Chapter 42

"I don't want them to die but I won't sacrifice my life for them" Mary said coldly

"If we team up we have a high chance in leaving here alive make your choice" the other Generals went silence for a while before the other Generals and Vice-Generals agreed on teaming up with her except for Gerald who clench his teeth and fist hard

"Fine" Gerald said while a look of sorrow clouded his face "I promise I will survive and become stronger to save other people!" With a determined look Gerald started leaving the city

The others also started started running away too

As these Mystics's speed are faster than other people they overtake the crowd of people and safely exited without much difficulty as those who are slower were the first one to be attack by the fallens

Gerald tried saving people within his reach but he was brutally stopped by Mary as it will just slow them down

Soon, the city was filled with blood and corpse, who knows how many people died without a proper burial ground

The Nightmare Fallens successfully turned a lot of fleeing supernaturals into a fallen too further increasing their number and strenght

Thus, a city with thousands of supernaturals were taken down in just a few hours while many people turned into a man killing fallen


Time pass by again and it is now the third month since the new era of Supernaturals started

Many people died or experienced all sorts of hardships during these time but there are also those who are strong that managed to build a reputation or carve their own territory successfully being a local lord

"[Innate Skill: Nature's Battle Armor!]" Kence immediately use his most powerful skill at the moment when he saw a group of five mid-stage Knight Rank Fallens were coming to him

As of now, their group was already extremely close to one of the big cities and by their estimation if something unexpected happen they will reach the city today

Originally, their group was bound to arrived at the city long time ago but since they took their time leisurely by absorbing more energy to break through a realm and comprehending the knowledge they gained from the Mind Crystal. Because of that even when a lot of time already passed they still didn't arrive at the city

Although none of them broke through a small realm but undoubtedly their strength was not the same as before!

With how much they comprehended they can easily defeat those in the same Cultivation Base as them

With the speed provided by the armor on his feet in just a blink of an eye he reached towards one of the fallens and pierce its head easily

While the wooden sword was still inside the fallen's head a small piece of it transformed into a root that absorb all the energy from the fallen's body

The fallen's body become too dry as if all the nutrients on it was suck dry, it soon was reduce into a pile of ashes

With his comprehension on how to use energy Kence now can transform a part of his wooden sword into his root that he always use to absorb the energy from other creatures

"Hmm, after this fight I might even broke through!" Kence smiled evilly and look at the four remaining fallens as if they were his 'nutrients'

"[Innate Skill: Leaf Storm!]" With Kence's new skills his leaf storm skill now contained a few thousand leaves

The thousands of leaves pierced the head of the lower levelled fallens, as Kence knew that his leaves cannot kill the mid-stage fallens he only used it to obstruct their vision

"Roar!!" The fallen growled and slapped the annoying leaves around him

Kence silently walk and made sure to use more leaves to obstruct the fallen's eyes

Even though his walking speed was fast but it didn't made any sound at all. He realized that the way he fought become completely different before the apocalypse

He was a former assassin but now he is always fighting in front or directly this was due to the fact that it still took him some time to adjust to the new things he can do now

Kence reached one of the fallen's back, he readied his sword silently and used it to slash the fallen's neck

The wooden sword easily beheaded the fallen due to the dense energy around it. Him killing the fallen didn't even made much of a sound and it was covered by the sound from his leaves

He once again transformed a bit of the wooden sword to absorb the energy from the fallen's corpse who was like the first one become a pile of ashes

Kence used this tactic to kill all the mid-stage fallens

Who would have thought that from before that he needed to use more energy than his body has just to kill a single one he would become skilled enought to do this

The four looked at Kence in awe, not only he killed five fallens with the same cultivation base as him but he also did it 'easily'

This was specially true for Calter who deeply admired his 'master'

The leaves disperse and Kence can be seen looking at a fallen's body with a look of satisfaction on his face

He used his root to absorb the fallen's body

Kence closed his eyes as the rich energy flowed on every inch of his body, he felt like a man who already ate a large amount of food but was still eating

He directed the surplus energy towards the barrier he felt before and use it to finally ascend to the peak-stage of Knight Rank

The rich amount of energy flooded and slammed the barrier, the barrier immediately shattered

A booming sound can be heard inside Kence and his body transformed into a hungry energy eating machine that greedily absorb the energy from the surrounding

Kence's body glowed with green light as the amount of energy inside him was continously rising while his aura become stronger

The four felt that familiar oppressive feeling as if they were looking at someone that is a higher being than then

When the breaking through process finished Kence opened his eyes and he felt a great sense of strength from his body

*ding congratulations to Host for successfully breaking through in the Peak-Stage of Rank 2 Knight Supernatural

The Voice of the World that he didn't heard for a long time 'informed' him of his break through

The four naturally congratulated him and they continued their journey


"Your Majesty, good news we finally successfully made the pill" an old woman wearing a lab coat reported to the Emperor

They are currently at the main research facility of the Emperor's 'Empire' which he named "Gu Serpent Empire" that came from his Bloodline "Purple Gu Serpent"

The woman handed the Emperor a clean small transparent bottle containing a black pill inside

He looked at it in satisfaction but instead of becomimg grateful he coldy snorted at the woman and said "hmph took you long enough!"

The scientist secretly clenched her fist but her face still showed a humble attitude "My apologies, Your Majesty"

"Make as many of this pill as you can" after saying this the waved his expensive robes and walked away

The scientist look hatefully at the man's back, she really wish that she can cut the man into tiny pieces and feed him to dogs. Too bad, she does not have the ability to

The other scientist look at the woman with pity

As she is the main scientist in the Empire's research facilities she was naturally the one who always reported to the Emperor on their research progress. Because of that, whether the Emperor was satisfied or not she was the one who will get the taste of his attitude

Exiting the research facility, the Emperor's Guards can be seen waiting for the Emperor

The Emperor ignored them and walk to his newly made 'Imperial Palace' that was made by the sacrifices of many Supernaturals who died either because of starvation, over fatigue or both

He decided that the research facility should be close to his Imperial Palace for easy monitoring. Who knows, what if those smart researchers decided to find a way to nullify his poison, that would be disastrous for him

When the guards saw the Emperor returning they all bowed down and become as subservient as possible

The Emperor coldy snorted and and did not pay them any attention as if they were just some piece of dirt on the ground

This naturally made the guards angry but what can they do? This despicable man holds their life on his hand

The Emperor continued on his way towards one of a office looking room full with all sorts of expensive looking decorations

He sat down on a chair, in front of him was a desk. On top of the desk was a black suitcase

He opened the suitcase and the inside of it was filled with a lot of glass capsules containing some sort of blood red liquid

The capsules emanated an aura filled with life force and energy, just one look at it and it was enough to know that these were not ordinary things

The Emperor took one of the glass capsules and removed its lid, he opened his mouth and poured the blood red liquid to his mouth

The energy from the liquid flowed down to his stomach and travelled on every inch of his body filling him with an abundant amount of energy

The warm energy gave comfort to the Emperor as he closed his eyes to savor the feeling

After he successfully integrated the energy to his body he opened his eyes and and let out a comfortable breath

"Blood Serums are really better than Blood Beans" he looked at the capsules with satisfaction

The liquid inside those glass capsules were precisely the famous Blood Serum, made from a fallen's Blood Bean

However, unlike Blood Beans that contained negative energies that will assault a person's soul these Blood Serum are completely pure

One will not worry about becoming a fallen if they failed to withstand the attack of the negative energy. Even until now there are still people who failed to reach the Supernatural Rank and are stuck at being a normal person

That is why those who have a high standing in this new world would want to have these Blood Serums either to give to people important to them so that they can advance into the Supernatural Rank or consume it themselves to improve their strength

Unfortunately, Blood Serums are important precious resources and its stock was limited. After all one must have the right equipment and skill to produce it and even then a lot of energy was wasted in the production and it required multiple Blood Beans to gather the passable amount of energy

It was both surprising and not surprising that this Emperor has a suit case full of these precious Blood Serums. Even powerful Knight Rank Supernaturals might not have even one of it as the rate of production was really too low

But who is this man? He is an Emperor of an entire city! All the city's resources were all for him to decide on its use. However, although that was the case he was still not short-sighted

His power alone cannot defeat an army of fallens that is why he still left some resources for the Mystics and normal Supernaturals

He needed powerful soldiers and although they are not necessarily hundred percent loyal to him but their lives are on his hand. Unless something unexpected happened they will not betray him and if they did betray him with just a thought he can control the poisions inside their body to kill them easily

The Emperor looked at the other Blood Serums with pity, he wanted to consume all of it as he already felt that he was close to breaking through and advancing to the 3rd Rank of Supernatural unfortunately one cannot consume too much of it

The Blood Serums are after all an external object that will assist a person in their Cultivation, the energy you gained was not from your own effort

Continuous rapid rise on the energy was not something the body can withstand and will only damage it. On the worse case scenario one can even die from Blood Serum abuse!