Chapter 4

Another way to become stronger according to the information is to kill the fallen creatures and eat a red colored bean located on their brain

While this is the fastest way to gain strength but it also has the highest risk of dying!

Not to mention the need to kill fallens who are 2 times stronger than normal just who would have the courage to even confront a fallen? Humans are used in having a safe life inside their cities and not all have the courage to confront these creatures

But let's just say a human really has the courage to kill a fallen and also having the ability to really kill them but the risk does not end there

Pain will assault anyone who consume the red colored bean which according to the transmitted information are called Blood Bean. This pain came from the remnant soul of the fallen that the Blood Bean has and if you faint or lose consciousness after consuming the bean only a single outcome awaits you and that is becoming a fallen!

If you faint then you die and if you die after consuming a Blood Bean then you will become a fallen

As simple as that, kill a fallen, eat their Blood Bean and either die or become stronger. Only those who has enough will can use a Blood Bean

If a normal human successfully consumed a Blood Bean then that human will bypass the process of sensing the energy and directly enter the stage two! [Energy Absorption] which will make their body 2 times stronger than before and their physique will be comparable to the fallen

While the fallen has superior physique but their intelligence might even be lower than animals where if they sense danger they will choose to flee and preserve their lived. A fallen on the other hand will attack any living creature even at the cost of death

Humans having the same strength as a fallen will make it easy to hunt them!

But the problem is out of 20 humans only 1 have enough will to withstand the pain from consuming Blood Beans and those who failed will just increase the number of fallens which make this route to strength a bit tricky

Blood Beans are not only beneficial for [Normal Rank Being] it will also benefit those who are already a [Supernatural Rank Being] after all the difference from absorption stage and supernatural beings is that supernatural being can actively use their energy to use skills or magic while those who are in the absorption stage will only have the benefit of enhance physique. Low level supernatural being only need to increase the energy on their body to level up and Blood Beans will help to increase their energy!

A normal being may not be inferior to low level supernatural being in terms of physique or energy reserves the only difference is that one can use the energy while the other can't. Even though this is the only difference of the two but a level 1: Warrior [Supernatural Rank Being] can easily dozens of absorption stage being even without an offensive skill

The level 1 warrior can use energy to cover their feet to make them faster or use the energy on their fist to have greater strength so what more if the use magic skills like maybe a fireball?

Now Kence has another problem, not that he is afraid to consume Blood Bean after all from all the torture he experienced only an idiot can say that he is a weak willed individual. The problem is that even if he want to eat those Blood Beans he simply cant. Not to mention him lacking arms he doesn't even have a mouth!

Depressing, this is so depressing for him. Kence does not doubt his ability to withstand the pain from consuming Blood Beans it's just too bad he don't have the right body parts to consume it

Fuck this is life giving me gold in a middle of desert. It maybe be valuable but I can't fucking use it

Staring daggers at the corpse of then fallen in front of his tree body he cursed it for being useless until death

Fucking corpse!

Useless corpse!

Even in death you won't let me have a peaceful time!

After a round of cursing Kence calmed himself

Ahhh whatever if I can't use it the I can't, I'll just cultivate, it can also make me stronger

But even though Kence said those words he just can't give up this power up in front of him

There must be a way for a tree to use those Blood Bean

Right! My innate skill [Absorb]!

Shouting with glee Kence decided to use his innate skills

Hahahaha! No one can stop this great me from being stronger and crushing those who I need to crush!

Kence used absorb which maybe because it is an 'innate skill' that he can already use it in the first try. One of Kence roots moved and penetrated the fallen's body

Kence watched in horror how the fallen's corpse started drying as if all nutrient on its body was sucked dry (which what really is happening now) and the dent on his body and the missing bark because of the fallen's attacked was visibly growing at the rate visible to the eyes. Soon what's left on the corpse was only the monster's ash and and the clothes it was wearing

T-this is too much! Can't you at least give me a skill that is aesthetically beautiful!

Calming himself again Kence probe the changes on his body after absorbing those much nutrients. He noticed his energy reserve that significantly increase. He estimated that the increase will take him a day's worth of cultivation including the passive of [Photosynthesis] that absorbed energy from sunlight and [Absorb] that on the other hand absorbed the nutrients on earth. It's not that much but it's also not insignificant!

An increase of a day's worth of cultivation just by absorbing a corpse in this apocalyptic era is very much welcomed!

Now Kence hope that more of this fallen will come to him and be his nutrients

Sigh. If only I can move then I can must hunt these fallen one by one and consume their Blood Bean even if it is painfu- wait pain?

Kence frowned. I though one will experience extreme pain when consuming those things? Why didn't I feel any pain?

Before Kence even has the chance to ponder on this thing the system's voice resounded on his mind

*ding* congratulations! Host is the first one to kill and consume Blood Bean on earth.

Achievement unlocked: The First Step, a thousand miles journey started from a single step and you are the first to take the first time.

Rewards that can be chosen: Information or 1 Skill Ticket/ Gaia's love

Please choose wisely

Wow things are really becoming game like, I can get a reward from completing hidden achievements now?

So what do I choose? Surely a normal person will choose Skill Ticket. More skills means more versatility in a situation but after having [Magical Leaf Manipulation] I don't think that having more magic skills is that good. I mean look at me I have such a good skill but because of my lack of control I can barely use a single leaf to attack not to mention that it only has the durability of wood

But information on the other hand might not necessarily be a good thing too. So what if I have information if I can't utilize those information to turn it into strength then it will only just be a decoration

So what do I choose?

Hoping that the system will help me I asked, "System what do you think is the best choice to choose information or the skill ticket?"

Luckily my system is really reliable but he/she us too cold because he or she (because this thing's voice sounds neutral) only answered:

*ding* information is the best choice

He/she can at least give me an explanation on why it is the best choice!

Well whatever I trust my own system

"I choose the information"

The Skill Ticket choice on the window like status screen in front of me vanished and only the word "Information" was left which turned into a light and entered what I assumed my soul

Just like before, a series of information flooded my mind and I used at least a good 10 minutes to organize those

What I learned is that as a Soul Tree I have the ability to evolve into another species unlike humans that do not have a bloodline

But in my case I don't just have a bloodline which I won't elaborate much as I know you already know what having a bloodline is. Basically having the genes of another creature and being able to use their skills as an innate skills and gaining more strength than humans who don't have a bloodline

Me on the other hand is not a bloodline holder, I am not a human who have monster genes but an entirely different species or race. Basically bloodline magicians are still humans with a few modification on their genes while I have the genes that is 100% plant genes which made me not a human but a tree

And this something hard to accept I mean you were living your entire life as a human but then you suddenly become a tree who can't speak, walk and don't have limbs

A bloodline magician still has a chance to be a human, only a percentage of their genes have a monster genes and high level being can removed these genes and because I have a 100% plant genes the same thing cannot be done to me. I mean you can't just expect me to delete 100% of my genes right?

Sigh. Whatever even if I become a devil as long as I can have my revenge I won't care

Back to the information so yeah I can evolve into another species depending on what I will do and the skills that I will developed ad have. Yes developed according to the information anyone can make their own magic skills but the difficulty is higher than the learned skill from Skill Ticket or innate skills of a bloodline magician or well monsters

For example if I made a magic skills that will eat any living creatures from me being a Soul Tree I will turn into Carnivorous Tree on the other hand if I train my [Magical Leaf Manipulation] into a high level before evolution then I will become a Leafy Tree. Yeah, I know what a shitty name they named it

Those are just the basic evolution that I can have but if I want those evolution that maybe stronger or unique I need to explore things and develop magic skills that the information did not mention

Maybe for example I train my [Photosynthesis] into a super high level then will that make me Sun Tree or Sun Devouring Tree? I chuckled at that thought

Anyways evolution that does particularly need you to be in this or that level. What level you are will not affect your evolution, only after making your path to strenght just like training those skills will you evolve into an entirely new species

So basically the magic skills that I developed and some fortuitous encounter are the ones that will trigger evolution. Just like the Carnivorous Tree I can turn into that if I developed skills that can eat other creatures into a certain level

Now, I didn't regret choosing the information as my reward. Imagine [Magical Leaf Manipulation] is my only offensive skill and it will make me too dependent on it and I surely don't want to be a Leafy Tree because that is just one of the basic evolutions that I can have

I want and need to have the strongest treevolution to survive this world and kill those who harm my parents

I will be their nightmares

I will be the cause of their death

I will become the Strongest Tree!