Chapter 4: Wand

When they arrived in front of Ollivander's, Argus read the words over the door.

Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B. C.

Hagrid, Claire, and Isla all said they were going elsewhere while Harry and Argus went inside to buy their wands.

When they stepped inside, a bell rang informing that they were now inside the premise. It was a messy yet organized room with numerous boxes stacked on top of each other. Even though Argus had seen the movie, the shop still seemed weird and even a bit eerie.

"Ahh Mr. Potter and Mr. Nidma," An old man's voice suddenly said. Both Harry and Argus jumped and when they looked up, they saw an old man presumably Mr. Ollivander on a moving ladder.

"Well hello there, I am quite surprised to see you two together,"

"Hello," Harry and Argus said at the same time.

"He's more eccentric than I thought," Argus thought as he saw Mr. Ollivander get off the moving ladder.

"However, Mr. Potter, I was expecting to see you soon. I remember like yesterday your mother and father came in to buy their first wands. Ten and a quarter inches long, swishy, made of willow for your mother and an eleven inch mahogany wand for your father,"

Mr. Ollivander now changed his gaze to Argus.

"I remember your father. While your mother went somewhere else to get her wand, your father came in. I remember it extremely clearly. 12 inches Maple I believe. Only the most ambitious can have that wand," Ollivander said. "Now let's get you two both measured. Both of you hold out your wand arm,"

After measuring the fundamental parts, Ollivander left the measuring tape to measure by himself while going through boxes.

"Alright that will do," The measuring tape now fell on the floor dully. Let's start with Mr. Potter's wand first. Try this one. Beechwood and dragon heartstring. Nine inches. Nice and flexible. Give it a wave,"

Harry waved the wand while feeling foolish, but Mr. Ollivander took away the wand immediately.

"Maple and phoenix feather. Seven inches. Quite whippy. Wave,"

Harry once again waved the wand feeling even more stupid, but Mr. Ollivander once again immediately took away the wand.

"Here, ebony and unicorn hair, eight and a half inches, springy. Wave again,"

Harry at this point was extremely confused on what Mr. Ollivander wanted. He tried wand after wand, but none of them seemed to match.

"Tricky customer..." Mr. Ollivander said with a joyful tone. "It's alright, we'll find you a perfect one somewhere. Ahh, let's try something unique. Holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple. Go on try it,"

Harry expected the wand to do nothing, but suddenly a red sparks appeared like a mini firework show.

Argus clapped and Mr. Ollivander's face beamed.

"Ahh, excellent, but how curious..."

"What?" Harry asked.

"I remember every wand I sell Mr. Potter and the phoenix that gave its tail feather for this wand gave its feather for one other wand and it was the one that gave you the scar on your forehead.

Harry showed visible signs of fear.

"Yes, thirteen-and-a-half inches. Yew. Quite interesting. The wand chooses its wizard so I'm expecting great things from you Mr. Potter just like You-Know-Who. Indeed, You-Know-Who was evil, but he was also great,"

Harry shivered and quickly paid Mr. Ollivander 7 Galleons for his wand.

"Mr. Nidma, it is time for your wand. Applewood and Dragon Heartstring. 10 inches. Quite springy. Wave like Mr. Potter,"

Argus waved and blue sparks appeared from his wand.

"Hmm... That's quite weird. Well no matter try this one Ash and Unicorn hair. 13 inches Quite supple indeed. Try it,"

Argus waved and this time white sparks flew.

"This is... I've never seen this before. Try this wand..."

Mr. Ollivander kept on giving Argus wands and Argus produced sparks for each and every one of them.

"Amazing. Amazing Amazing Amazing! All these wands are suited for you. In the history of World of Wizardry, there has never been an instance where one was suited for every wand. However, in that case..." Mr. Ollivander searched through the boxes and took out an old looking box that looked like it was hundreds of years old. He opened it the box and in it was an old looking wand that looked extremely fragile. However, when Argus looked at it, it seemed to radiate a power that seemed to be somewhat contrasting.

"This is made up of a wood that my ancestors called the Life Wood. This is the only wand with that is usable now as this was the only wand that was successfully made with the core. Furthermore, there was never a tree like the Life Tree ever again making it impossible to even attempt to make. The core is extremely special too. Thestral hair. The Thestrals represent death and so combining the two, one representing life and the other death. Very unusual wand if I should say so myself. There has been no one that was able to control this wand. However, I took this out today because I think you might be able to do it. Try,"

Argus was extremely shocked about this new type of wood and wand core.

"Life and Death. Yin and Yang?" Argus thought as he waved the wand. A black and white spark flew out of the wand and the black and white spark spiraled around Argus' arm.

"HAHA! I've done it ancestors. The will that you have left me has been fulfilled! I have finally found the owner of the YinYang Wand. No payments needed Mr. Nidma. Finding the owner of that wand is the best payment I could possibly get," Ollivander said as his misty eyes became clear and he seemed to be extremely satisfied.

Argus quickly thanked him and he and Harry walked to leave the shop.

"I expect great things from you. Mr. Argus Nidma!" Mr. Ollivander exclaimed.

When they left the shop, Harry immediately started to talk.

"Argus that's amazing! Mr. Ollivander seemed to be extremely happy about it. He seemed to look so calm when giving my wand,"

"Haha... There must be something wrong. I mean I've never heard of a wand using a Thestral hair as core," Argus said. "On the other hand, you're quite amazing too. Your combination of both Holly and a phoenix feather both rare to find. He also expects great things from you too,"

When the two of them met up with Hagrid, Claire, and Isla, it was afternoon and Hagrid offered them some hamburgers at the Leaky Cauldron which all of them accepted.

When they arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, they got their food and Hagrid noticed Harry's strange behaviors once they sat down.

"Yeh doing alright Harry?" Hagrid asked.

"Yes, It's just that everything feels so... strange to me right now. When I came here earlier, everyone treated me like the most powerful wizard on the Wizarding World even though I don't know anything about magic. Apparently, I'm famous, but I don't even know for what. I can't even remember something as simple as the night my parents died," Harry said.

"You'll do fine, Harry," Claire said. "I know it's been hard for you. Hagrid told me your story earlier. Those wretched family members of yours. I don't know entirely about the Hogwarts experience because I didn't attend there, but let me just say that school is going to go great for you,"

After they finished eating, it was time for all of them to say goodbye. Hagrid helped Harry onto the bus and gave him an envelope.

"Yer tickets for Hogwarts," Hagrid said. "First o' September -- King's Cross -- it's all on yer ticket. If the Dursleys are making it hard for you, just send an owl,"

"She'll know where to find me too," Argus said. "Send me letters. It'll be a blast writing you letters. See you Harry,"

"See you Harry. It was nice meeting you. You really do remind me of your mother and father," Claire said as tears started to form up again.

"Yes, it was a nice meeting you Sir Harry," Isla said.

"Thank you for being so kind to me," Harry said as the train closed.

"I guess it's time to go," Claire said and the rest left so when Harry blinked while looking at them from the window, all of them disappeared.