shower, all sweaty and bothered.

[Even if you do possess a body that even the most athletic of sports players would drool for, playing fast-paced football with some of the best for a large period of time would tire anyone out, even you who possesses the almighty system]


"Narcissistic as always buddy" Julian chuckled as he then further went on to ask "who is our final opponent in the tournament? I've been dying to know!"

[If you were dying to know, you would've already checked] laughed Omega, [your final opponent is the most famous football team the world has ever seen, filled with legends from the past to the present. Barcelona.]




"Barcelona, eh? No wonder you gave such a vivid description. This may be the toughest game I will ever face!" exclaimed Julian as he sprawled his hands into a fist with a fire of determination seeming to sparkle in his eyes

[Well, since we know that's the case, you'd better start practicing harder and harder than ever before. This is the determining match of the tournament and whilst it is a preseason tournament, silverware in any kind of format can be appreciated! After all, the mission can only be completed if you win. Needless to say, you won't be punished for losing, I'm not that kind of system. So, come on, get your ass to the shower and take a good rest


And maybe stop wasting so much time messaging Jennifer?]

Julian blushed, berating Omega, then tiptoeing into the shower, humming to himself a beautiful song from the future, not realizing he was being messaged by his boss, his manager, Sir Alex Ferguson.

After coming out of the shower, Julian quickly sprinted to his buzzing phone believing Jennifer was the one messaging him, only to be disappointed ... *COUGH* I mean, shocked by the words displayed on his screen and by the sender.

(Hi Julian! I'm going to be coming round your house tomorrow to check up on you and discuss with you many important things. Don't worry, you aren't in trouble.)

Whilst he was drying his soaking body, Julian then sat on his bed with a towel sprawled on top of his head, wondering why his illustrious manager came to see him. He wasn't in trouble and it wasn't like he shared the closest of relationships with his manager since he had only recently joined the senior team. Feeling exhausted, he fell onto his bed, succumbing to his fatigue, thinking to himself that this was something the future Julian could worry about.








Julian could hear a voice sounding out his name and funnily enough, this voice sounded very SCOTTISH, almost as if it belonged and was being spoken by his manager.

Whilst Julian was sniggering to himself about the hilarious idea that his manager was in his house and room, whispering his name to his ear, he realized that this funny idea he was snickering about was unfortunately the truth.

"AHHH!" Julian screamed, vastly surprising his manager who possessed a horrified face, "Oh, sorry, Manager, I didn't realize you were there" Julian exclaimed as he scrambled to put on his clothes to cover his naked body and organize his disheveled room, making a mess everywhere he went.


"No, it's alright, Julian," Ferguson said as he lightly laughed to himself before then going onto shift towards more of a serious tone and look, "However, Julian, there is something serious I need to discuss with you!"

Julian stopped his cleaning and wondered what was so dire that needed to be discussed; it wasn't bad as his manager stated before so just what could his manager be wondering and be worried about?

"What, coach?" Julian asked with a quizzical look on his face; a face with a desperate need for an answer.





"Listen, Julian, I'm worried about you"