Jax woke up to the sound of his phone ringing he tried to ignore it for the past hour but since the person won't stop calling it seems like a good idea to answer it, checking the i.d it is an unknown number but since no one but family and Hope has this number it can only be her. Pressing answer an angelic voice sounds from the other side, "Is it true that you can help me?" Hopes voice rings from the other side.
"Of course but first i need you to send away the annoying pest who is knocking at your patio." Jax says with a light yawn.
"Annoying pes---" Before she can answer Roman knocks at her window she is still in her pajamas which makes things even more awkward but after remember what Jax said she ignores Roman and goes back to the phone, "Okay i will but when can you get here?"
"I will be there after a shower, don't worry about inviting me in I'm not restricted like other vampires." After finishing the call Jax takes a quick shower and compales his mom to enroll him into the school of Salvatore so he can be closer to Hope and help her at all times. With a snap Jax shows up at her front door and walks into the compound, after heightening his hearing he is surprised to find out she never got rid of roman and that they are sitting together, pretty close at that.
Walking or strutting should be more like it Jax walks into the room and leans against the door frame he was walking so silently that they couldn't even hear him approach them. Watching them for a moment Jax lets out a cough when he sees that Roman goes to touch her causing them to break apart to say he was a little more than pissed would be an understatement but until he truly makes her his he can only do this for now.
After noticing him Hope is the first to get up and as she does she makes her way over to him with a beaming smile, "How did you get here so fast i was expeci---"she stops when she notices his frown.
"I thought I said to get rid of the pest or there was no need for me to come here." Jax says while glaring at Roman who in turn glares at him, looking back at hope Jax lets out a cocky smirk before pulling her towards him. Cupping her cheek he leans down and kisses her fiercely at first going gentle because of her shock but when she finally accepts their tongues go at it in a battle for dominance. Reaching down he grabs her ass lifting her while she wraps her legs around him getting lost in the kiss, completely forgetting Roman. After five minutes the break apart with Hope panting trying to catch her breath with a blush staining her cheeks.
"Umm Hope I think I better go..." Roman says trying to get her attention but Jax holds her eyes and she gets the message loud and clear 'You are mine you better not even so much as glance at him' nodding her head she leads Jax to the couch after Roman is gone.
"So umm that is it was... it was... kind of my first was it bad?" Hope ask hesitantly turning her head to the side so she can't read Jax's facial expression just in case she sees him mocking or making fun of her.
Turning her head Jax smirks at her cuteness kissing her forehead, "It was a perfect kiss but I think we should talk about the company you keep."
Before she can ask what he means a voice shouts from somewhere in the house, "HOPE!!!" Klaus yells coming into the room Hope tried to get Jax to leave but he just tucked her into his side telling her it would be fine. When Klaus walks into the room he pauses for a moment taking a look at our position but remembers why he is here and turns to Hope, "Where you going to tell me any time soon about your mother?"
"She's fine Dad I put a cloaking spell on her I made myself she is fine no one will be able to find her." Hope says rolling her eyes.
"Oh yes and I'm just suppose to believe that you spell is full proof? Why would you do this?" He demands standing in front of them.
Hope jumps from the couch and gets into his face her rage boiling over, "WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSE TO DO DAD!!!! You were writing and calling but then you just stopped how else was I suppose to get you here to spend time with me."
"You forgot I know tricks to Hope." Klaus moves taking her head into his hands Jax just watches from the couch since he knows that he isn't hurting her because if anyone ever did decide to make a move against her and she got hurt in any way this whole world would burn.
When Klaus moves to go get her Hope waves her hand and locks the house down with magic and their shouting match begins the whole time Jax just hangs out sitting in his seat but since he knows that she will be hurting after this it is finally time to use his cooking skills. Going into the kitchen he searches the fridge and finds everything he needs to make shrimp tacos, taking the shrimp he peels and deveines them before put them in a pan of light olive oil letting them cook, after that he takes out garlic, cumin, onion powder, kosher salt then begins to mix it after dicing the garlic.
After he pours it into the pan with the shrimp and when it all is in the pan a heavenly smell penetrates the air going all through the house, Klaus just left and Hope comes into the kitchen with tears in her eyes. After Jax makes her sit down he makes homemade tortillas glazing them with light oil to make them brown, when everything is done he takes a lime and squirts it over the tacos before setting them in front of Hope. It's true what they said in shokugeki no soma when you have something of someone to cook for it makes the food so much better because after one bite Hope's frown is gone alone with the tears she is now just all smiles.
Sitting next to her Jax smiles leaning on one hand watching her eat, in the distance he can hear Marcel walking up but he ignores it and instead steals the grace he was suppose to bring, "I might not be able to help you relationship much with your dad but I will always be here to help with anything and cook you all the delicious meals you can think of as long as I get to see that smile on your face." Her face goes red from embarrassment but she nods leaning into me.
"I didn't think I did anything wrong I mean I know that the curse keeps us away but it's hard not being able to see a parent you miss so much." A lone tear falls down and Jax gently wipes it away smiling down at her.
"No you didn't do anything wrong you just want your family to be whole again I can understand that but don't worry i'm here and i'm going to help you accomplish that no matter what you want to do." Jax says kissing her on her forehead, it's time for things to really get started as Klaus comes back in with a worried look on his face looking at Jax and Hope he has kind of accepted the fact he won't be able to get Jax to leave plus he has bigger problems so he can't worry about it right now.
"Hope your mother is truly missing I don't know what happen but she was taken but it looks like she put up a fight before they were able to take her away." His words are like a hammer dropping onto her head as she sags into Jax chest she doesn't know when but he became her pillar of hope the moment she took a bite of his food and she felt peace from it.
"Hope I think it's time we talk to your friend Roman." Both Klaus and Hope stare at Jax from his suggestion and before they can ask anything he stops them, "Before you ask just trust me on this one I want to hurry and find your mom as soon as possible and i know he is part of the answer." Jax can't remember the name of the true person and since he hasn't seen her yet he can't really remember the address she is being held at but once he thinks of it or once they send it he will remember where they need to be because before showing up he stole a daylight ring from someone else, as the saying goes a good women can always bring a man to his knees and Hope is Jax's good women nothing is going to take her smile away.