Fighting against Quirrell

It was now 11 and Argus and Harry went to the entrance hall where Filch and Draco was.

Filch simply motioned them to follow him and the 3 of them followed him.

"I bet you'll think twice about breaking a school rule again, won't you, eh?" he said as he stared at them which made even Argus extremely uncomfortable. "Oh yes, one would say that hard work and pain are the best teachers if you ask me. However it's a pity they let the old punishments die out. It-"

"The moment they would use the old punishment on me would be the day you wouldn't see the sunlight ever again, Mr. Filch," Argus said menacingly.

"Wha- What did you say, you rude...!" Filch couldn't even finish his sentence. He knew that Argus was right. While the Nidma family couldn't get rid of Hogwarts, getting Filch fired and then getting rid of him was not a hard task.

"Hmph, don't you run away or else it's going to be a lot worse than what you'll experience tonight," Filch said and he continued to lead them. Soon they arrived at Hagrid's hut.

"Is that yeh Filch? I need ter get this started," Hagrid said from inside his hut.

Filch looked at Harry who seemed delighted about working with Hagrid.

"You're going inside the forest tonight. Don't think it's going to be a pleasant trip," Filch said.

"The Forest?! I mean- we can't go in there at night. There's going to be werewolves," Draco said.

"Hmph, what a coward. Slytherin was the right place for you," Argus said.

"What did you say about my house Nidma?!" Draco asked angrily. "Hmph, werewolves can't scare me,"

Hagrid soon came out of his hut with Fang. He had a crossbow with a quiver of arrow around his shoulder.

"Bout time," He said."I bin waitin' fer half an hour. You alright, Harry, Argus?"

"You shouldn't be so friendly Hagrid. They're here to get punished," Filch said.

"That's why they're late. Bin lecturin' them eh? Snot your place to do that. We have professors for a reason," Hagrid said.

Filch scowled at him, but didn't say anything back.

"I'll be back at dawn to pick up their remains," Filch said as he left.

Draco now looked at Hagrid with pure terror written all over his face, his bravado created from Argus' provoking all gone.

"I can't go in there," Draco said.

"Oh yeh are if yeh want to stay at Hogwarts. Should've thought about it carefully before makin' trouble," Hagrid said.

After a bit of back and forth between Draco and Hagrid, Draco realized Hagrid wouldn't back off and stayed silent.

"Alright then. Listen carefully cause I don' want no one to be hurt. Follow me," Hagrid said as he led them a narrow path. Soon they saw a silvery liquid on the floor.

"Unicorn blood," Argus said.

"Yep, that's unicorn blood. I found one dead last week and we're going to try to find this one. Also Malfoy, can't be a werewolf doing this one. It's too slow," Hagrid said.

"But what if the thing that hurt the unicorn finds us?" Draco asked while trembling.

"No way will anything here hurt yeh guys as long yeh're with me or Fang," Hagrid said. "We're going to split into two directions. Since there's only 3 people, I'll go this kid and Harry and Argus you go with Fang. Remember flash red if yeh're in trouble and green if yeh found the unicorn. Stay on the path,"

Hagrid wouldn't let them leave until the two of the both got a decent idea of how to cast the spell for the green and red sparks. After a couple of minutes, they split up. Fang started sniffing the floor, but they found nothing as of yet.

"Well I'm just hoping we finish this in one piece," Harry said. "I'm done with snooping around and trying to find things,"

Suddenly Fang stopped sniffing around and went to Argus. He rubbed his face on Argus' leg. While it seemed like a sign of affection, it seemed extremely weird.

'There's no way Fang would do this normally. He's trying to signal me,' Argus thought as he also signaled Harry to be quiet. Soon there was a sound of a cloak sliding across the ground, but Argus couldn't even start to pinpoint where the sound was coming from.

'Damn it! Where's is he?' Argus thought as he used all his senses to the limit. Fang started sniffing around and walked in front of Argus as if to tell him to follow it.

"Harry," Argus whispered. "Come I think Fang found something,"

Harry nodded and the two of them followed Fang.

They walked for a really long time going left and right following Fang.

"Argus are you sure that Fang found something?" Harry asked softly.

"Don't worry. Dogs smell a 1000 times better than we ever can. Since this isn't a werewolf, I'm guessing it's an unwanted person that should be the one responsible for the unicorns," Argus said.

Soon they arrived at exactly what Argus wanted. It was the dead unicorn. Although it was sad that such an innocent creature was dead, at the very least, he can signal Hagrid.

"Harry, hurry and send the green flash," Argus said while watching the surrounding.

"Alright," Harry said as he sent out the green light. "Can we leave now?"

"No, we have to wait till Hagrid gets here," Argus said while looking around for any signs of movement. While he didn't think Quirrell would come out since he had already sent out the green light, he was scouting around just in case.

However, the unexpected happened. Quirrell came out with hood over his head to make sure no one can recognize him. He quickly bent down to drink the unicorn's blood.

Harry and Fang went stiff due to fear while Argus stepped forward.

"Hands off the unicorn!" Argus said. Quirrell looked up at him while unicorn blood was dripping off of him.

'If I reveal his identity, I won't be safe. For now, let's just get through this,' Argus thought.

Quirrell soon got to his feet. He looked at Argus for a few seconds and started charging towards him. Seeing how Quirrell was quickly approaching, Fang quickly ran away.

"Harry red light!" Argus shouted. "Protego!"

A blue circle encircled Argus. Harry quickly snapped out of it and casted the red light.

Quirrell, in seconds, was in front of Argus now. Fortunately, Quirrell was not in the right state of mind so he did not take out his wand. Instead he threw out a punch at Argus.

'He's weak from trying to fight against Voldemort's soul, he won't have too much strength,' Argus thought. He was planning on casting Full Body Petrification spell on Quirrell after Quirrell was bounced back from his Shield Charm.

However, he had underestimated the power of Quirrell and overestimated the power of his Shield Charm as it immediately broke from Quirrell's attack and the punch landed squarely on his stomach.

Argus took 5 steps back and fell on one knee due to having some trouble breathing.

'My Shield Charm wasn't strong enough,' Argus thought. He slowly stood back up and saw Quirrell going after Harry.

"Oh no," Argus cried trying to cast the Petrification spell or even the Leg-Locker Curse, but the pain was not allowing him to concentrate. He saw Harry who was gripping his head in pain and fell down on his knees. Argus knew that he couldn't save Harry. However, he heard the sound of galloping and knew that at least Harry was safe. He fainted after he saw that a centaur flew over Harry chasing away Quirrell.