Chapter 15: Holiday Break

It was mid-December now and the only interesting event that happened was the Weasley twins pelting Professor Quirrell and Voldemort with snowballs. However, during the span of a month, Argus did learn a lot of new spells. There were useful ones such as the Everte Stratum and silly ones such as Engorgio Skullus to use on Draco if he came to annoy them.

It was also near Christmas and the students were excited, but the cold was almost unbearable as the corridors became icy cold. Snape's class was just filled with students trying to warm up by their cauldrons.

"Oh no, it's almost Christmas and there are people that don't have a loving family to stay with. I do feel quite sorry for them," Draco said during one of the Potions class.

Harry just ignored him while working on his potion. Argus, however, spoke up.

"Oh no someone feels so inadequate about themselves that they have to rely on insulting others to feel just a tiny bit better," Argus said.

"What'd you say Nidma?" Draco said angrily.

"Oh no, someone's mad. You want to go to that family you're proud of and cry. I guess someone's a mama's boy," Argus said. The Gryffindors sniggered while Draco's face turned red.

"Nidma, I suppose for you that it's better to throw insults than to concentrate on your potion. Minus 5 points," Snape said.

Argus simply shrugged. He knew that Snape wouldn't punish Draco so he just stood still.

Class was now over and the four of them were going out and saw Hagrid with a huge Christmas tree blocking the corridors.

"Hey Hagrid need some help?" Ron asked.

"No thanks Ron,"

"Hey Weasley move out of the way. You can do your gamekeeper job later. Already getting started as a first year. That hut out there at the Forbidden Forest must be real nice to live in compared to your dingy home," Draco said from behind.

Ron was about to dive him, but Argus stopped him and rightfully so because he remembered that Snape would come out at this time. He didn't mind losing a bit of points, but it was in vain if Draco wasn't truly hurt or angry.

Just like Argus remembered, Snape came up the stairs. Draco smirked and walked past Hagrid spreading the needles everywhere.

"I really hate him Argus. I really do," Ron said.

"Honestly, he's just a minor character. Don't worry about him. Come on let's go to the Great Hall with Hagrid. I heard that it looked amazing. Right Hagrid?" Argus asked trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, it is," Hagrid said. "Alright come with me,"

The Great Hall did look fantastic even though the decorations were a bit incomplete. Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were still hanging up some of the ornaments.

"Hey guys, we should be at the library right now," Hermione said.

"Oh, a day before Christmas break? Keen ain't ya," Hagrid said with a smile.

Ron opened his mouth, but Argus quickly intervened.

"Yeah, we're studying more spells. You know it's never too early to study for the Finals,"

"Ah, alright then. See you next time," Hagrid said.

As they left the Great Hall, Ron spoke up.

"Argus, we totally lied to Hagrid,"

"Yeah and what'll telling him the truth do aside from him warning us not to search for Flamel's information,"

"He might tell us who Flamel is if he knows how hard we've been working to try to find him," Harry said.

"Oh yes and Snape will start being kind to you," Argus said. "We're here at the library. Let's try finding him,"

Of course, Argus didn't really try to find him. He didn't correct the three when they all started reading the books about modern times. Well on the bright side, he did have quite a good time reading about some of the modern heroes.

Some time later, the four of them met again and they all shaked their heads and Harry even got in trouble by Madam Pince for hanging around too long at the Restricted Section. Harry, Ron, and Hermione gloomily went to go get lunch while Argus calmly went with them.

It was the next day and he and Hermione were about to leave for Christmas break.

"You have to send me an owl if you find anything," Hermione said.

"Yeah and ask your parents you two, they might know something about Flamel,"

"Argus is reasonable, but my parents are dentists Ron," Hermione said.

Argus left and soon was at home once again. Their family didn't really do much. As his father had to deal with both the companies from the Wizarding World and the Muggle World, it was quite difficult for him to plan trips. Furthermore, the broomstick that came out only a month ago was starting to get more sales from professionals making it even more difficult for his father to be with the family.

"I swear to Merlin that your father needs to sell that company," Claire said.

"Mother... Father's doing his best," Argus said trying to defend his father.

"He could do better. It's been so long since we've been on a proper trip. He said that he was going to take us to Paris this year," Claire said.

Chris laughed wryly. As his mother was not in the mood for most days to go out anywhere, he would simply read the books that were at home. Occasionally, Argus, Claire, and Isla would go out to eat during lunch times and go shopping for a bit, but his mother strictly said that there would be no traveling if his father was not going. Therefore, Claire would get extremely grumpy for most days.

However, it wasn't all that bad as on Christmas, Jack was at home for the whole day making Claire forget all about the fact that for the entire vacation, he was only home during dinner. The two would do ballroom dancing while Isla taught Argus how to dance as well. Argus, unfortunately did terribly.

"Sir, your footwork has to be much more precise," Isla said.

"Alright like this?" Argus asked.

"Yes just like that," Isla said as the two of them started to dance almost as well as Jack and Claire who seemed to be in their own world.

Soon the fun relaxing days of the holidays were over and it was the day before term. Hermione and Argus arrived at school.