Chapter 41

After eating enough blue fruits to regain his energy Kence started filling the Energy Pearls again. He did this until he filled all ten of the Energy Pearls

"Here is the payment for the Pearls" Kence handed one of the fully filled Energy Stones to the Angel who waved her hand and the pearl vanished

"So... what can I get for nine Energy Pearls, any suggestions?" As he do not have any idea on the items available on the shop he might as well ask for some suggestions to the 'all knowing' Angel

The Angel once again waved her hand and a diamond shape crystal like thing appeared

"This thing is called 'Mind Crystal' it contained information about basic cultivation theory inside. Good for those new in Cultivation" Kence's eyes lit up when he heard about the Mind Crystal

Since he discovered in theory that a supernatural can win against those who have a higher cultivation than them if they have enough energy control skill and also powerful attacking skills he wanted to learn how to be better in those fields

"How much is it?" He immediately asked, he can't wait to learn the things inside that Mind Crystal

"Ten Rank 2 Pearls" Kence almost immediately rolled his eyes, if not for him having the ability to store energy as fruits then who knows how long it will take to fill ten of those pearls

If he already find this expensive then how much more for those who don't have the same ability as him? They would surely curse at how much it cost considering that filling even one of it will exhaust all of their energy

In this era having no energy is dangerous if you don't have anyone to protect you. Even Kence only exhaust his energy as he was sure that if Ariel wanted to kill them having or not having a hundred percent of their energy won't change a thing

"Well, don't worry as you are my first customer you'll have 50% discount" the Angel smiled

Kence gritted his teeth and took another five pearls to buy the Mind Crystal

"By the way that is a consumable item. Once you use it the knowledge will enter your mind and its up to you to fully comprehend it" Kence's face darkened at that, he thought that with only five pearls all of them would be able to learn the basic knowledge

"So black hearted" Kence scoff and without a choice took the Mind Crystal to use

"Don't worry if you comprehended the knowledge then you are free to share it with anyone" the Angel chuckled and Kence rolled his eyes

Even if it was just the basic knowledge as these cultivation thingy is so foreign to everyone on earth how can they easily comprehend it?

"You all should buy this Mind Crystal too" Kence said to his teammates before looking at the Mind Crystal to use but he suddenly realized something

He cough and look at the Angel "so umm how do we use this?"

"Just infuse it with your energy"

While holding the crystal on his palm Kence use his energy for the crystal to absorb

When his energy come into contact with it the crystal shattered into multiple light particles that entered his body through his forehead

A fang of pain assaulted his mind as the amount of information was a bit too much for him to handle

"Basic my ass! It has too much information!" Kence cursed when the pain vanish and the Angel just chuckled again

Kence scanned the knowledge inside him and he was shock ay how profound it was. There are some which he understand but there are also those that he can't understand even a bit

However, those who he can comprehend was enough to make him happy and think that those five pearls he spent was worth it. Understanding even just a bit of it already answered some of the questions he has regarding cultivation

Kence looked at the Angel, before when he look at Ariel it made his heart throb at how beautiful she is but now his blood boiled and he look at her as if she was some kind of treasure trove

"What else do you have?" He asked eagerly

"Anything you can imagine" Ariel smirked that made Kence stunned again. Even if her face was covered just a simple smirk of her was enough to make any man's blood boil

"But the cheapest item on this shop is that Mind Crystal the others cost few tens of Rank 2 Crystals while others needed to be paid by Rank 3 or higher Crystals"

Kence frowned, to fully replenish his energy he needed to eat few of his blue fruits, to gather even 30 pearls will used up a lot of his stored fruits. Unfortunately, he cannot have low amount of his blue fruits

Those fruits are like his life saving talismans, any opponent that was not too overpowered can be taken down by him using a war of attrition strategy

Kence's other teammates also filled ten pearls each to buy their own Mind Crystal

When it was Calter's turn the Angel refuse to accept his pearls "you can have it, no need to pay" then she patted Calter on his head again

The others look at the kid with envy, not only the beautiful angel was being intimate with Calter she even gave him a Mind Crystal for free. How can thy not be jealous?

"We'll come back again to buy more items"

It was now the time for them to leave as all of them was excited to comprehend the information and become stronger

The Angel shook her head "No need, Angel's Shops Branch are scattered everywhere on earth. You can also buy from them"

They nodded and started leaving the shop, Calter look at the Angel a bit unwilling to part as he wants to be close to her because of that feeling of kinship he felt for her

The Angel smiled and wave her hands towards Calter "bye"


When they came back to the small village they all excitedly started comprehending the knowledge they gained

Kence close his eyes and started pondering to understand everything

After a few hours Kence opened his eyes and sigh "to think that my method all this time was wrong"

When one cultivated to absorb energy they use their 'mind power' to forcefully control the energy particles on the surroundings and willed it to enter his body to be absorb

But that kind of Cultivation was not very efficient, it took time to forcefully control energy and prolong cultivation will exhaust the supernatural

The right way to cultivate was to communicate with the energy particles and 'court' them. One must made the energy to 'like them' so that it will obey the supernatural easily

"But it's okay, I still have an advantage"

Around Kence his light green energy surrounded him, his energy has some sort of 'nature attribute'

If someone were exposed to it, it will have a calming and soothing effect on the body. Unfortunately he didn't know how to properly utilize it yet as most of the time his anger clouded his mind, maybe due to the things that he experienced before that change his temper a lot

When one is with the nature then won't the energy obey him willingly?

Kence's own energy interacted with the rogue energy particles on the surroundings trying to make them like him

Slowly but surely the rogue energy was starting to calm down a bit but this was just calming them. If one wanted the energies to fully like them it will take a lot of effort!

Kence spread his sense and turned his focus on every energy partcles around him

He tried sensing something different from those energies but he can't just find anything special on it which made him frown

"Surely, it is really hard" he muttered to himself and continued cultivating

The others was also the same with Kence, pondering the basics of Cultivation and trying to master them but although their progress are faster than before but it was still slow

The only exception here was Calter as the energies naturally like him and obeyed everything he wants


On the small city where Kence and others went before, the atmosphere inside will suffocate everyone

No one of them was not feeling any fear, even the Mystic Generals are nervously gazing outside the small city

"We don't stand a chance, we need to leave" Mary's voice resounded on the Generals' and Vice-Generals' ears. This was what all of them has on their mind, but one thing stopped them from leaving the city that was soon to be destroyed

"We cant! Just how many people will die if we leave now?!" Gerald the Rune Master General said with frustration on his voice

"We need to defend the city!" He continued

"Just how do you think we can do that?" Mary retorted

From their scouts they learned that an army of fallens numbering a few tens of thousands were on their way to this city

These fallen tide does not just have great numbers or quantity but even their quality was top-notch!

The scouts felt that some of the fallens has the same aura intensity with Mary the Cultivator General

Just who is Mary? As of now she is the most powerful Supernatural in the city. She was the only one who broke through into the Knight Rank!

The other Generals are still stuck at the peak-stage of Warrior Rank

Just her alone was enough to crush all the other Generals. Unfortunately, there is only one of her and the fallen army has multiple fallens at her level!

Even if she can kill all those Knight Rank Fallens which is almost impossible just the number of the fallens were enough to overwhelm the city

After all, they already experienced fighting an army of fallens and they sustained many losses

"So you want us to just leave them here to die?!" Gerald shouted in anger

In a blink of an eye, Mary reached Gerald. Her fierces eyes looked at the man's eyes

"And you want us to die here for them?" Mary questioned back. The two stared at each other with no one willing to back down

Lilith the Bloodline Holder General sigh "please calm down"

Her usual playfulness was replaced by a look of exhaustion

"The fallens are here!!!" A fearful loud shout came from one of the scouts

The Generals on top of the city walls turned their gaze towards the army of fallens. Everyone held their breath in shock

It was one thing to know that a few tens of thousands fallen army were coming to destroy the city but to see the actual scene of these many fallens bought fear to everyone who saw it

The suffocating atmosphere inside the city multiplied and almost everyone was filled with despair

"Is the God punishing us?" One of the citizens in the city cried out as tears were continuously flowing down from his eyes while he is a holding a cross on his chest

All the supernaturals lose their will to fight even when the battle has not started yet

The roaring of the fallens was the only thing that can be heard in the surrounding as no one dared to make any noise

Few moments pass and the people panic and started fleeing from the city. They didn't left the city as the road towards the other cities are bound to be filled with danger and they don't know what fate they will have once their own city fell

Also, before they still have some hope that they can win this war with the help of their powerful Generals but the sight of these many fallens wanting to kill them shattered that hope completely

Looking at the people fleeing from the city Gerald's heart ache, just how many of these people will survive?

Their numbers will naturally attract all the fallens on their way to attack them which is also one of the reason why they didn't flee but now their fear overtook them and the only thing they want now is to leave this city