Chapter 3

Magical leaf manipulation? I thought I would get something like using my roots to strike or vine whip and leech seed that balbasaur have! But from the name of the skill one can already guess that it is an ability to fucking manipulate some leaves

How can I kill monsters using leaves? I might not even be able to kill a mere ant!

Dejected, as usual I asked the system the skill descriptions even though what the skill can do is self explanatory from it's name


*ding* [Magical Leaf Manipulation] : the ability to imbue leaves with energy and control it. It has three stages of mastery

Initial Mastery: the leaves will be as hard as wood

Intermediate Mastery: the leaves will be as hard as metal

Complete Mastery: leaves' will have the ability the drain life force from other creatures

Perfect Mastery: ??????

Note: the mastery depends on the quality of the user's leaves and how much energy they can imbue on it without breaking the leaves.

Okay.... what I can say this ability is not as useless as I though it would be! It's actually freaking awesome!

Imagine if there are hundreds or thousands of leaves as hard as a metal attacked dodging is almost impossible. You can deflect maybe tenths of it but deflecting thousands of it is not possible unless you are superman

Excited, I quickly tried using the skill. The method on how to use it is already on my mind so I can quickly use it

After 10 minutes

Kence didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He has a skill that can manipulate thousands of leaves that as hard as metal but the problem is he can't use it! Even just making the leaves as hard as wood is already so hard for him and needed extreme focus!

The [Magical Leaf Manipulation] allows the user to imbue leaves with energy but the problem is even after imbuing the leaves with energy it does not end there the user must still control the energy and don't let it destroy the leaves

After all leaves are fragile and can easily be destroyed. Controlling the energy needed a lot of focus and control power, it can easily exhaust the user

For now Kence can only barely control a single leaf and he needed a few seconds to activate the skill

In a battle to death few seconds can already decide who is going go die or survive

Kence gritted his imaginary teeth

Practice! I need to diligently practice. If I can have complete mastery on this who can mess with me? I only need to control my magical leaves then boom they will die

Kence decided to continue his practice again but fate seems like against on it


A beast like roar resounded near him and this roar is clearly not coming from a human

A creature with humanoid body as black and charred as it can be looks directly at Kence's tree body and pounced on him

This only mean one thing, a fallen discovered Kence but Kence was puzzled. He looks like a normal tree, how can this thing discover him? Or this thing just likes to destroy everything on its path even an innocent tree but there are trees nearer than Kence so why does it not attack those tree?

Even though Kence wants to know the answer but this is not the time for thinking this sort of things. He is now facing an imminent danger, fortunately Kence has a rich battling experience. Well that is as a human against human but still he has battle reflexes and won't necessarily just scream and run like most of the humans will do when encountering an enemy. He himself become a tree with attacking power now and it is not shocking to see real monster now!

Kence immediately readied his magical leaf but this monster is faster than him and already attacked Kence with its few centimeters claw. The monster's speed shocked Kence, it's at least 4 times than a normal human!

Fuck! I knew it being a tree is not a good thing! If I have a human body I can at least try to dodge it and not just stand here and let it attack my body!

The good thing is that although the fallen successfully hit Kence's body and although it is also 4 times stronger than a human Kence is a tree with a tree's body!

A normal human can't even leave a small dent on a tree even when attacking with all his strength and thankfully 4 times of human's firepower can only make a small dent on a tree and only a few small pieces of tree's bark was removed

Seeing this Kence quickly continued activating his skill. After all a small dent is a small dent, if it accumulates it would be fatal and he doesn't even know how to heal that area. What if monster stronger than this fallen attacked him on this dent? That is something he doesn't dare imagine

A few seconds later a leaf magically removed itself on Kence's branches and started to have a slight green glow and flew to the fallen's body who does not even try to dodge it

Unfortunately just like the fallen's pitiful attack power against a tree, Kence's leaf that's as hard as wood only created a small wound on the fallen's body. But Kence is already thankful that his leaf can damage this monster, a leaf is just a few inches wide and its not like his leaf is as fast as a bullet. In fact it only has the speed of a normal human throwing a ball. Not slow but also not fast, so it's like a human throw a small piece of wood on you. A single piece is not enough to kill someone

The monster roared in anger and in frenzy attacked Kence either using it claw like nails or punching his tree body

Kence frowned, although a single leaf does not consume much energy from him but he don't know if it will last until he kill this fallen. He can't just use all of his energy to kill a single fallen in case more fallen come to attack him and the damage that he will have on his body will also not be negligible

Kence started looking for the creature's weakness

He can try hitting some nerves, before this apocalypse as an assassin he know the anatomy of humans and where it will hurt the most or parts he can strike to kill them easily but the problem is this monster seems to not know what pain is. Although it has a humanoid body a human can't possibly use his hands to claw and punch a tree until their bone can be seen. That is too painful!

So the only way he can think is strike vulnerable body parts and what is the most vulnerable body parts of a human that you can strike to hill him easily? Of course it's the eyes! You only need to pierce it to hit the brain. Plus, if this creature is that incredible to survive despite having its intestines coming out from its body then maybe they are like zombies that the only way to kill is to destroy the brain

Thinking of this he immediately activated his skill again but now he is aiming for the fallen's eyes. Almost sure of his success Kence smirk his imaginary lips

Die you fucking monster!

The fallen who does not even try defending was struck with the magical leaf on its eyes

Unfortunately due to the leaf's small size it can't pierce through the brain or at maybe the damage on the brain is not enough to kill it

Either way this is not a good news for Kence who desperately need to kill this monster now. The monster's growl become louder and Kence is worried that it might attract attentions to more monster. Which he can't afford to have a fight with his current ability

Looking at the still glowing leaf on the fallen's eyes, kence felt helpless

Wait still glowing leaf? Kence widened his eyes in surprise

It's still glowing meaning it still has my energy on it!

Kence tried to control the leaf again but sadly the energy already dissipated before making the leaf a normal leaf

Wanting to test his hypothesis Kence for the third time activated his skill and now instead of not controlling it again after it struck the fallen's eyes he willed it to dig deeper to the monster's eyes into its brain

Fortunately it works! After the leaf drilled its way to the fallen's brain it stopped moving and soon become like an object that falls without anyone controlling the body

Finally its dead now!

Before Kence can rejoice his first ever victory on this apocalyptic word a voice resounded in his mind or rather on every living creatures mind on earth. This voice is different from Gaia or from The Voice Of The World but rather it sounds angelic even though the things that this voice conveyed is not a good thing for every human

All those who failed to survive the pain from the sudden influx of energy on earth will become a new being which will start the first phase of this apocalypse

[Apocalypse Phase One: The Fallen]

The dead will rise and become a fallen being, a being that seeks destruction of every living creature. Survive and become stronger humans! Don't let the Supreme Goddess Gaia's sacrifice to be in vain

This voice naturally came from the Angel, Raphaela after all she is tasked to bring apocalypse to the earth while also helping them survive and grow strong

New information flooded all living being on the earth, Raphaela left them some basic informations about the fallen and how they can become stronger to fight this threat

As a High Rank creature comparable to Gods it is easy for the angel to to transmit information on all the mortals in this planet.

Kence suddenly was flooded with information and he felt some headache. After the pain subsided Kence immediately started sorting out this information. He knows his situation and he knows that earth is not the same before and he needs to adapt on this new world. These information can have him more knowledge about the state of this new world

The information included basic things about tha fallen. First is they are 2 times as strong as they are when they are alive. Meaning a normal human after being a fallen will have two times the strength of a normal human. While those who are trained that already has 2 times more strength than normal will be 4 times stronger than normal just like the fallen that Kence fought

Looking at the corpse of the fallen he killed Kence noticed that the clothes it was wearing was the same as the men chasing him before! With this discovery it seems that the men who chased him from before was the one who he killed and he felt so damn much better knowing that he killed one of the bastards he hate!

What Kence does now know is that after the pain all creatures felt subsided one of the men chasing him died because its body can't adapt while the rest seeing a glowing spherical thing (which is his soul) coming out from his body they immediately ran away because of fright!

Calming himself Kence continue reviewing the information he got

Next is how a human can become strong and the cultivation level

Firstly a normal human or creature was ironically a [Normal Rank Being] that does not have much fighting power the next rank is the [Supernatural Rank Being] that has 10 levels on it but before a normal rank become supernatural rank they have three stages

First is sensing of energy, second is absorbing energy, third is usage of energy which are all self-explanatory from their name

Kence is now at the first level of [Supernatural Rank Being] and he was puzzled and thankful of that because from the information he got one must cultivate and experienced the three stages to join the ranks of supernatural being. Kence on the other hand was already a [Supernatural Rank Being] when he first started experiencing the three stages