Chapter 18: Sending Norbert Off

It was some time after Hagrid showed him the dragon egg. During breakfast, Hedwig came to Harry.

"It's a note from Hagrid," Harry said. He showed Argus, Ron, and Hermione the note saying it was hatching.

"Guys let's not go. Let's explain to Hagrid about how we can't skip Herbology today. We're going to get in trouble," Hermione said.

"Shut up," Harry said as he noticed Draco looking at them. "Argus what do we do?"

Argus thought for a bit.

"Nothing really. He probably didn't hear much," Argus said.

Ron and Hermione started to argue about whether or not to go to Hagrid's hut. Hermione caved in and after Herbology where Argus was awarded points for knowing the uses of moly, they went straight to Hagrid's hut.

Hagrid quickly led them inside.

"It's coming out," Hagrid said as the eggs started to form cracks. Soon there was scraping noises and a small black dragon with big wings and snout came out. It had orange eyes and when Hagrid put out his hand to pet it, it snapped at his fingers.

Hagrid was smiling, but his smile quickly turned into a shocked frown and he looked outside.

"What's wrong Hagrid?" Hermione asked.

"It's a student. The student saw the dragon," Hagrid said.

Harry bolted out of the door. He was out for about 5 seconds before quickly coming back in.

"It's Malfoy," Harry said.

"Oh no, the worst person to see the dragon," Ron said.

Hagrid was devastated and he told the 4 of them to leave for now.


For the next week, Draco had this smile that annoyed Argus. During their break, Harry, Ron, and Hermione started to reason with him.

"Hagrid let him go," Hermione said.

"Can't Norbert's too young," Hagrid said.

Argus decided to tell him the plan from the book.

"Ron, get your brother Charlie to take Norbert since if I remember correctly, he's the one that's taking care of dragons," Argus said.

"Good idea Argus," Hermione said. "Hagrid what do you think?"

"I don' have much of choice do I?" Hagrid said with a gloomy smile. The plan was set and an owl was sent to Charlie.

Another week passed by with the four of them attempting to help out Hagrid with Norbert. On Wednesday, Ron came with a bloody handkerchief.

"He bit me," Ron said angrily. "Hagrid even told me off for scaring that beast. He treats it like it's the most fragile thing,"

"Reparifors," Argus chanted. The bit of swelling on Ron's hand did go down a bit, but Argus noticed it wasn't fully recovered.

"I think you'd have to go to Madam Pompfrey for that," Argus said.

"No way, I think she'll notice the dragon bite," Ron said.

"That's quite a bit of swelling you got there. I see it like a serious bee sting where the poison is most likely 10x more potent than that of a bee sting," Argus said.

Before Ron could reply, there was tapping on the window.

"It's Hedwig," Harry said. "She has Charlie's answer,"

Harry received the note and played with Hedwig for a bit before she disappeared.

The note was the same from the book.

Dear Ron,

Thanks for the letter. I'll be glad to take the dragon. I can't take it, but my friends who are visiting me can. Could you get the Ridgeback up the tallest tower at midnight on Saturday? They can meet you there and take him away while it's still dark. Send me an answer ASAP.



"I think we can do it," Harry said. "There's the cloak,"

The other three agreed to do the same. Argus was also getting tired of attempting to take care of the dragon.

However, the next morning, Ron's hand doubled in size. Like Argus said, Norbert's fangs were poisonous.

"Even Reparifors can't save that," Argus said. "Yeah Madam Pompfrey would have some potions for that,"

Ron's face was pale and he quickly went to the hospital wing. At the end of the day, Harry, Hermione, and Argus visited him.

"That dumb Malfoy came and laughed at me. It's so annoying. He also "borrowed" one of my books while threatening to tell Madam Pompfrey that Norbert bit me. I told Madam Pompfrey that it was a dog that bit me, but I don't think she believes me," Ron said.

"Don't worry," Hermione said. "It'll be over on Saturday,"

Ron's face turned even more pale than before.

"Oh no! Malfoy took the book that had the letter in it. He's gonna find out!"

Before anyone could say anything, Madam Pompfrey chased them out saying that Ron needed sleep. When they were outside Harry tried to console Hermione.

"Don't worry, we have the cloak. Malfoy doesn't know that," Harry said.

"Alright Harry and I will go on Saturday," Argus said.

Hermione nodded and they quickly went to tell Hagrid of the plans.

Saturday finally came and Harry and Argus went to Hagrid's hut to receive Norbert. It was in a huge crate.

"I packed lots o' food for his journey," Hagrid said. "He also has his teddy bear in case he gets lonely.

Harry and Argus heard ripping noises. Argus saluted the teddy bear.

"Bye-bye Norbert! Mommy will miss yeh," Hagrid said as Harry and Argus put the crate under the Invisibility Cloak.

Harry and Argus tried their best to heave Norbert up the staircases that seemed never-ending. After a bit, they were almost there, but they heard noises ahead.

"Hide," Argus whispered to Harry as they noticed two people grappling with each other. A lamp flared to reveal Professor McGonagall holding Draco by the ear.

"Detention and 20 points from the Slytherins. How dare you wander around in the middle of the night!"

"Professor, you don't understand. Potter is coming with a dragon,"

"What utter rubbish!" Professor McGonagall said. The two left and when Harry and Argus were sure they were gone, they continued their journey.

They quickly made it up the spiral staircases and soon they reached the top where they removed the Invisibility Cloak.

"Malfoy finally got detention," Harry said happily.

"Yeah," Argus also said with a smile. Soon Charlie's friends came and they were extremely lively. They quickly harnessed the crate holding Norbert and they took it away after shaking Harry and Argus' hands.

Harry left the tower and Argus followed suit. He intentionally did not mention the cloak being left on top of the building.

"Well, well look at what we have here," A voice said. It was Filch who creepily came out of the darkness.