Chapter 14: Quidditch Match

It was the next morning and everyone was cheerful and excited to see a good Quidditch match. Well everyone except Harry was excited.

"Come on Harry you can't just starve breakfast the day of your big match," Ron said.

"I'm not hungry," Harry said.

"Well Harry, Seekers always are the ones being targeted so you need to eat at least a little," Argus said.

"Sorry Argus, but I'm just not feeling good right now," Harry said.

An hour passed and it was finally the start of the Quidditch match. The first year Gryffindors hurried and set up a banner that they had made for Harry. It said Potter for President and Seamus drew a large lion underneath. Hermione performed a charm that allowed it to change colors while Argus put a charm on the banner that would switch the words to Harry's face and back to the words.

The players flew around the stadium and finally stopped after a minute of flying

"Now everyone is in position for the game," Lee Jordan, a third year friend of the twin Weasley, said while in the teacher's booth.

Madam Hooch then walked to the middle of the field. She opened a box lying in the middle of the court and 2 huge black balls came out. Immediately after a small golden ball that sprouted wings showed up as well.

"The Bludgers and the Golden Snitch has been released,"

"Now I want a fair game," Madam Hooch said as she threw the Quaffle.

"The Quaffle has now been released. Angelina Johnson now has the Quaffle. What an excellent Chaser and quite attractive too," Lee Jordan said jokingly.

"Jordan!" Professor McGonagall shouted.

"Sorry Professor. Well good pass to Alicia Spinnet, pass to- no Slytherin now has the Quaffle. Flint is going to the Gryffindor goalpost, but is hit by a bludger that was hit by one of the twins. Katie Bell, Chaser for Gryffindor, now has the Quaffle. Slytherin Beaters try to hit her with the Bludger, but misses and Katie Bell shoots and she scores!"

Gryffindor students cheered loudly and boos came from the Slytherins.

"Slytherins now in possession of the Quaffle and rushing in to get some points on their board. Oh no, hit by the Bludger once again and Chaser Johnson is now in possession of the Quaffle," Lee Jordan commented beautifully.

"Oh, excuse me. Move along," In the stands, Hagrid tried to sit in between the Gryffindor side. Argus, Ron, and Hermione squeezed together to give him some room.

"Oh no sign of the Snitch yet eh?" Hagrid asked.

"Nope Harry's just been fooling around," Ron said.

"Well, at least he's out of harm's way. Those Bludgers can be tough," Hagrid said.

"Chaser Flint now has the Quaffle once more passing it to Pucey. Oh Pucey drops it. Wait is that the Snitch?" Lee Jordan said as the entire crowd looked towards Adrian Pucey. By his left ear, there was a golden shine. Harry quickly noticed it and flew to the Snitch while Slytherin Seeker Terrence Higgs followed him.

"That's the Golden Snitch! Remember, if the Snitch is caught right now, the team will be awarded 150 points and the game will end," Lee Jordan explained as Harry dove for the Golden Snitch. Higgs already gave up on the Snitch which made Harry put on that extra spurt of speed before Marcus Flint blocked him almost sending Harry flying out of his broom.

"FOUL!" Gryffindors shouted while Slytherins cheered.

Gryffindor was given a free shot at the goalposts, but the Snitch disappeared.

"That's a red card! He should be kicked out of the game!" Dean Thomas shouted at the stands.

"That's soccer Dean," Argus said calmly.

"No, the game rules should be changed. Flint could've seriously injured Harry," Hagrid said.

"After committing a foul only a degenerate would-"

"Jordan!" Professor McGonagall said with a stern tone.

"After doing something a Slytherin would normally do,"


"After almost killing Potter, Gryffindor is given a shot by the goalpost which Spinnet beautifully puts away. Quaffle now possession by Slytherin which is stolen by Gryffindor,"

Argus started to wonder when the important scene was going to happen and he noticed that Harry's broom started to go crazy.

"Dunno what's going on with Harry over there. If I didn't know better, I'd think he lost control of his broom," Hagrid said.

Soon everyone started to stare at Harry and his out of control broom.

"Could Flint have done something to Harry's broom?" Seamus asked Hagrid.

"No, only powerful dark magic can affect a broom," Hagrid said.

Hermione then snatched Hagrid's binocular.

"I knew it," Hermione said. "It's Snape,"

Argus then looked at Snape who he knew was actually saving Harry and then looked at Quirrell who was also chanting.

"I'll deal with it," Argus said as he quickly ran over to the booth with the professors. He noticed the people's gasps get louder every second. He quickly went over to Quirrell's coat and chanted, "Incendio,"

Quirrell's cloak caught on fire and when he noticed he pushed Snape as well trying to put out the fire. He put out the fire, but he lost eye contact with Harry which made Harry get back onto his broom. Harry noticed Higgs chasing after the Snitch and quickly caught up to him. They pushed each other back and forth, but the Snitch took a sudden dive. When they were getting closer to the ground, Higgs retreated, but Harry only went up at the last minute. Marcus Flint once again pushed him and Harry flew off his broom.

However, when he stood up, he started to gag and when he threw up what was upsetting his stomach, it was the Golden Snitch.

"Potter has caught the Golden Snitch and won 150 points. It's Gryffindor's victory!" Lee Jordan said as the Gryffindor students cheered loudly once again while the Slytherins started to groan.

It was after the game and Harry was in Hagrid's hut with Argus, Ron and Hermione.

"Snape tried to curse you," Ron said.

"That's nonsense. Why would Snape do somethin' like that?" Hagrid asked.

"Well it has to be a teacher that did it. There's no students technically that is able to do such complex jinxes. Furthermore, when I looked around, there was no one else looking at you without blinking while chanting something," Hermione said.

"I'm telling you. Rubbish. Why would Snape try to hurt Harry?" Hagrid asked.

The four looked at each other and Harry started to tell Hagrid what heard Snape say.

"Snape tried to go past the 3 headed dog on Halloween and was bitten," Harry said.

"Wait, how do you guys know about Fluffy?" Hagrid asked.

"Fluffy?" Harry, Ron, and Hermione asked at the same time.

"Yeah bought him from a Greek chappie at the Leaky Cauldron. Lent him to protect something top secret," Hagrid said.

"What is he trying to protect?" Hermione asked.

"Like I said, top secret," Hagrid said. "Now you guys forget about the dog and the what it's guardin' because that's a secret between Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel,"

Hagrid immediately regretted what he said.

"Shouldn't have said that," Hagrid said.

"So a guy named Nicolas Flamel is involved," Hermione said.

"Now move along kids. I have something to do right now," Hagrid said as he chased off the four of them out of his hut.

"So who's Nicolas Flamel again?" Ron asked Hermione.

"Beats me. What about you Argus?"

Argus pondered whether he should stay silent. He decided it wasn't the best moment to tell them.

"Nope, not a clue. It does sound familiar though," Argus said setting up for the time when he reveals that he remembers who Nicolas Flamel is.