Chapter 24

A black figure landed on top of a certain building

The figure was heavily injured and one if its leg was missing

"Damn them!" The figure cursed angrily and panted heavily

This figure was precisely Sun. He looked at his missing limb and felt more anger rising from him

He meditated for a few minutes to recover his energy and also his injuries

He was only able to meditate for a few minutes before he heard sounds of foot steps

He looked towards the door of the roof top and he saw ten people wearing all black

Sun's grimoire emerge ready to fight if they dare fight him

Kence and the others may have tha ability to harm him but he won't lower himself to flee from normal supernaturals even if he was still heavily injured!

"Oh? A Mage? How rare, you will make fine specimen" an old man wearing white lab coat that was in front of the ten men in black said while looking at Sun as if he was some sort of a lab rat

Sun's face immediately darkened, how dare this old man treat him as a lab rat?!

"[Hell Flame Magic: Hell Flame Shower!]" Tens of black sparks of flame appeared above

Sun decided to use this skill as this skill's energy requirement was the lowest of all the Magic Spells he knews while also being an AoE attack perfect for attacking multiple enemies much weaker than you

"What an interesting Magic Attribute!" The researcher looking old man explained as if he was looking at the most amazing thing in the world and not at something that will threaten his life

"[Magic Skill: Magic Barrier!]" One of the men in black activated his skill and a white translucent barrier formed to surround them

If it was just this skill it will not be able to successfully defend Sun's attack however the voice of the other nine men resounded on the rooftop

"[Magic Skill: Magic Barrier!]"

All the men said the same thing while another nine barriers appeared to protect them

This skill was just the most basic barrier skill with only a mediocre defensive power but if you use ten of them at the same time the defensive power was more than enough to defend against a Mystic's spell!

The black flames slammed on the barrier and after breaking almost all the barrier the energy on it was fully spent

Sun's face become grim, although he still has some confidence in killing all the men in black without energy but it will further worsen his injury. Not to mention his missing leg that he does not know what to do to treat it

That one spell used up all of his energy again. Although he can just fly and escape but he will never run away from weaklings!

He flapped his wings and launched himself towards one of the men. Since one of his legs was destroyed he can only use his wings to maneuver himself

He immediately reached one of the men who was not able to react to his sudden attack. His black nails penetrated the man's chest and blood leaked out

The man immediately die and fell down on the ground however without a time to react he was attacked by one of the other men

"[Magic Skill: Stone Fist!]" The man's fist tranformed into a rock like fist that punched him on his shoulder. Cracking sounds was heard as some of his bones were destroyed because of the impact

Disregarding the pain, once again he used his nails to pierce his attacker's eye

The process of killing someone while receiving an attack continued for a few minutes untill all the men in black dies and only the old man was remaining

Sun collapsed on the ground as his injuries are now more serious than even when he fought Kence's team

A white grimoire appeared in front of the old man, however instead of looking pure and holy because of the grimoire's color the white color only made it looked like a blank piece of book

Seeing the grimoire Sun's eyes constricted in shock. Who would have thought that an old man will also be a mage like him!

He didn't kill this old man before because he thought that he was weak but he was wrong! This old man was the most powerful of them all!

He was doomed, really doomed! Even if he wants to use his wings to fly he can't as he was too exhausted now

"You are interesting, you can kill ten powerful supernaturals that is only below Mystics despite not having enough energy and being heavily injured. Not to mention you're missing a leg" the old man stated as if the people that died are not part of his team and they are people he does not know

"Just kill me if you want!" Sun glared at the old man who immediately laugh so hard that Sun thinks he will die because of laughing too hard

"Kill you? HAHAHA! No! I will never do that. Instead I want you to join our organization. I promised that your status will be high and I will even help you have a leg again. What do you say?"

Sun knitted his eyebrows, he does not want to die. He has a great future ahead of him and he was not afraid that the old man's organization can harm him as if he fully recovered with his power he can just escape if he can't wipe them out

What he was interested the most was regaining his leg that he was not sure if the old man was just bluffing or he was saying the truth

"Fine! I will join but only if you can really heal my leg!"

The old man smiled and said "easy"

"[Copy Magic: Regenerate]"

White light shot out from the old man's palm the flew towards the part where Sun's leg was cut off

Sun felt a pain and ant biting sensation the pain made him want to scream but he didn't as it will make him look weak and he only gritted his teeth. He saw his flesh slowly growing until it fully restored his leg

"Wow, you didn't even scream amazing!" The old man was genuinely amazed, he saw many people regenerate a new limb but the pain made them go crazy and some even directly killed themselves but this man in front of him didn't even let sound come out from him

"Tch, it was not painful at all!" An obvious lie coming from Sun

"So, are you willing to join our Organization now?"

Sun nodded, with this old man their org was bound to be something shocking and powerful!

Just looking at the strange magic attribute of the old man was enough to make one sigh in amazement. Just hearing the words 'copy magic' one will already have some thoughts on how this magic works. Even if there are some limitations it was still a good magic!

"Good! Good!" The old man was really satisfied as if he gained the most amazing treasure in the world

"Give me your hand"

Sun obeyed even though he didnt know what this old man wants with his hand

"[Copy Magic: Tattoo!]" Ink appeared on the back of Sun's hand and the ink formed into a demonic looking red hand with black nails symbol

The old man grinned "Welcome to Satan's hand!"


Because of the commotion of the fight from two Mystics the Generals were notified of what happened

When they came to the Mage's Villa aside from Kence and his team no other people was present

When the Rune General saw Kence there was a strange glint on his eyes

"Kence, what happened here? Why did you kill innocent people" Gerald asked, before he came here his people already reported that Kence kill the supernaturals nearby and he was confused for the reason

"To save my family from your good Mage General!" The atmosphere immediately become tense as the Generals and the Vice-Generals can feel the hatred from Kence which made them sweat bullets of sweats

He addressed them as his family, he was really too touched that they will risk their own lives to save him

The aura from Kence was way beyond theirs even if they too reached the peak-stage now

After fighting Sun, Kence felt the barrier greatly loosening up and he only needed a little bit of time to make a break through

Actually, if he wants to he can advance to the next level now!

Kence already has one foot set on the second rank of [Supernatural] how can these people who barely reached the peak-stage of rank 1 can compare to him?

"I won't explain myself, if you want to arrest me bacause of what I did feel free to do so if you have the ability!"

Confidence! This is Kence's confidence!

He was not arrogant but only confident on his strenght

The Generals immediately felt some pressure, although they wanted Kence to take responsibility for what he did but they simply do not have the ability!

"Kence, why are you being unreasonable? Don't you know how many families lost--" before the Rune General finished what he was saying a leaf flew and sliced his cheek

The leaf was too fast and sudden that he was not able to react. If that leaf wanted to take his life he was sure that he would really die

"Cut the crap if you want to die say it!" Kence glared at Gerald who immediately backed away

"Okay, that's enough!" Mary said and looked at Kence with burning eyes

"I don't care about what you did but being in your mercy irritates me. Someday I will be more powerful than you and I will make sure to beat you hard that no one will recognize you hmph!" With a snort Mary irritatedly walked away

"Little Brother, Big Sister will forgive you if you can spend a night in my room" Lilith smiled flirtily towards Kence before walking away too

Gerald followed them without saying anything

Seeing them go, Kence carry his teammates and rested their back on his tree body

As soon as the three came into contact on his original body their breathing calmed as if they are sleeping peacefully in a picnic

Instead of using this time to train, Kence instead watched and waited for his 'family' to regain consciousness and thinking that in the future he should become even more stronger and protect them

Aside from his parents who gave him warmth, these three are the only people he felt that kind of warmth again

Gaining a motivation Kence closed his eyes and started meditating to break that barrier and step on a whole new level!

After a few hours of meditation that barrier was successfully destroyed

Cracking sounds can be heard inside of Kence's body as if something inside him was destroyed

Every part of his body felt a sense a hunger. Like a vortex his tree body and human clone greedily sucked the surrounding energy

Around Kence a vortex of energy appeared as green aura covered his whole body that was becoming stronger and intense every seconds that passed

The people close to the Mage General's Villa felt a terrifying aura, this aura was beyond powerful than all the auras they felt before

The amount of energy inside Kence's body was rising at an astonishing rate

Because of Kence's break through that pulled the surrounding energy towards him, the energy also entered his familiy's body which soon regained their consciousness just to see Kence bathing in intense energy

After all the energy was absorbed by Kence, he opened his eyes and tried to feel his body

*ding* congratulations for Host in breaking through to Rank 2: Knight

A knight! Knigh leveled supernaturals are way more powerful than warrior level because of the amount of energy they have!

A knight's energy reserves was ten times more than a peak stage warrior!

The feeling of breaking through in Knight Level was wonderful, Kence felt like he can destroy a mountain with a single attack. However, that was just an illusion as he was still to far from reaching that level

"Congratulations My Lord fro breaking through"

Turning his head Kence saw King, Calter and Cesar looking at him happily. There are genuine smiles on their faces, they are really happy that Kence become even more stronger