Chapter 25

A day has passed and Kence's team decided to 'really' go out and take a look at other cities

"Let's go"

With their backpacks full of spare clothes and fruits from Kence they exited from their Villa

From the core area of the city they passed to the inner part where the 'wealthy' and 'stronger' supernaturals live. After a few weeks, a lot of the people in this city become supernaturals because of that inflation happened and the price of houses increased

Poor and weak supernaturals now lived in the outer part of the city where only tents are available as shelters

The outer area become dirty and chaotic. After the war a lot of fallens emerge from who knows where making the outside world more dangerous than before this caused the food supply to lessen to the point that food crisis become rampant because it became more dangerous to go outside to hunt some foods and get the foods from abandoned house, buildings, grocery store etc

Even though the growth rate of plants were boosted, the crop fields in the city was still not enough to supply for everyone. While going outside to look for edible plants are dangerous because of fallens human and animals and also the mutated plants that will attack

It was a bit better if one encountered a mutated animal as they won't necessarily attack as except from absorbing energy causing them to become stronger ang a bit more intelligent mutated animals retained their former attitude. For example you saw a mutated dog, a lot of dogs are intimate with humans and these mutated dogs will not attack you but instead be friendly with you

Fallen animals however are different as they will attack everything on site

Everywhere their group passed people looked at them fearfully, specially in Kence

The fact that Kence suddenly killed innocent humans were spread rapidly in this small city in just a span of a day that is why they are afraid of him but the four of them did not mind it that much as they are leaving this city now

The chaotic outer part of the city quited down and everywhere the four walk the people will give way

Suddenly, a fifteen year old young girl was running fearfully while holding a piece of bread while two men were chasing her

"Little Bitch come back here!"

The young girl's focus was on running and preserving her life and she didn't notice the strange atmosphere and the same was true for the men chasing him. The men's focus was on the young girl and since cases like this are common in the outer area they were not afraid that someone will caught them

As the girl was a short one only barely reaching 5 feet and her legs shorter than fully growned men the men managed to catch up to him and grab the girl on her hair

"Little Bitch, let's see how you will run away from us now!"

The girl glared at the men angrily

"We'll fuck and kill you for stealing our food!"

Hearing the they would kill her the girl's anger rose

She cannot die, how can she die when his brother sacrificed himself to save her?

She tried to kick the man with her feet but her enemies are supernaturals!

Even though with her talent she managed to become a supernatural too but she was starved for days. Hunger weakened her. Still, she won't let herself die and will do whatever she can to survice

This apocalypse was really cruel, even kids will gain better will power than even the adults of the previous era. She was just one of the kids who were desperate to survive

"Magic Skill: Vine Tail!"

From her back just like a tail a whip made of vine appeared that struck towards the man gripping her hair

"Magic Skill: Flame Hand!" On the hand of the other man red flames appeared, he grabbed the vine and it immediately burned upon contact on his hand thus successfully protecting his 'friend'

"Bitch, do you think you are the only one with skills?" The man holding her hair punched her on the stomach without releasing her

She cough and some blood came out but the determination to live can still be seen on her eyes

She secretly took a small chipped and worn out knife on her back. Although she did it secretly, the man holding him still noticed it

"Do you think your petty trick will save you? In your dreams!"

"Magic Skill: Harden!" Harden! The same skill that King has

The man's body gained a metallic luster, it increases his body's defense

"Feel free to try if your chipped knife will work on me!"

She though that she can kill one of her attackers by using her knife as surprise attack. Without a choice instead of using her knife to attack one of her attackers she used all of her body's strength to cut off her long hair

Due to the force that the man used when holding her hair the man fell back and was surprised

Seizing this chance she immediately did all her best run away from the men

She was not carefully looking at her road and was only focused on running away and she suddenly bumped into a man

The force made her fell down on the ground, she looked up to see a man with green hair and eyes looking down at her with some amazement on his eyes

When the men who chased him saw who she bumped into they immediately backed away and left.

'She's doomed' is what the both of them were thinking on their minds as the reputation of these Mystics are horrible in this city

The girl also panicked

"S-sir, I-Im really sorry!" She bowed her head on the ground, wishing that this man will not kill him

No matter how unwilling she was and how high her desire to livr she knows than even a normal Mystic can effortlessly kill her what more is the most terrifying Mystic in this small city

Kence become emotional seeing that scene, he remembered how he was cruelly tortured before and can only do all he can for that small ray of hope to survive

He does not want to die as he still wants to avenge her parents, revenge was also the reason why he wanted to go to bigger cities. With the capabilities of the organization who killed his parents there is almost a 100% chance that they will become one of the superpowers in this era

Her determination won his recognition

"Lift your head"

Hearing this command, what the girl can do was only to obey

He saw Kence smiling at him with some strange emotion on his face

"Do you want to become stronger?" Like a devil seducing a little kid, Kence asked the little girl

Without thinking or any delay the girl answered 'yes'

She really want to become stronger not to be some sort of powerhouse in this world but to survive and live well in this apocalypse just like what her brother wanted

"Follow us"

The four continued walking after watching the little 'drama'

In daze the girl followed them, no one dared to antagonize her now

Some even felt jealous because Kence seems to want to make the girl stronger and make her part of his team

After exiting the city they walk for some time while killing the fallens coming on their way

They did not follow the former era's human made road as it was bound to be full of cars that will hinder their movement. Also, the amount of danger there are higher as those are the places where there are a lot of humans before the apocalypse

After making sure that no one was around they stopped their journey

On Kence's hand a green and red colored fruit appeared. Just like before, King and the others blood throb as if their body was craving this fruit

Unfortunately, they can only eat Bloodline Fruits once every rank. Only if they become a Knight Rank will they be able to consume another Bloodline Fruit

"Eat this" Kence handed the fruit towards the girl who took it while feeling confuse

Aside from feeling that the fruit has some strange energy on it she does not know anything about its use and effect

Nonetheless, if Kence wanted to kill her with his abilities he does not need to use a poison fruit

Eating the fruit she felt some energy was being absorbed by her cells and some of these energy was invading something inside her

The energy from the fruits overwritten her previous genes turning it to become something similar to Kence's cell. While a part of the energy was coming to her soul that the soul greedily absorb

She glowed with intense green light and transformation happened on her body

Just like the four her hair and eyes turned green while some brown lines appeared on her face. Lastly, some bark like patches grew on her arms and legs

*ding* due to Host eating a Bloodline Fruit the host successfully gained a Bloodline

*ding* Congratulations to Host for gaining the Bloodline of a Soul Tree

*ding* Congratulations to Host for gaining the skills [Photosynthesis] and [Absorb]

The three consecutive system notifications stunned her

She...she actually become a Mystic?

The green light subsided and the shock expression of the girl was seen by the four who chuckled

"B-bloodline?" The girl cannot believe what happened and thought that this was the reason why all of them have the same Bloodline

The people back at the city although were wondering why they have the same Bloodlines did not dare ask them, but now she know the reason why

The way she looked at Kence has some worship on it and the fear she felt for him lessen as her body feels so close to Kence. This was naturally an effect of her gaining Kence's Bloodline

"Feeling good?" Kence teased before his face become serious

"I gave you strength but that also cost you. Your power came from me but that power if I want can also kill you. Absolutely do not betray me" this was something similar to what he told King before although he was just bluffing

However after the information that came from the Fruit Creation Skills, on the Bloodline Fruit part he learned that those with higher purity of Bloodline can oppress those with the same Bloodline but has lesser purity than them

They can make those less pure felt pressure coming from their blood as if the one they are fighting was a being superior to them. It was similar to the feeling one will get when a normal rank creature was looking at a supernatural rank but more intense because its not just the aura that will suffocate you but also the fear coming from your blood!

And Kence was the source of this Bloodline, naturally his pressure was more effective than those who only has his Bloodline

"I-I understand" even if Kence did not say that she would never think of betraying someone that gave her a chance to become someone strong and a Mystic at that!

"Good! As you are a part of our team now, we will naturally help you become strong. By the way, what is your name?"

They actually forgot to ask the girl what her name is and Kence only remembered it now

"I-Ivy, my name's Ivy" she timidly answered

"Big Sister, don't be afraid of us we're one family now!" The innocent Calter said when he sense the nervousness from Ivy

Since they all have the same Bloodline now they can be considered to belong in the same family now and Calter felt some sense of closeness towards her


"Eat another Bloodline Fruit" another Bloodline fruit emerge from Kence's hand

Unlike before when she first saw the Bloodline Fruit, Ivy now felt her blood boiling and her heart beating faster as if her body greatly needed this fruit

For non-bloodline holders if they ate a single fruit they will gain a Bloodline and if they fortunately managed to get one more they can also eat it again

This time the eater will have a chance to learn the source's skills and will also purify their Bloodline

With some drool on her mouth, Ivy greedily ate the Bloodline Fruit

The same process happened when King and the others ate the Bloodline Fruit

She once again glowed with green light while her cells were once again being overwritten into something more similar to the source

On her mind appeared a drop of blood that magnified multiple times until she saw a scene of Kence gaining a skill and practicing it

Her Bloodline become purified and with a bit of time she will be able to perform the skill she watched