Getting Ready to Save the Stone

Once they were far enough, Argus let go of Harry.

"Argus what was that for?" Harry asked. "This is a very important matter,"

"Yeah and talking about it with Professor McGonagall is going to be really helpful. Harry even Hagrid, who believes in you the most, does not believe in you. What makes you think that just because you said 'Oh the stone is going to be stolen', Professor McGonagall is going to say that she's going to investigate Snape. She's going to think we're just going to break the rules!" Argus exclaimed.



"He's right Harry," Hermione said. "If Hagrid won't believe in us, no one will. At the very least, we should investigate Sn-,"

"Well good afternoon there," Suddenly they heard a cold familiar voice.

"Hello there Professor Snape," Argus said with the best smile he can do.

"No need to forcefully smile Nidma. I know it's fake. Anyways, you shouldn't be inside on a day like this," Snape said with an odd twisting smile.

"Hanging around like this definitely makes it seem like you're planning something Potter. I'm sure that you don't want to lose any more points," Snape said.

"I think we're doing fine Professor," Argus said. "It seems that we are still in first place even with the 100 points decrease,"

"Well we do not know until the end Nidma. Anyways, if I hear that you two are sneaking around at nighttime, I will personally make sure that you two get expelled," Snape said as he left.

"We need to tail Snape," Harry said.

"No Harry, we do not," Argus suddenly said.

"Argus are you serious? First not letting me tell McGonagall about this and now not following the suspect?!" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry think about it. Do you think You-Know-Who is an idiot? He's still alive, in this school, and ready to take the stone at any moment. Let's say that Snape is on his side, do you think that You-Know-Who would use him to drink unicorn blood and act like a villain everywhere he goes? He's too obvious of a suspect. It wouldn't make sense for it to be Snape. It's too simple for Snape to conveniently be the suspect," Argus said. At this point, there was no point in them continuing to believe that Snape is the suspect.



It was once again silent.

"If it isn't Snape then who is it?" Ron asked suddenly.

"I think it's Quirrell. He's the only one that's been targeted by Snape. In the end, Quirrell is the only one that seems suspicious to me. Furthermore, I think during the Quidditch game when you want out of control, it was Quirrell that tried to kill you while Snape was trying to save you," Argus said.

"It can't be Quirrell," Harry said. "He's just a nice teacher that has some speaking problems. Also, there's no way that Snape who despises me would even think of saving me.,"

"Yeah, it can't be Quirrell. I mean if he was a servant of You-Know-Who, he wouldn't be bullied like that by everyone. He would have the power to fight back," Hermione said.

"Well we have to try to find out tonight," Argus said.

"What?! Argus, I thought you were trying to get out of trouble by not telling McGonagall," Hermione siad. "Why are you doing something that can get you expelled,"

"Hermione, I'd rather get expelled than let Harry die. If You-Know-Who gets back into power right now, he's going to kill Harry first. He's going to destroy Hogwarts. He's going to kill all Muggle-born wizards and witches. He's going to destroy everything. There is no Hogwarts to get expelled from if he comes back. Harry, I know that you want to fight back. Are you willing to come with me?" Argus asked.

"Yeah," Harry said determined. "I'm not letting the killer of my parents take over Hogwarts too. No way,"

Hermione and Ron were silent.

"You're mad," Ron said. "You're mad, but I can't go while my friends are in danger. I'm going with you,"

Hermione sighed.

"There's probably a lot of enchantments to go through. 2 heads are better than 1 isn't it Argus?" Hermione said.

"Yeah, thanks Hermione," Argus said. "Harry, we're going to use your invisibility cloak. I think it can barely fit the 4 of us since we have small bodies,"

"Yeah, we're lucky I just got it back," Harry said.


It was after dinner time and Argus was preparing for the battle against Quirrell. Although he knew the enchantments that were put, he was preparing for the worst since anything could change. People were not willing to talk to Harry, Ron, Hermione, or Argus due to them losing all those points. Even though they were still in first place, now it was closer than ever.

Soon people were starting to yawn and go to bed. Lee Jordan was the last one to go.

"Get the cloak Harry," Ron said.

Harry went to get the cloak. When he came back down, he also brought a flute with him.

"Alright let's put the cloak on and make complete sure it covers all of us," Argus said.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly in the corner, Neville showed himself holding Trevor. "You're going out again and lose points for Gryffindor again. You're going to lose 200 points for us. You can't go. I'm going... going to fight you,"

Neville put his fists up.

"Petrificus Totalus," Argus suddenly chanted. Neville froze up and fell. He looked at Argus horrified.

"It's the full Body-Bind," Argus said. "We don't have time to waste arguing with him. Let's go,"

The trio looked a bit distracted by the fact that Argus just used the Full Body-Bind curse on Neville.

"Guys, I had to," Argus said. "Or are we going to argue with him for the next 10 minutes while You-Know-Who is getting his slimy hands on the stone?"

The trio looked at Argus and looked like they woke up from a dream.

"Yeah you're right," Hermione whispered. "Neville will understand,"