Chapter 17: Studying for Exams

After the game was over, Argus, Hermione, Ron, and Neville were all waiting for Harry.

"So what happened to your face guys?" Hermione asked.

"Oh nothing really," Argus said. "Getting rid of some pests. They had quite the big bite,"

Hermione didn't really ask further. They waited for quite a bit until they couldn't wait anymore and went inside the Common Room. As Harry didn't come back, Argus, Ron, and Hermione went out to wait for him.

"Where is he?" Ron asked.

"Don't worry. There isn't much that could happen to him," Argus said.

Soon Harry came towards them. Ron ran and hugged him.

"Where have you been Harry?" Hermione asked.

"YOU WON!" Ron screamed. "You won! You won! We won! We also had a win as well. Argus gave Malfoy black eyes and Neville, Argus, and I beat Crabbe and Goyle. We've been waiting for you in the Common Room. Fred and George stole some food from the kitchen,"

"Not now Ron," Harry said. "Guys, we have to go somewhere private. There's some important things I have to say,"

Harry led the the rest into a room where he was sure no one including Peeves could hear the conversation.

"Snape was after the Philosopher's Stone and he's forcing Quirrell to help him. Snape asked if he knew how to get past Fluffy and about Quirrell's hocus-pocus. I'm guessing Quirrell has some anti-Dark Arts spells that Snape wants him to get rid of," Harry said.

"So you're saying that the stone's only safe as long as Quirrell can resist him?" Hermione asked.

"It's great that they're trying so hard to save the day, but they're focusing on the wrong target," Argus thought.

"Well there's nothing we can do aside from cheering on Quirrell," Argus said.

No one could counter what Argus said so they just left the room and enjoyed the little party Fred and George set up.


It's been a few weeks since their conversation and the stone was still safe like in the original story. Harry started to smile more at Quirrell trying to encourage him while Ron was nagging at people for making fun of Quirrell's stutter. Argus simply watched Quirrell just in case things were different.

Hermione, however, did not really care too much about Quirrell and started to study by color coding her notes and making study schedules. She also started to nag at Ron, Harry, and even Argus to do the same.

"Hermione the exams are ages away," Ron said.

"It's in 10 weeks. You know how fast 10 weeks go? It's like a second passed to Nicolas Flamel,"

"Firstly, Hermione, anyone past the age of 40 will feel that a week is like a second since it's at least their 2080th week. For someone of Flamel's age, it's his 34,580th week. However, for us 11 year olds, it's barely our 440th week. It's not even close to the number of Flamel's or even someone of Snape's age so-"

"I don't want to hear it Argus. My point is that 10 weeks go by extremely quickly. These exams are necessary for us to go into our second year. I don't know why I haven't been studying. I should have started at least a month ago,"

"Hermione relax... Let's just live our first years a little," Ron said.

Unfortunately, the professors all started to bombard them with homework. Easter went by with Argus unable to read anything aside from the textbooks which wasn't so bad, but he wasn't really able to learn anything new. Harry and Ron were dying while in the library doing their homework aside Hermione who was practicing wand movements or quietly reciting information about potions.

One time at the library, Argus saw Hagrid standing awkwardly in the library searching for something.

"What's up Hagrid?" Argus asked. Ron and Harry looked up.

"Argus, Harry, Hermione, Ron! What are yeh 4 doin in the library?" Still lookin for Flamel?" Hagrid asked.

"Nope, found him a long time ago. We also learned about the sto-," Ron said before Hagrid quickly shushed him.

"Quiet. That's a secret students shouldn't know. Yeh know what? Come see me later," Hagrid said as he quickly left the library,"

"What do you think he was doing at the library? You think it was about the stone?" Harry asked.

"Don't know, but we can know by checking the section he was in," Ron said. He quickly went and came back with 5 books.

"It's all about dragons," Ron said.

"Hagrid's told me he always wanted a dragon," Harry said.

"But it's illegal to do so. It's way too dangerous. Outlawed more than 300 years ago," Ron said.

"If it's illegal, then why is Hagrid looking it up," Harry asked.

"Don't worry about it too much," Argus said. "Look we're going to the hut a little later so we can ask all the questions then,"

About an hour later after their study time, the four of them went to Hagrid's hut. It was boiling hot in there and Hagrid offered them hot tea and sandwiches which they politely refused.

"So what do yeh guys want to know?" Hagrid asked.

"We were wondering if there was anything else that was guarding the stone other than Fluffy," Harry asked.

"Can't tell yeh. Yeh four know more than yeh're supposed to," Hagrid said.

"I'm guessing other teachers did enchantments. Professor Sprout, McGonagall, Quirrell, Dumbledore, and even Snape," Argus said.

Hagrid's eyes opened wide.

"How'd yeh know Argus?" Hagrid asked.

"So other teachers really helped," Harry said.

"I mean really, it's common sense. They're the ones with the magical specialties. I can't really believe Trelawney would help by having the intruder get past some fortune nonsense," Argus said.

"Well can't deny the truth," Hagrid said.

"Hagrid can I open one of the windows. It's boiling hot in here," Harry said.

"Sorry Harry, no," Hagrid said.

Harry looked over at the pot over the fire.

"Hagrid what is that?" Harry asked.

"That's er-"

"Dragon egg," Argus said.

"Where'd you get it? Those things must cost fortunes" Ron said.

"Won it from a stranger. He seemed to be glad to get rid of it,"

"Probably because it's illegal and he feels as if he has a hot potato in his hand every day," Argus said.

"So what are you going to do when it hatches?" Hermione asked.

"Been readin a book about how to raise a dragon. Bit outdated, but the book's still good enough," Hagrid said.

After a bit more of talking and the four left the hut.

"If I'm not wrong, this should be the part where Draco finds out. Should I stop it?" Argus thought.

After a bit of thinking, he went against it.

"I think this was a big part of the plot. Let's not ruin it," Argus thought. He didn't really mind the butterfly effect, but he didn't want it to be unnecessary either. He also didn't mind losing points either since everyone knows that he gained at least 200 points from classes.

Days passed and the homework was getting worse to the point where even Argus was getting kind of annoyed by the sheer amount.

"Wonder when my peaceful life is going to come back," Ron gloomily said.

"Don't worry once the exams are over, no one can say anything about studying to us," Harry said.

"Yeah I want to go back to reading up new spells," Argus said.

"No can do," Hermione said. "I made this study guide for the each of you. Harry and Ron, you two have a lot of stuff to memorize. Argus... just review,"

"Yes ma'am," Argus said as he finished up the last question from his transfiguration homework.