With speed not seen by the naked eye Jax throws a Superman punch to Niklaus sending him flying into the opposite direction and rolling through a path of trees, Hope is to shocked to stop the fight before she knew it her own father had put her to sleep so she wont interrupt. Wiping the blood from his lip Niklaus slowly stands up giving a sinister grin towards, "Looks like a foolish boy has come to the wrong place, I don't know how you compaled my daughter to follow you way out here but I will make your death quick."
His words leave Jax there with a dumbfound expression on his face, 'Is this guy stupid? does he not realize where we even are right now? And who the hell attacks before even finding out all the facts' before Jax can ask a these questions Niklaus is attacking him again but since he is slower than Jax his moves are easily read dodging a fist that is coming towards is face, Jax sends out a palm strike and quicker than Niklaus can dodge he is sent flying through the air again crashing into the shack on the side. "Look we were-----" Before Jax can finish he is sent flying because he let his guard down for a second so he could convince him they were just talking but that second aloud Niklaus to send him flying hitting a big boulder making it smash in smithereens. Groaning Jax quickly jumps away from where he landed jumping into a tree standing like a ninja from Naruto, this isn't the time to really show off for now Jax will let him win since he is here that means the plot is about to start.
While Jax could help find Hayley instantly it is better character development at least one parent should die, plus he was never really fond of her in the story the only good thing she did was give birth to Hope. Letting Niklaus catch him he is thrown into the Bayou sinking to the bottom. Rushing to the shore Jax breaths heavily while he might immortal and only one thing can kill him he is extremely afraid of being at the bottom of large bodies of water it has to deal with his past life.
Cursing he goes to shout at Niklaus but he notices that him and Hope are both gone, smirking he still got the final say because ever since Niklaus first showed up he noticed him so he slipped his number along with a note into Hope's jacket so she could contact him.
--Hope Pov*
When I wake up I am lying in my bed and what greets me is a scowl from my dad, sighing I get out of bed and brush past him I have been trying to get him to come back for months and he only shows when I find a interesting guy who isn't scared of my family. "Why are you here dad? I've been trying to get in touch with you for months and you finally decide to come right when I made a new friend."
"It looks to me like he was more than a friend Hope." he says with a snarl at the mention of Jax who he left back in the Bayou not even waiting to hear an explanation, "And for your information I cam to see you but when I showed up no one was here and your mother was missing so how am i suppose to act when you are missing too!"
Hearing about the disappearance of my mother i crinkle the note i just found from Jax left in my pocket for now i need to put that aside i have bigger things to worry about, "What do you mean missing?"
Third Pov*
Jax after changing his clothes decided to get on the road he has a long way to Beacon Hills and he was ready to change that god awful 'True Alpha' these might have been his favorite shows but one was about real true powerful people while the other was about a whiny teen who didn't use the true power he got. But now he was going to experience true pain and challenges that's going to force him to be stronger than what he was.
Five Days Later.....
Jax arrived to Beacon Hills right on time after stopping at a diner he finally made it to the town right when Scott got bit but for his plan to go into true action he needed him to be pushed past his limits. While using the pretense of visiting his mom at the hospital his true goal was to push Peter in being way more pushy when it comes to hunting Scott and forcing him to become stronger or stay the weak alpha he is going to become. Walking into the hospital he looks around for his mom and when he can't find her he focuses his hearing just so he can find her quicker, sitting in a chair by the hall he listens in to her conversation after finding her.
After finding out she is on the third floor Jax uses that time to go and find Peter which isn't really that hard considering his great sense of smell and that Peter smells like wet dog, for a werewolf he is the complete opposite of Hope who smelled like sunshine and peach. Walking into his room Jax sees him in his burned state which is to say his alter ego since he won't admit to anyone he is actually fully cured. Closing the door Jax comes to stand in front of him leaning on the window seal he is looking out of.
"Look I won't tell you to answer me or for you to acknowledge what I am about to say but I can tell you three things: First) Scott is to weak push him further just not a killer cause i have plans for him, Second) Watch your back when it comes to what you do just because you have the facade of playing the victim doesn't mean you can't make a mistake. Third) Scott's friend do us all a favor and bite him to not now but soon it will help in convincing Scoot he needs to be stronger." Patting his shoulder Jax goes to leave but stops and leaves a threat before walking out, "Ahh last thing you might use people as your pawns but if you use anyone i care about..." In a flash Jax has him by the throat putting enough pressure to almost break his neck with deep scarlet red eyes, "Then I will kill you before your plan even starts."
Throwing him back into his chair Jax struts out the room he honestly wouldn't hesitate to kill everyone who didn't go along with what he wanted the only reason he chose this world was for a chance to have Hope other than that he really just wants to play with the characters and also save Erica's life.
Before leaving he decides it would be best to speak to him mom now since he might not have time before school tomorrow, coming into the lobby she stands talking to another nurse but when she sees Jax she breaks away and pulls him in for a hug. "Hey How are you kid?" she says affectionately ruffling Jax hair
"Good mom, I just thought i would drop by and get the keys you had for me before I go home I want to rest for the big day tomorrow." Jax says with mock enthusiasm that pass right right over her head since she finds it to be true. Handing him the keys she gives him a quick hug before scurrying off after being called over the P.A system. Leaving the hospital it takes Jax almost thirty minutes to get home, the show must have lacked showing everything because he honestly didn't expect for it to be this big with the diners and clothing stores in between him and the house.
After walking through the front door Jax can smell the scent of fresh blood and since he knows it is just Scott he ignores it, going to the room his mom told him about he throws his bags to the side then goes to sleep for the night. Scott doesn't know it yet but his life is about to be ten times harder than what it was in the original version and with that last thought Jax goes to sleep with a predatory grin on his face.
Somewhere in the Void*
"Ahh that kid was an actual sneak who knew he actually did have a very black soul so much that it looked like nothingness... But how did he trick me?" an emotionless voice says in the nothingness.... "Hmm no matter lets see what this wolf's in sheep's clothing can really do....." a low dark chuckle rings out shaking the void of nothing.