Chapter 76

When the fallens come close enough to them the Supernaturals in the city started defending their home that housed their families

"Magicians attack now!" One of the commanders in God's Tech City shouted when he was sure that the fallens entered the Magicians attack range. Behind him were tens of thousands of Supernaturals in different ranks. There are also Mystic mixed with them and most of them are at the back. This was to make the normal Supernaturals as 'cannonfodder'

If a strong enemy attack the Mystics' numbers won't suffer much. It sounds cruel but in a war the stronger you are the more value you will have

The Supernaturals' shout of their skill rang in the warfield and thousands of different attacks flew in the air. There are balls of fire, water, or earth that are the most common. Some are small and weak while some are big and powerful. No magic hit another causing a lose in firepower. It can be seen that this army was well trained and have a good sense of teamwork as most of them work with each other.

The magics landed on the fallens burning a lot of them and a small chunk of them was killed. Beside the army of Magicians were a small army only containing a few thousands. They are carrying various things on them but the most common were papers

Runes were drawn on the stacks of paper they drawn. The runes lit up and also flew in the air towards the army of fallens. This small army was entirely composed of Rune Masters. Even if they have smaller numbers but as all of them are Mystics their firepower was more than their numbers

All the runes landed on the fallen's body and different things happened to them. However, all the fallens almost has one ending and that is death when the runes unleashed its effect on them

In front of the entire army were tens of thousands of Cultivators along with the Bloodline Holders and Supernaturals that has great physical strenght and defense. They were the vanguards of this army and as cruel as it sounds they were the ones that sustained the highest casualties

Their bodies glowed with different lights because of the runes attached on their bodies. These runes are either for increase speed, strengh, stamina, or defense. The close range fighters mixed with the fallens and unleased their deadly attacks

As the two sides met the long range attackers can't just shoot out their attacks. Their attack rate slowed down as to not let their magics harm their allies

Blood spilled everywhere as casualties from both the human and fallen army piled and dying the ground with filthy blood. One of the Mystics behind the army suddenly felt a vibration below him. He stared at it for a while to see what's wrong before another Mystic saw that he stopped firing magic attacks. The Mystic misunderstood him and yelled "You! What are you doing?! Continue killing the fallens!"

The Mystic flinched at his comrade's words and turned back his focus in the on going war. But this was a decision of him that will cost his life. The ground below him softened and an earthen colored hand with a drill like thing on the back of its palm came out. The hand grabbed the Mystic's leg and pulled him down

The Mystic yelled but it was too late, the army was taken aback and caught off guard to give him any sort of help. The soft ground swallowed the unfortunate Mystic's body. Under the ground was a fallen that has different color than the other fallens. This fallen was earthen brown in color and looks like a human size mole with drills to travel underground

This fallen was also unlike the other fallens as it has an innate elemental skill. It can soften the ground for a few times to drag down its enemy. After the Mystic was dragged in the soft ground it turned back to being hard and he was buried alive

A part of the army of flying fallens also flew in the air and unleased long range attacks. If not for them successfully activating their defensive runes more of them will die. Even then some Supernaturals died while there were also some that turned into a fallen because of the Nightmare Fallens

It lived up to its name as not all of the Supernaturals in the army has the courage to attack those that turned into fallens. This cause more of them to die because of their indecisiveness

The surprise element dealt a huge blow on the human's army and similar scenes happened everywhere. A lot of humans died because of this. Their former state of overpowering the fallens reversed and if something unexpected happened their city would be weaken a lot after this war

It was also unfortunate that a part of their army went to the Gu Serpent Empire to assist. With the help of that army specially Aries a Grand Knight Mystic, it will great help in their current situation

Its not that the fallen was too powerful but it's the element of surprise. They become too relaxed and was dealt a devastating blow.

Sun saw the situation in the God's Tech Army and his anger rise to the skies. For him this city was his grandpa's hard work, how can he let someone destroy it? The serpents swimming around was also enraged because of his mood and their attacks become even more merciless. Snake trails appeared, these trails were merely an area in the sky devoid of any fallen

The serpents managed to kill hundreds of flying fallens but this was not enough. Compared to the fallens' number these hundreds of them were like a drop in the ocean

"[Demonic Magic: Flaming Lance of Envy!]" Sun's Envy Energy erupted and gathered around his right hand to form a Lance. Sun poured his energy into his grimoire to activate another magic. "[Hell Flame Magic: Flame Charge!]'

Black flames burned on his black wings. Sun flapped his burning wings and his flying speed reached a new heights! He madly slash and hack all the fallens coming to his way and they all died from the residual fire that was left on their body

Even the long range attacker flying fallens cannot do anything at him as his speed didn't gave them a chance to properly aim at him. The fallens were helpless and all they can do was to wait for their death

Although Sun wants to help the ground troops but the Supernaturals that has the ability to fly was too few in numbers. It was better if he dealt with the flying ones first

The hiding fallen saw how many of 'its' hardwork was being killed like a grass but he cannot do anything. He was waiting for the right time to strike


The Mole Fallens didn't only attack the troops outside the city but some also entered the walls to cause havoc. The inside of the city become chaotic, there were not many Supernatural fighters inside as most of them are outside. The citizens that cannot protect themselves became the fallen's source of energy

As the mole fallens can only use their ability to soften the ground a few times they took the prey's body they killed to the sub-mother type fallens to replenish their army

Cries of pain and terror rang out everywhere while blood spilled on the ground. Inside a small house a pregnant woman was violently trembling in fear. Her husband was part of the army and she was left alone inside their home

She can hear the terrified voice outside and it greatly affected her mood. There were trails of blood flowing down on her legs and she was crying without any voice coming out from her mouth. She was afraid that her voice would attract unwanted attention

Too bad, fate was bad on her. She felt the ground below her feet soften. Seeing the ground changing its state filled her body with even more terror. The woman shouted in fright when an earthen colored hand with a drill on the back of its palm came out from the ground. The hand grabbed her on her leg and dragged the unfortunate woman down

The mole fallen travelled on the ground for a few minutes until it reached the back lines of their army. There were thousands of sub-mother type fallen and fat fallens that ate the corpse that the other fallens took

The fat fallen ate the corpse as if it was just a normal thing to it. After eating some it will spit out a dense meat ball that the other fallens will give to the sub-mother types. The fallen then will eat the meat ball to replenish their energy and give birth to an egg

As this was a war in in exchange for faster maturity of the eggs the fallens will use more energy. It only took a few minutes before the eggs hatched. A normal fallen will give it a small piece of the meat balls and the new born fallen will grew at the rate visible to the eyes. Not even an hour will passed before a new born fallen was ready to fight

These kind of scenes happened everywhere and more casualties appeared. The only fortunate thing is that the rate of fallen's reproduction was lower than the rate of fallens getting killed

Anna can hear the screams asking for help outside her villa. There were also some smokes everywhere as some buildings were burned because of the chaos. "What are you doing here? Help them!" Anna shouted in anger when she saw that her guards didn't have a plan to help their fellow citizens

The ten guards was having mixed feelings themselves as a lot of people were dying outside. But they chose to fulfill their duty of guarding and not letting Anna escape. This was because Sun chose them as guards because they don't have any family members remaining. He figured out thay if something unexpected happened the guards will choose their family over their task

"Did you not hear me? Help them!" Anna's face turned red in anger while Annie rub her back to calm her. She also experienced the apocalypse and although she was not a saint herself but if she can do something to help she won't hesitate. Besides, this was also her chance to escape but that is what the guards were afraid of. Just thinking at how ruthless Sun is if they let her escape they are sure they would be burn down into ashes

"We are sorry Miss Anna but our duty is to protect you" one of the guards said. Suddenly, the ground below the guards soften and an earthen colored hand appeared from it. The hand grabbed him on his legs and pulled him down

What happened was too fast that no one was able to react. Plus the fact that they put their focus on the enemies that might appear from the outside not from below them. That guard was powerful on his own as he was a peak Knight Rank Mystic just like the other guards. But he didn't thought that an enemy will appear below him and was thus killed immediately

The remaining nine guards circled around Anna while looking down and waiting for the enemy to appear. The ground below one of the guards soften too but this time he was ready. The guard immediately jumped away and the fallen only managed to grab an empty air

One of the Cultivators on the other hand used his hand with tattoo lines filled with vitality to grab the fallen on its wrist. His powerful body strength enable him dragged out the fallen from the guard

This was the first them they saw this fallen but he didn't hesitate and broke its neck. Sickening cracking sounds were generated because of the Cultivator's action and he threw it away from them