Chapter 3: Walk Around Diagon Alley

Argus looked at Harry as they were going out.

"He really does look like Daniel Radcliffe," Argus thought.

"So I heard that your relatives were terrible," Argus said trying to start a conversation.

"Oh yes, terrible. They never gave me anything and they made me do everything around the house," Harry said. "Argus I believe was your name?"

"Yes it is Harry Potter. I'm glad that I finally got to meet you. My mother would not ever stop talking about you back in the days. She sometimes blames you for keeping my father away from our house since now he feels safer leaving us two home alone,"

Harry laughed.

"So how was your first vault experience?" Argus asked.

"Oh, it was amazing. I never saw so much money in my life. Although Hagrid took out something quite interesting out of the vault,"

"It must be the Philosopher's Stone," Chris thought.

"It was in a old dusty beige bag, but Hagrid treats it as if it's some sort of treasure. He said it's worth more than his job. I wonder what can be worth more than a job at Hogwarts," Harry said with enthusiasm as the content of the bag truly did interest him.

"Oh, that's quite interesting. I wonder what's in it," Argus said.

Harry and Argus soon arrived at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

Madam Malkin was a small woman who was dressed in all mauve.

She noticed the two come in and smiled.

"Hello dears. Hogwarts?" She asked a in kind voice.

"Yes ma'am," Argus said with a smile.

"Oh great, there was another boy here just now being fitted.

Madam Malkins put two stools down next to a boy with a pale pointed face who was being fitted by a woman.

"Draco Malfoy..." Argus thought as both he and Harry started to walk towards the stool

Madam Malkins signalled another person to come and both Harry and Argus had a long robe slipped on their heads after they sat down. Madam Malkins and the other woman then started to pin it at the right length.

"Hello there you two," Draco said. "Hogwarts as well?"

"Yes," Harry said.

"My father's next door buying my books and mother's up the street looking at wands," said the boy. He had the voice of an extremely bored child. "I'm going to go get my parents to buy me a broom and let me smuggle it in. I really don't understand why first years aren't able to have a broom,"

While Harry was getting reminded of Dudley, Argus simply just shaked his head.

"Do you have your own broom?" Draco asked.

"No," Harry said.

"Do you play Quidditch?" Draco asked.

"No," Harry said confusedly.

"Do you play Quidditch?" Draco asked Argus.

Argus simply shaked his head as he did not want to continue this idiotic conversation.

"Well I do. Father says it's a crime if I don't play Quidditch for my house. Do you know what House you want to be in?"

"No," Harry said as he felt more stupid by the minute.

Argus also shaked his head as if he said Gryffindor, he knew for a fact that Draco would run off about how noble the Slytherins were.

"Well it's alright. There's not many that would know about what house they would be in. I'm one of the few. I'll be a Slytherin since all my family members since the beginning of Hogwarts have been in Slytherin. Imagine being in that dreadful Hufflepuff, I'd immediately drop out,"

Harry and Argus both did not say anything as both were starting to get extremely bored by the conversation.

"I say, look over there," Draco said. When both Argus and Harry looked over, there were Claire, Hagrid, and Isla all holding ice cream to signal that they couldn't come in.

"That's Hagrid and his mother," Harry said in a happy tone because he finally felt like he knew something.

"Oh, I've heard of him. He's a servant that works at Hogwarts right? She must be his friend. Gosh, she should choose her friends right. I heard that he was a savage who ends up getting drunk and setting his bed on fire,"

"He's the gamekeeper of the school," Harry said coldly.

"Why did he come with you? Where are your parents?" Draco asked Harry.

"They're dead," Harry said.

"Ahh, I'm sorry," Draco said in an unapologetic tone. "But they had our blood right?"

"If you mean if they were a witch and wizard, yes they were," Harry said.

"Good, I really don't understand why we should let other kinds study with us. They didn't even know about Hogwarts before getting the acceptance letter," Draco said with a frustrated tone. "Oh yeah, what's your surname anyways?"

Before Harry could say anything, Madam Malkin signalled that she was finished with both Harry and Argus' uniform. Harry happy that he was done conversing with Draco stood up.

"Well, I'll see you at Hogwarts," Draco said.

Harry left the place and Argus was right behind him before he decided to say something.

"As expected of the Malfoy family, always caring about the purity of your blood even though they were defeated by a family that had Muggle blood,"

"What did you say?!" Draco exclaimed and tried to stand up, but the woman handling his clothings prevented him from doing so.

"Have a nice day and I hope to see you at Hogwarts as well," Argus said as he left.

"Who is that guy. Well no matter, when I do find out his identity, I'll make sure Father destroy his entire family," Draco thought maliciously as he was smiling from imagining Argus begging at his knees.

"How was the shop guys?" Claire asked as she gave Argus an ice cream while Hagrid gave Harry his.

"It was alright," Argus said while Harry simply just nodded to show he agreed.

"Hagrid what's Quidditch?" Harry asked.

"Blimey, Harry I keep forgettin' how little yeh know," Hagrid said. However, Argus answered for him.

"It's a game where there are 7 people: 3 Chasers, 2 Beaters, 1 Seeker, and 1 Keeper. The rules are a bit more complicated so I won't explain it, but it's like soccer on a broomstick,"

"That's correct Argus," Hagrid said with a smile.

"Argus why do you think that boy said that Muggles shouldn't even be allowed in,"

"Don't worry it's the narrow-minded thinking of those pure-blooded family. Either way, you should see some of the best wizards and witches around, they are all Muggle-born. Sure they may have some disadvantages early on, but once they study hard, they will be on the same level as both you and me,"

"Did that boy really say that Muggles shouldn't be allowed in?" Claire asked.

Harry nodded.

"Hmph, that rude son of Lucius. It's alright Harry, he's just saying stuff because he's jealous. Don't worry about it,"

"So what's Slytherin and Hufflepuff?" Harry asked Argus once more.

"It's the houses of Hogwarts. You've seen the Hogwarts coat of arms right?" Harry nodded.

"The Slytherins are the snakes and Hufflepuff are the badgers. There's also the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws. People may consider Hufflepuff to be weak, but-,"

"I bet I'm in Hufflepuff," Harry said with a gloomy face.

"Better Hufflepuff than in Slytherin," Hagrid said darkly. "There's not a single witch or wizard who didn' go bad in Slytherin. Even You-Know-Who was in Slytherin,"

"Vold- I mean You-Know-Who was in Slytherin?"

"Long ago," Hagrid said.

They all went to Flourish and Blotts for textbooks. Claire offered to pay for the textbooks and while Harry tried to refuse, Argus eventually convinced him by saying that his family vault was not going to be affected by some textbooks.

When they bought the books however, both Argus and Harry could not get their eyes off of some books. Hagrid had to drag Harry away from Curses and Countercurses (Bewitch Your Friends and Befuddle Your Enemies with the Latest Revenges: Hair Loss, Jelly-Legs, Tongue-Tying and Much, Much More) by Professor Vindictus Viridian and Isla had to drag Argus away from Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed.

Seeing how they were both being carried away, Harry and Argus looked at each other and laughed.

"I was trying to figure out how to curse Dudley," Harry said.

"And I was trying to hex that wretched boy back at Madam Malkin," Argus said.

"I'm not sayin' that it's not a good idea, but Harry yeh are not allowed to use magic in the Muggle World except for extremely special circumstances," Hagrid said. "An' anyways, both of yeh can't work any of them spells anyways. Yeh'll need more study for that," Hagrid said.

Hagrid wouldn't allow Harry to buy a solid gold cauldron too. However, when one of the workers came, they recognized Claire.

"Lady Claire, it's nice seeing you here," The worker said politely as she bowed.

"It's nothing. Oh yes, come and go get 2 cauldrons, pewter standard size 2. Also, go and get this young gentleman a golden cauldron,"

"Yes ma'am,"

"Claire yeh didn' have to," Hagrid said.

"Think of it as his birthday present. Besides, a golden cauldron would be useful later wouldn't it Hagrid," Claire said with a smile.

"Yeh're right,"Hagrid said with a chuckle.

"Thank you Mrs. Nidma. I-I-I-"

"Don't worry about it," Claire said with a smile. "Besides your father and mother did much more for my husband than a golden cauldron. It was always saddening that we couldn't pay them back, but now we can,"

Argus saw that his mother's eyes were starting to water and he slowly held her. Hagrid also gave her an awkward hug and Claire laughed once again. They also got a nice set of scales for measuring potions ingredients and a collapsible brass telescope.

They then went to the Apothecary where it smelled extremely horrible. Argus almost retched, but barely managed to keep himself from doing so by keeping his interest on the wide array of unique items lying around such as the barrel of slime, fangs, feathers, and etc. From here too, when the man behind the counter saw Claire, he immediately gave both Harry and Argus potion supplies.

When they left, Harry was really astounded by Argus.

"Wow, you really have it nice. You get so much free stuff,"

"We're not getting it for free. The shops are under the Nidma Family so we're spending money on these supplies. It's technically not free," Argus said.

Claire laughed at this and pointed out how much a good businessman Argus would be with Hagrid following suit and agreeing with her.

Hagrid checked the list for Harry.

"Well, I guess there's only the wands left," Hagrid said. "Oh wait, Harry I haven't gotten you a present yet for your birthday,"

Harry once again tried to convince Hagrid not to.

"It's alright Hagrid. You already did so much for me,"

"It's alright Harry. Tell yeh what. Let's get yeh an animal. I don't like cats. Toads aren't very fashionable. Oh yes, an owl. Let's get you an owl. Everyone wants a owl right now. They're dead useful, carryin your mail and everything," Hagrid said.

"Do you own the owl shop too Argus?" Harry asked.

"No, but I believe that we own some other pet shops," Argus said.

"Oh wow, are you going to something from there?" Harry asked.

"No, I want to get an owl as well. Mother can I have one as well?"

"Oh yes son. You haven't really asked me for anything other than books for a really long time. It's high time you asked something from me," Claire said with a smile. Isla also smiled at this as well.

"Yes Sir Argus, you're finally starting to act like a child,"

"Oh get off of me," Argus said with a smile.

They went to the Eeylops Owl Emporium which was dark and filled with bright eyes and spent around 20 minutes there. When everyone came out, Harry and Argus both came out with a cage. Harry came out with a beautiful snowy white owl that was sleeping while Argus came out with brown barn owl that seemed to be awake and lively. Harry couldn't stop saying thank you to Hagrid.

"Oh don't worry about it," Hagrid said. "Didn' get much from the Dursleys anyways. This is my way of showing you that I'm here for yeh. Now we have to go to Ollivanders for yer wand and yeh gotta have the best one,"