Chapter 5: King's Cross

The last month of waiting wasn't so bad for Argus. He continued to read and tried to review as much of the first year lessons as he can before coming in.

"I'm not too bad in learning the material. I'll only need a little more time before I go and review the second year material," Argus thought as he continued to read One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi.

During that same month, he decided to name his new owl, Schwartz. He was lively and Argus had to frequently play with it.

The month passed extremely quickly and it was September 1, the day that Hogwarts started.

It was the also first time that Argus' father Jack has went with Argus somewhere.

"Wow, our family hasn't gone out together in years!" Claire said sarcastically.

"I say I'm sorry everyday dear," Jack said trying to placate his wife.

"Hmph, ever since You-Know-Who disappeared, you've been working until nighttime and we haven't even gone out to eat as a family,"

"I'm sorry dear. It's been hard. I've been trying to improve the Nidma business and it's even difficult for me to come back so that we could all at least eat dinner together. However, since I finally succeeded recently, I guess I can finally tell you," Jack said. "I finally created a huge company in the Muggle World. It's related to Harry's uncle's drilling company, Grunning I believe. It's a construction company and Muggles really need machines since they don't have magic to assist them. Anyways, my company has finally started to buy supplies from Grunnings and I made it so that if Grunnings loses our support, they'll stop receiving support from all the other companies that are buying from them. So now we can get Harry out of the Dursley's as long as it's safe to do so,"

"Oh my, Jack, I didn't know you were doing such a thing for James and Lily,"

"Haha, they did so much for me at both school and in the war. I need to pay them back somehow or else I'll never live in peace,"

"Oh, Jack," Claire said while hugging him.

The three of them went to King's Cross together and when they arrived they saw a plump woman with 4 boys with red all holding a cart. There was also a little girl also with flaming red hair.

"Molly!" Claire screamed.

"Claire! Jack as well!" The plump woman exclaimed.

"Hello there Molly, it has been a long time," Jack said with a smile.

Claire and Molly hugged and Molly then hugged Jack.

"So little Argus is all grown up isn't he?" Molly said.

"Yes, he is," Claire said with a smile. "Argus go say hello to Molly. Like Hagrid, she and her husband fought You-Know-Who alongside us,"

"Hello, Aunt Molly," Argus said.

"Oh, it's great seeing you again. Claire I haven't seen the kid in years! You haven't been out that much,"

"Oh, it's just we had things to do," Claire said. "And look at your children. Percy and the twins have grown up. There's your little boy Ron. And little Ginny as well!"

"Oh yes, they're all my pride and joy. Especially Percy, he's a Prefect this year," Molly said with pride.

"Prefect. Oh my! Congratulations! Well Percy, come to one of our shops. I'll make sure that you get an item for free as a gift although all Weasley family members get a 20% discount forever anyways!" Claire said.

Percy bowed and thanked her politely.

"The only problem is that Fred and George are a bit of a trickster and..."

"Mom, we totally are not," one of the twins said.

"Yes you two are George," Molly said.

"I am Fred, Mom. How could you forget the name of your own son," The twin said.

"I mean Fred," Molly said.

"Just kidding, I am George. You were right all along," George said which made everyone else giggle.

"Well let's go to the platform. We're almost out of time," Claire said.

When they got to the platform, Claire saw Harry.

"Harry! Well, it looks like you barely just made it on time as well," Claire said with a smile.

"Hello Mrs. Nidma. I was here a while ago, but I was wondering how I would..."

"Get on the platform?" Claire finished his question. "Well, it's really simple. Just run through the wall. Well, I shouldn't make you do it first. Molly can you have your kids go first,"

"Oh yes of course," Molly said. "Percy can you go first?"

"Yes, mother," Percy said as he ran to the wall. He disappeared into the wall which shocked Harry to the core.

"Fred and George, you two go next," Molly said. She went back to Claire. "So who is this young gentleman?"

"I'll tell you once everyone goes in," Claire said. "Argus, your turn,"

Argus waved at Harry and ran at the wall after he saw that the twins completely vanished.

When he looked at the other side for the first time, he was amazed just as he was when he watched Sorceror's Stone for the first time. A scarlet train was pumping out steam while there were kids with family talking to them.

Harry and Ron soon followed

"It's amazing," Argus said to Harry.

Harry nodded.

There was a lot of conversation in the background while Harry, Ron and Argus were trying to find an empty compartment.

"I think I lost my toad Gran," Argus noticed a round faced boy say.

"Oh Neville," An old woman sighed.

Soon, the three of them found an empty compartment at nearly the end of the train. Ron waited outside while Argus put Schwartz in first and barely lifted his trunk inside the compartment. Harry also put in the owl first. However, he couldn't lift up his trunk and dropped it on his foot.

"That looks painful. I'll help you," Argus said. However, it turned out that he couldn't lift the trunk as well.

"Your trunk is really heavy Harry," Argus said.

"Need a hand?" One of the twins asked.

Harry and Argus nodded and with the help of the twins Harry also had successfully put away his luggage.

"Thanks," Harry said while wiping the sweat.

"No problem," One of the twin said. "Wait, is that?"

"Harry Potter. You're Harry Potter!" The other twin exclaimed.

"Yes... I am," Harry said. The more the twins stared at him, the redder he got.

"Fred and George come out here," Molly called making them leave which made Harry sigh in relief.

"Argus you too! Get out here!" Claire said.

Argus also left.

When he went out, he saw that Ron was getting his nose rubbed by Molly with a handkerchief.

"Mom geroff!" Ron exclaimed.

Argus turned to Claire and Jack and the three of them had a hug.

"Son, you do the Nidma name justice and come out on top," Claire said while giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Enjoy yourself. I know it might be hard being there with new people and all, even harder because I wasn't there taking you outside to meet people and all that, but I assure you that you'll have a good time at Hogwarts," Jack said.

"Oh, I'm going to miss you honey. I'll be all alone with the house with Isla now,"

"Honey, I'm going to get home earlier now," Jack said.

"You better or else you're not sleeping with me," Claire said with a huff.

"Alright honey," Jack said as if his most important mission was to come home as soon as possible.

When they got out of the hug, Argus continued to listen to the Weasley family's conversation.

"Hey, Mom, guess what? Guess who we just met on the train?" One of the twins asked.

"Who?" Molly asked.

"Harry Potter!"

The little girl started to shout.

"Mom, can I please see him?"

"No, he's not an animal we see at the zoo Ginny. Is this true Claire?"

Claire smiled and nodded.

"Oh my goodness. Poor dear, no wonder he was alone on the platform,"

"Never mind that, you think he knows what You-Know-Who looks like?"

Molly now suddenly glared at them.

"I forbid both of you from asking him that. As if he needs to remember that night on the first day of school,"

"Alright! I understand!"

The whistle rang and everyone went inside the train. The Weasleys leaned out their faces while Molly kissed them on the cheek while Argus leaned out to wave goodbye. The youngest sister outside started to cry.

"Don't worry Ginny. We'll send you a lot of owls,"

"We'll also send a toilet seat as souvenir,"


"Only kidding!"

The train started and he waved at his parents and saw that the youngest sister started to chase them and only stopped when they were gaining speed.

As the train rounded the corner, everyone disappeared and houses flashed by the windows. The adventure to Hogwarts has now started to Argus Nidma.