Slow Day

Hope slowly but firmly pushes Jax away straightening her clothes while blushing fiercely from the idea of being caught by anyone with what they were just doing, Jax doesn't do anything but smirk giving her a last kiss before walking out the room. Before he is fully gone he turns back towards Hope with a smile, "Don't worry I'll give you some time with your aunt while I go make you some food. Any suggestions?"

"umm how about some cheesecake since I am still kind of full from the tacos." She says with a small smile her heart rate picking up at his caring side.

Nodding Jax turns to leave and when he can't find all the ingredients for the cheesecake he decides to go out to buy the rest so it will be done hopefully when she is done talking to her aunt. Leaving the compound her whistles as he takes a stroll down the quarter but as he is turning to go into the grocery store he spots someone that makes him realize everything, 'Ahh now I remember who is behind all this, well it has been a month since I have watched the show I can't remember every last detail. Plus I haven't even seen all of Legacies so I don't even know the ending to that.' Snapping his fingers he takes one more look at the brunette who is crossing the street with josh making their way towards the compound.

Inside the store he sees Vincent walking down the isles with Ivy chatting happily it's weird to see this because in the show the actually never showed the cast doing anything like this but this is around the time that they learn about Hayley's real disappearance. Right on cue his phone goes off from a call from someone, "Calm down what do you mean she was taken..... Shit okay I will try something.....Ivy we have to go." Leaving the store they rush to where they will mess with the tarot cards to read peoples fates. ignoring them Jax wanders the store getting the rest of the supplies before making his way back to the compound, Hope is still with her aunt so Jax uses the time to make the cheesecake since it will need time to cool off in the fridge.

(I don't want to waste space with steps to make cheesecake just look it up)

After Jax finishes taking it out the oven he sets the pan in the fridge to cool he decided to take it another way and make the in the shape of cupcakes with a strawberry on top and a light drizzle of strawberry sauce he made with the left overs. When thirty minutes is passed Hope and Freya comes into the kitchen drawn by the smell to find Jax cleaning the dishes with an apron on, "It smells divine in here did you make them from scratch?" Freya asked with a small smile.

"Of course only the best for Hope, they should be cooled off by now they are in the fridge." Jax says putting away the last bowl and turning towards them with a smirk when Hope takes a bite and lets out a cute moan of enjoyment. Moving around the counter he takes the position like last time and watches her enjoy the shit out of the food he made a satisfied moan leaves Freya's mouth and when she goes to comment about it she stops herself when she's the way Jax is looking at Hope it is the same way she looks at her girlfriend eye's full of love but it's weird since from what she knows they just met last week.

"So Good! Where did you learn to cook like this?" Hope ask eagerly clearly pleased by the value of the food.

"I don't know one day i just started cooking fell in love with it and just kept going. Why is it that good?" What Jax said was only a half lie since ever since he was about ten he started cooking for himself and fell in love with it but his skills before coming here were only good enough to feed to himself and not others.

"Well if I could eat this for the rest of my life that would make me the happiest girl in the world." Hope doesn't catch on to what she has said until a moment later causing her to blush hard but when she see's that Jax is actually happy about her comment she looks down shyly eating the rest of the cheesecake slowly like a chipmunk. Jax can barley contain himself if it weren't for the fact that Freya was right there and that Klaus, Marcel, and Josh and company were here than he would have probably taken her upstairs and finished what they started earlier but since he wants her to not have anything burdening her he will wait until they get Hayley back.

"So did you guys find anything out from Roman?" Hope ask with an expectant look.

When Klaus and Marcel look away her enthusiasm dies but since Jax didn't like that look on her face he decided he needed to move things along before they moved Hayley from the first safe house so he could end this early. Looking at the woman following them Jax opens his mouth exposing her, "So Greta is it fun trying to play the nice guy when really you are the mastermind behind this all or are we going to keep playing this game because honestly it is getting a little old and--" Moving in front of her he reaches his hand in her chest holding her heart but not moving yet, "Your making Hope sad and I don't like to see her sad."

When everyone heard what he said and saw his actions they didn't move not because they were afraid that he would kill her but out of shock of the information they just got, when they all came back to their senses Jax already had her pinned to the walk by metal pikes. Staring at his hand all Jax could do was sigh because in less then a day he has had blood on his hands twice but barley had any real alone time with Hope. Walking past everyone he heads back to Hopes bathroom so he can get the blood cleaned up again swearing he won't get them dirty again unless he was going to kill someone for causing all these problems. Hope doesn't wait and follows behind him like it is the most natural thing to do since she knows her father and Marcel are more than enough to get the answers they need.

Seeing Jax once again clean his hands she can't help but to blush at what he said to Greta but its also because his shirt is off because of the blood he had to get off of it so currently his six pack is showing. Jax could only groan because since she teleported here his clothes were left back at his house in Beacon hills the only thing he has here is the clothes on his back and his wallet, Looking back at Hope he gives her a sly smile when he notices her staring at him with a deep blush. "Like what you see chipmunk?" her nod is subtle but it doesn't escape his notice.

"Well we have two options here you could walk out and find me a shirt or you could sit there and we could finish what we started earlier your call." Jax says with arms crossed letting her look him over, and after a gulp she slowly gets up and walks out of the room. Chuckling to himself he sits and waits on her bed he is a man of his word and while she only has so much time until he makes her his in every way he also wants to make sure that when it happens the only thing on her mind is him not the worry of losing her mom at any moment.

It's close to midnight and while he might not need to sleep she does so when she gets back into the room he puts on the dark green shirt she hands him, "We will know more in the morning for now though you should go to sleep so you aren't exhausted." Not having a rebuttal for Jax's sound logic she moves to get dress but notices he doesn't move or look away and after what happen earlier she is still feeling kind of shy so she turns to him with a mock angry face.

"Can you please get out at least while I am getting dressed then after i don't mind you coming back in." Leaving her bed he gives her a quick kiss on the forehead before walking out of the room with a low chuckle. Five minutes later he is back and she is waiting for him but safely tucked into bed facing the other way but he can tell she is still awake by the slight hitch in her breathing when he lies down next to her pulling her into his embrace then it isn't long before she is drifting off to sleep when she is finally down Jax gives her a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. Time to do his own stuff for awhile.