Chapter 77

Witnessing what happened Anna started formulating a plan on her mind. She inched closer to her sister Annie and whispered something on her ears. "We'll escape when more fallens attack us"

Her words made Annie's emotion to be in turmoil. Although Sun imprisoned her sister but aside from that the man treated them well and give all the things they need. She also learned about Sun's reputation of being merciless but when it comes to her and sister as long as they don't anger him by escaping he will show a gentle side

This kind of man was precisely her type. Someone that will give her a challenge and act cold to other people except for her. Anna sensed this and she threw a questioning look at Annie. "What's wrong?" Anna asked but Annie just shook her head

As if the fallens were enraged by the Supernaturals killing their kind twelve more mole fallens decided to attack them. The ground around each of them softened. The twelve including Anna and Annie jumped in the air to avoid the fallen's attacks

"Run!" Anna shouted and after the ground returned to normal she grabbed Annie's wrist and started running. "[Innate Skill: Nature's Blessing!]" The pair of sister's body glowed with green light as if nature itself were blessing them. Because of Anna's skill their running speed increased and they made quite a long distance between their guards

"After them! Don't let them escape!" The head of the guards shouted grimly and the remaining nine guards chased the two. As the cultivators have better physical body in just a few seconds they almost overtake the two but it seems like the destiny was on their side

The ground that the three Cultivators step on soften and two pairs of hand grabbed them on their legs and pulled them down. The three were caught off guard and as all of their body strenght was in running while their focus was chasing the sisters the mole fallens became successful on their sneak attacks

The pair of two hands pulled the three Cultivator down and ended their lives. Anna sighed in relief but also started feeling sorry for the three. If they didn't focus on capturing her with their strength their outcome would be different

The remaining six Supernaturals were not as fast as the cultivators and the distance between them and Anna increased. Also, the six need to raise their guards in case the mole fallens decided to attack them

Annie didn't want to have the same outcome as those cultivators and also activated her skill. "[Magic Skill: Wind Embrace!]" Their body was suddenly surrounded by winds and their speed increased again. Wind Embrace was a common skill among Supernaturals that has the wind attribute. Its effect was inferior than the similar skills that the Mystics use but it was still better than nothing. Anna's skill after all was still in effect and Wind Embrace became just a supplementary magic

The guards' faces darkened as seeing the distance between them increasing again. A mage gritted her teeth and decided to attack. Her grimoire hovered in front of her and glowed with a fire red light. "[Fire Magic: Fire Missiles!]" From her grimoire streaks of lights made from fire flew out and aimed at Annie

Anna was after all Sun's woman and she don't have the guts to hurt her. Annie on the other hand was different. Not only she's only just the sister of the woman Sun love but she's also not a Mystic. Her strength was the weakest here

Anna didn't have a choice but to stop and block the mage's magic that was threatening to hurt her sister. "[Innate Skill: Nature's Sword!]" Anna's energy gathered around her hands and formed a green sword made from nature type energy

She used the sword to slash on the fires. Anna was forced to pour a lot of energy just to maintain her sword. Although the both of them were in the same rank but her energy attribute was in a disadvantage against the opponent's energy. If Anna was even just a small realm higher the disadvantage was negligible sadly she's not

Anna's guards were after all elites and bought the mind crystal containing the basics of cultivation. As all the sisters wanted was to go back in their home city they didn't stop in an Angel's Shop along the way.

"[Magic Skill: Air Bullets!]" Annie compressed the wind and made it as a bullet. This was also a common skill for Supernaturals but its activation speed and number was beneficial in their current situation. Anna and Annie's skill might not be the same as the Elites but they survived the apocalypse with just their strength. They at least know how to properly choose a magic to use

The air bullets although weak but they still managed to slow down their pursuers a bit. The two sisters immediately resumed running. "Damn weak magic!" Another mage shouted in irritation and also used his magic to destroy the 'annoying attacks'

"[Water Magic: Water Swords!]" Water appeared and they formed into water swords. The air bullets didn't even made a dent on the mage's attack and the water swords continue flying towards Annie

"How despicable!" Anna said in anger at seeing they only aimed at her weaker sister. Anna was forced to stop running again to defend from attacks coming to her sister. "[Innate Skill: Nature's Cradle!]" The two sister were surrounded by a dome of condensed nature type energy. This skill of Anna was quite versatile, not only it can heal but one can also use the energy on it to make a barrier

The water swords slammed on the barrier and cracks immediately appeared on it. After no more than two seconds the swords pierced Anna's skill and the barrier broke into little pieces of energies. The swords attacked Annie.  Anna watched in horror as the swords hit her sister

Fortunately, the Mage didn't have any intention to kill and the swords only hit Annie's foot causing a large wound on it and she fell down on the ground. "AAHH!" Annie cried out in pain while tears of pain fell down from her eyes

"Annie!" Anna immediately actived her skill again. The two were once more surrounded by nature type energy but this time the energy flew in Annie's feet to heal her

The guards sighed in relief, with Annie disabled Anna would surely not left her sister. However, suddenly the water mage who just finished was attacked a mole fallen. Thankfully they already learned their lesson and didn't let their guards down like before

The water mage jumped and the fallen's attack miss. "[Rune Magic: Paralysis!]" One of the Rune Master slammed an already made runes in paper to the fallen's arm and paralyzing it

They dragged the fallen above the ground and finished it with their magic. The six has bitter smiles on their faces as the mole fallens always decided to attack them. They didn't know if they should be happy or not because they are the ones that were attack instead of Anna. What they didn't know was for fallen they are a group of 'high levelled meal' that contained more energy. Energy that the fallens needed to reproduce

"I'm sorry Annie, I shouldn't have tried to escape" Anna said in regret. Her sister was hurt because of her and she blamed herself.  "G-go sister e-escape!" Annie forced the words out amidst the pain from her injury

"What? No! I won't leave you!" How can Anna left her sister here and escape by herself?

Annie ignored the pain on her feet and looked straightly at Anna's eyes with seriousness. "Don't misunderstood me sister. I want you to escape on your own because I like Sun okay? I know you know that. With you here he won't love me but if you are gone I can make him fall in love with me. If his love was directed to me I will have a better life and you won't be hunted for the rest of your lives! Do you get it? Leave now!"

Anna was taken aback by her sister's words but she was still determined and shook her head. Annie was her only sister and family, how can she easily left her here?

"If you won't leave now I will hate you forever" Anna stepped back at seeing Annie's expressions. She can't believe that she will ever see this kind of expression on her own sister. "[Magic Skill: Wind Embrace!]"

The winds gathered around Anna's body again and she can feel her speed increasing. "Leave" Annie said coldly and even her eyes looked at Annie with coldness.

Things happened so fast that Anna didn't know how to react. "I said leave now!" Annie's loud cold voice made Anna to flinched and her body unconsciously started running while casting the Nature's Blessing on herself

The guards would have never thought that Anna will escape on her own and since their focus were on the fallen that attacked them they were a bit slow to react. Annie looked at her sister's back with mixed emotions

She naturally love Anna and wanted her to escape here. After all, it was her decision for them to visit God's Tech City. However, deep inside her she knows her words were also true. If Anna continue living close to Sun all of Sun's attention would be on her. Annie won't have the chance to make the man she like to like her back

"[Magic Skill: Wind Blades!]" Annie even when sitting on the ground and injured can still use her magics. She compressed the wind into blade shapes and used it to attack

"[Magic Skill: Wind Bullets!]" Her first skill was almost not finished when she forced herself to activate another skill again. She was not like Sun who has a great spell casting talent and can simultaneously cast a magic. This reckless actions of her caused a splitting pain on her head. Her soul was not yet at the level where she can do this

Annie bit her tongue as her attacks are not enough to buy enough time for her sister. "[M-Magic Skill: Wind Balls!]" Anna hold out her hand and two rotating balls of winds were made in front of her. The balls add up to the first two attacks and this was all she can do for her sister now

The pain on her head intensifies and she puke out a mouthful of blood. The guards were surprise but her level and strength was still too low compared to theirs

The guards easily defended from her attacks but Anna already left their vision

Currently, Anna used the houses and buildings for her advantage. She made a turn and let the building block her guards' vision. Her face was filled with a pained expression. She can't believe she left her sister just like that.

Her tears were carried away by the winds but the pain inside her heart was not something the winds can do something. She can hear and see people's scream asking for help but she steeled her heart and ignored them

She is kind but this is still the apocalypse. She can't just risk her life for people she doesn't know. She also can't let her sister's sacrifice to be in vain. She needed to escape now

Suddenly, the area around her dimmed as if something blocked the sun's light. Anna looked up to see an old man with pitch black hair and wings looking down at her. Her face darkened at the despairing man above her

"Oh no!" Anna cried out and put more strenght on her feet to increase her speed. "[Hell Fire Magic: Hell Fire Ball!]" A single ball of black fire shot out from the old man's grimoire and landed in front of Anna

Anna stopped on her tracks as the fires blocked her way. "[Copy Magic: Wind Bind!]" The air around Anna condensed into rope like things that coiled around her body

The old man flew down and looked at Anna while sighing. "I'm sorry Anna but I can't let you escape" Derry said

"Let me go!" Anna shouted angrily while trying to removed the winds binding her but she can't. Even if Derry didn't focus on cultivation but he's still an Envy Devil Servant. His innate talent in cultivation was so high that he reached the early stage of Grand Knight easily

"I'm sorry but I can't do that" for Derry his grandson Sun is the most important person. How can he give him pain by letting Anna escape?