The Chambers

"The Devil's Snare... Oh, I know you have to be calm with it," Hermione said. She stopped struggling and closed her eyes. Soon the other three heard a loud thump sound.

"Ow, that was not a pleasant fall," Hermione said.

"Alright, let me get down too," Argus said as he closed his eyes. The once tightening grip of the Devil's Snare loosened and he fell down.

"Ow," Argus wiped his robe before getting out his wand.

"Hurry up and get us out of here!" Ron exclaimed.

"Don't want to," Argus said jokingly. "Just stay very calm. Or else within the next 5 seconds of you struggling, you're going to die,"

This made both Harry and Ron panic even more which made the Devil's Snare squeeze them even harder.

"Hurry Argus, this isn't the time for jokes," Hermione said with a bit of concern.

"I mean you could've helped them too. You know the spell. Lumos Solem," Argus chanted. A blinding light came out of wand. The Devil's Snare quickly let go of Harry and Ron. When they fell, they both glared at Argus, but Argus shrugged.

"I mean I wasn't going to let you guys die to a plant before we got to You-Know-Who. Now that would be a terrible friend," Argus said.

"You almost did," Ron said.

"Yeah Argus, that wasn't very kind of you," Hermione said.

"Alright that was my bad," Argus said. "Just a joke,"

"That was not the best idea for a joke," Harry said.

They walked down a stone passageway, the only way there was.

The passageway was creepy and even Argus who saw the movie was quite freaked out.

'Damn, no matter how many times I see this, silent darkness just isn't my thing,' He thought.

It felt like hours, but soon the 4 reached the next room. It was brightly lit which calmed down the four.

(Author's Note: In the movie, the place is dark, but in the book, it states "brilliantly lit chamber".)

"At least this room isn't full of creepy plants or dogs," Ron said.

"Yeah, it's not dark either," Harry said.

"Look guys, what is that?" Hermione suddenly asked pointing to the ceiling.

There were winged keys, hundreds of them, slowly flying above them.

"Are those birds?" Harry asked.

"They must be," Ron said. "Pretty sure they're set to attack us once we try to get to the door,"

"They're too shiny to be birds," Argus said. "They're keys, most likely there to open the door over there. See there's the broom to help us get the key,"

Argus pointed at the broomstick not too far away from them.

"Alright Harry, it's your time to shine," Ron said. "We'll try to open the door,"

Harry nodded and he went to the broom.

The remaining three went to the door. Hermione and Ron were tugging on the door and Hermione tried to use the Alohomora Charm.

"Wait," Argus said before she casted the charm. "Do you really think that the professors here are dumb enough to not put the Anti-Alohomora charm? Best not to waste our strength and wait for Harry,"

Hermione nodded and put away her wand. Ron looked nervously at Harry who just got to the broom.

"Harry!" Argus shouted. Harry looked at him.

"You-Know-Who must've already been here. You have to find the one that's been handled already! So if you find any bends, crumples on the wing, or anything of the sort, just grab that one!"

Harry nodded and got on the broom. The winged keys that were indifferently flying around now turned extremely aggressive and dived to where Harry was.

"Oh Merlin, if that was me, I would've already fainted," Ron said as he looked at the keys horrified.

"Oh, I hope Harry comes out safely," Hermione said as she clasped both her hands.

Argus simply just waited as he knew that with Harry's extremely Seeker skills, finding a damaged key isn't all that much for him.

Soon Harry spotted a winged key that looked battered. He quickly dove for the key and successfully grabbed it.

Harry quickly landed and put the struggling key in the lock. He turned it and there was click. Harry let go of the key which flew back up into the air. The keys that was once flying rapidly once again went back into the air flying indifferently.

"Alright let's go!" Harry said. He opened the door which revealed an extremely dark chamber.

"Oh Merlin, are we dealing with another dark place?" Ron asked ready to be scared.

However, after they stepped in, there was now light revealing the content of the chamber. It was the chess room which Argus was extremely familiar with. Once again, the chess pieces in the movies, which was already not in the best quality since it was created in 2001, was nothing compared to what he was seeing right now. In the movie, Chris only appreciated the amount of work given to create this scene. However, seeing the huge pieces in front of him made him feel intimidated as if the pieces were predators looking at its prey.

"We're going to have to play it to get across!" Ron said. "If we don't and try to just run across, I reckon all the pieces would run after us,"

Since Argus already knew the rules, he told the rest since it would save more time.

"We probably have to play as the pieces itself. It makes thing a lot... spicier," Argus said.

"That's what I was thinking," Ron said. Then he walked up one of the black knights to touch it. Once it was touched, the once lifeless knight suddenly turned its head towards Ron.

"Do we have to join you?" Ron asked. The knight nodded which made Ron shiver a little.

"So who's going to be what?" Harry asked.

"Well Argus and I are the ones that are able to play chess. Sorry for being blunt,"

"Just tell us what to do. Don't be sorry," Harry said a bit impatiently.

Ron and Argus looked at each other.

"Alright Harry, you take the place of the left bishop while Hermione will take the place of the queen. Ron you will both be the knight while I'll take the rook," Argus said.

"Wait that wasn't really what I had in mind," Ron said.

"Ron! These are huge chess pieces and if a piece is taken, they'll be smashed or in our case knocked back. Either way, if we're hit by that, we won't be killed, but we will be rendered unconscious. Who knows what will appear in the next chamber. Hermione and I are faster than you and Harry in terms of riddles and puzzles so it'd be good to have at least one of us. The Queen is the safest spot available so at least one of us wouldn't get hurt!" Argus said. Hearing Argus being so concerned about her made Hermione blush a little. Although it was also for a practical reason, she still felt appreciative, happy, and a bit guilty that she was the one that was going to get the safe spot.

Ron nodded and immediately, the pieces that were mentioned moved away. The four stood in their own respective places.

"Alright let's get this game started," Argus said as all the pieces that were lifeless rise up as if they were alive.