The Chambers

"The Devil's Snare... Oh, I know you have to be calm with it," Hermione said. She stopped struggling and closed her eyes. Soon the other three heard a loud thump sound.

"Ow, that was not a pleasant fall," Hermione said.

"Alright, let me get down too," Argus said as he closed his eyes. The once tightening grip of the Devil's Snare loosened and he fell down.

"Ow," Argus wiped his robe before getting out his wand.

"Hurry up and get us out of here!" Ron exclaimed.

"Don't want to," Argus said jokingly. "Just stay very calm. Or else within the next 5 seconds of you struggling, you're going to die,"

This made both Harry and Ron panic even more which made the Devil's Snare squeeze them even harder.

"Hurry Argus, this isn't the time for jokes," Hermione said with a bit of concern.

"I mean you could've helped them too. You know the spell. Lumos Solem," Argus chanted. A blinding light came out of wand. The Devil's Snare quickly let go of Harry and Ron. When they fell, they both glared at Argus, but Argus shrugged.

"I mean I wasn't going to let you guys die to a plant before we got to You-Know-Who. Now that would be a terrible friend," Argus said.

"You almost did," Ron said.

"Yeah Argus, that wasn't very kind of you," Hermione said.

"Alright that was my bad," Argus said. "Just a joke,"

"That was not the best idea for a joke," Harry said.

They walked down a stone passageway, the only way there was.

The passageway was creepy and even Argus who saw the movie was quite freaked out.

'Damn, no matter how many times I see this, silent darkness just isn't my thing,' He thought.

It felt like hours, but soon the 4 reached the next room. It was brightly lit which calmed down the four.

(Author's Note: In the movie, the place is dark, but in the book, it states "brilliantly lit chamber".)

"At least this room isn't full of creepy plants or dogs," Ron said.

"Yeah, it's not dark either," Harry said.

"Look guys, what is that?" Hermione suddenly asked pointing to the ceiling.

Full chap on Patr_eon. Gonna be posted 24 hours later!