Taking the Exams

When Argus woke up, he was in a bed not in the Gryffindor Common Room.

'Where am I?' Argus thought as he looked around. He soon figured out that he was in Madam Pomfrey's office.

"Oh you're awake," A lady said as she walked up to Argus. "Well, you're alright. You just fainted from being hit too hard. There were only minor damage to your organs so no permanent damage, unless you count mental trauma as one,"

"Thank you for taking care of me Madam Pomfrey. Can you tell me what time it is right now please?" Argus asked.

"It's 9 in the morning. The first class has begun," Madam Pomfrey said.

"Can I go to class right now?" Chris asked.

"Yes, since you're awake and there seems to be no problems, you're good to go," Madam Pomfrey said.

Chris got out of the bed and headed to the Common Room first to get his stuff. Then he went to Transfiguration class. When he went inside, everyone including Professor McGonagall stared at him.

"Mr. Nidma, I heard that you were in an accident during yesterday's detention. Are you sure you're alright?" McGonagall asked. "If you want, you can stay a little longer at Madam Pomfrey's,"

"No thank you, Professor McGonagall. I don't want to miss any class time if possible," Chris said as he sat down in an empty chair next to Hermione.

"Alright then, we just started taking notes so take out your parchment and quill and copy down what I have here," Professor McGonagall said as she got back to teaching.

When class was over, Chris got together with the trio to walk to their next class.

"Argus, we were extremely worried. When Harry told us that you were unconscious in Madam Pomfrey's we were shocked!" Hermione said.

"Yeah, we heard that it was You-Know-Who that attacked you last night," Ron said.

"Yeah I was thinking that since the only person that was desperate enough to drink unicorn blood would be him," Argus said.

"Sorry Argus, if it wasn't for me being such a coward, I-"

Before Harry could finish, Argus quickly stopped him.

"You were not a coward. I saw how much pain you were enduring. I'm sure that you were fighting him in your own way. Let's not talk about this anymore. It's getting us nowhere," Chris said as he didn't want Harry to keep on thinking negatively.

"Oh yes, Argus, for some reason, the invisibility cloak that I left was also given back to me by a mysterious person," Harry said.

"Well it's lucky that you didn't lose it or else it would've really been a disaster. That invisibility cloak must cost a fortune," Ron said.

'It doesn't even have a price. It's one of the Deathly Hallows. It's priceless!' Chris thought.

They soon arrived at their next class and all had a fresh mind.


A couple weeks has passed since the Forbidden Forest incident and it was now finally time for the exams that everyone was so hectic studying for.

Some classes had a written exam which Argus easily aced as the questions were just book material that Chris covered months ago. More than the test, Argus was more interested in the anti-cheating quills. The Anti-Cheating Charm used on it was an interesting one and Chris spent more time studying the Quill than looking at the actual test.

Then came the practical tests. Professor Flitwick called Argus to make a pineapple tapdance which Argus happily did. He even made the pineapple do a bow which made Professor Flitwick chuckle a bit.

Then came Transfiguration where Argus was told to transfigure a mouse into a snuffbox. He quickly changed it making the lid of the snuffbox have hieroglyphic-like drawings which impressed Professor McGonagall and she awarded Argus 10 points.

Potions was much simpler as it was just creating the Forgetfulness Potion. While it was uncomfortable having Snape close in on him many times, Argus still successfully brewed his potion.

Finally, it was History of Magic which was the final test. It was just simple boring history which Argus didn't really enjoy too much. He answered it quickly to end his suffering and put his head down.

When he heard the class cheer, Argus quickly rolled his parchment and yawned.

The four left Professor Binn's classroom and relaxed on the sunny grounds.

"It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be," Hermione said. "There was no need to study a lot of the things I did study for,"

"Well it is good to be prepared," Argus said. "Besides some of the stuff we did study were a bit interesting,"

While Hermione, Ron, and Argus were having small talk, Harry was rubbing his forehead.

"You doing alright Harry?" Ron asked.

"No, my forehead hurt," Harry said.

"Go to Madam Pomfrey," Hermione said.

"I don't think I'm sick. I think it's a warning," Harry said.

While Hermione and Ron were continuing to console Harry that everything was alright, Harry suddenly jumped.

"Guys, it makes sense now. The guy Hagrid met at the pub wouldn't just have a dragon when it's illegal,"

Harry started running and Argus, Hermione, and Ron followed.

Soon they reached Hagrid's hut.

"Hullo guys. Exam's over eh? Want somethin' to drink?" Hagrid asked.

"Sorry Hagrid, we're a bit out of time. Remember that person you played cards with? Do you know how he looks like?" Harry asked.

"Let's get to the main point," Argus said. "What did you talk about?"

"We talked a bit about Hogwarts and I told him about Fluffy. He seemed to be interested in Fluffy. I mean who wouldn't? It's a 3 headed dog. I told him that to calm Fluffy down, he just needs to play a bit o' music-" Hagrid suddenly stopped talking. "I shouldn'ta told yeh that. Forget I said that! Guys!"

Harry, Ron and Hermione quickly left Hagrid's hut while Argus stayed behind a bit to say sorry and goodbye before he left the hut.

'I need to stop them from telling McGonagall. It's just going to blow our cover,' Argus thought. He caught up to the trio and they just met Professor McGonagall.

"Hello, Professor McGonagall, can we see Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione asked.

"He's not here at the moment. He had an emergency meeting with the Ministry of Magic and left to go to London,"

"But it's very important," Harry said. "The-"

Argus quickly shut Harry's mouth before he could say anything more. Hermione, Ron and Harry looked at Argus shocked.

"Nothing Professor. It's not very important. We were just trying to talk about some minor things. I'm sure that the Ministry of Magic has much more important topics to talk about than our mere student life here which we could talk to him about at anytime. Please pardon us Professor," Argus said as he dragged Harry and the shocked Ron and Hermione followed him.
