Jax Night Out!

Jax left Hope lying in bed reluctant to actually leave her side he was hoping he could actually relax and spend the night by her side but he also was kind of annoyed by what was going on around him for one someone was constantly trying to use magic on him and two someone kept watching him. Leaving the house he fled to an area where no one was within a hundred miles and he wasn't followed but still being watched annoyed he spoke out, "Old man stop watching me and come out already I know you are there." For a second nothing happened until a voice was heard coming out of nothingness.

"Haha boy you tricked me I didn't think someone with a soul as dark as yours could even trick me.... how did you do it." He asked cutting right to the point of his visit.

Jax tilted his head to the side he had no clue what this guy was talking about one moment he was dead the next he got everything he ever dreamed so he couldn't figure out what this old guy was talking about. Seeing the confusion on Jax face the man started to realize that his thoughts were wrong and that he wasn't tricked it was just he didn't know who was playing with him. Pondering something he read Jax fate while he was still here and realized it was the fact that he had a dark soul but the fact of his original birth this kid might have grown up with humans but truth be told his father was something evil and it was worse than the devil itself.

"Hello earth to old man are you there?"Jax said waving his hand in front of his face after realizing he had gone into some kind of trance, still he didn't get a reply all he got was the old man scared shitless look before he was sucked back to wherever he came from. Confused Jax didn't bother to comment on it and instead teleported back to Beacon Hills there was something he wanted to do more like someone he wanted to befriend before his daily life got to chaotic, walking through the woods he could smell her before he even got close.

A den was set up and walking out of the den an angry Malia seeing someone she didn't recognize in her territory who also had and unusual smell that she couldn't place, Jax walked towards her taking out some shrimp he had left over from cooking for hope. Malia watched curiously but didn't approach where he set the food cause he was standing to close and this wasn't the first time someone tried to catch her to take her away. Jax figuring she wouldn't do anything with him near walked away from the food leaning against a nearby tree watching her walk up to the food sniffing it before wolfing it down, in a flash she stood in front of him her eyes blazing begging for more.

"Sorry Malia I'm all out." He told her and she completely brushed off him knowing who she was since he would come all the way here just to give her some delicious food, "I'm going to try and visit you from time to time so try not to attack if I show."

Malia listening to his words sniffed his hand to get his scent so she could always welcome him warmly and not confuse him with the others that showed up around here, Jax sat down and she put her head into his lap. Taking his phone out he put on Shokugeki No Soma he had watched everything they had to date but was really waiting for the next season, 'I wonder if LivingInShamless will do a Fan-fix of this too.' Shrugging it off he stroked Malia just enjoying being in her presence he had decided that when he wasn't spending his time with Hope and fixing her stuff he would spend his time with her.

The moon was high in the sky and both Jax and Malia looked towards a certain direction hearing sounds of people moving, with his better eyesight Jax could see it was Chris Argent and his men moving towards them. Malia let out a low growl but calmed down when she felt Jax rub her head before lifting her up and getting out of the area, at first she was shocked by the distance they moved but when she remembered he didn't smell him she soon calmed down waiting patiently for him to take her back. The Argents were moving silently and Jax could remember this was the night they shot Scott but he didn't really care about that instead he waited patiently for them to move by before taking them back he still needed to deal with one more thing before morning came and he needed to be back with Hope.

Bringing Malia back he kisses her on her forehead shocking the coyote before going running off, since he couldn't go directly go where he need to he would try something to get there faster. Coming to a travel agent he teleported inside the store and looked around before finding a picture of France using the image Jax teleported and ended up in a wine farm, nodding to himself he ran quickly to where Elijah. As he got close to the bar/lounge he played there were people filing out which could only mean that Klaus was already here and was going to attempt to bring him back.

Walking past the people he walked in right when Elijah and Klaus were arguing about him coming back, Klaus then tried to compel him to return only to be stabbed, sighing Jax walked in and looked down at Klaus pulling out the wood that didn't even effect him. Shaking his head he waited for him to stand up before they went together since Jax could actually get him back unlike this guy, Klaus woke up looking around before seeing Jax standing their with a smirk.

"Couldn't get brother dearest to come back with you Mr. Klaus." Jax mocked walking towards where he was trying to escape with Antoinette. "Let's go Hope would be sad later if something truly did happen to the two of you or if I didn't prevent something." The last part a whisper not even Klaus could hear. Klaus didn't say anything her just strutted behind him wondering how he was going to accomplish something that even he couldn't manage.

Coming into the catacomb leading them away Jax rushed in front of them, he never understood why they didn't try to flee quicker it would have saved them from being stopped by Klaus but he didn't believe they were that smart. When they saw some stranger appear they were quickly on guard wondering who he was until they heard him speak, "Hey future Father-in-Law if we get this down quickly I can start officially just calling you Father-in-Law right."

"Not even if I was dead for a million years." Klaus's thick British accent quickly denying any sort of relationship happening between his daughter and Jax.

"Thank you." Jax said completely ignoring him and looking at the two that stood in front of him with a confused expression, before they could blink he but into Elijah's neck completely changing him from his former self and back into a true original but not only that while he bit him he sent a mental command unlocking all his previous memories by force. Elijah was screaming in agony on the ground from Jax's venom changing him and the mental strain of the memories he was receiving.

"What did you do to my brother." Klaus has Jax by the collar but Jax hit his stomach sending him flying into a wall before he rushes and hits his face.

"Look her Klaus I don't give two shits for you I love your daughter but because she loves you I can't kill you but that doesn't mean that I won't kick your ass." Lifting him out the wall Jax sends him flying into another raining punches to his face and stomach before moving back, "That's right let me take something from your playbook." Taking out a quarter he throws it to the ground, "You pick it up and I will stop." Finished he pounced on him again throwing him around the room with blood leaking from Klaus's mouth.


Antoinette POV*

She couldn't believe what she was seeing Nicklaus Michaelson the original hybrid was being tossed around like he was nothing by someone who looked no older than seventeen she could only tremble in fear and watch their fight while holding on to Elijah. She wanted to run but had no clue what was done to Elijah so she could only wait until woke from this and hope they could escape together cause if what the boy said was true he had no problem killing anyone who had nothing to do with Klaus's daughter. Hearing Elijah moan but still not waking she could only sitting holding his hand while shaking in fear hoping, praying that they wouldn't die tonight she had just got what she always wanted from him she couldn't lose him tonight.


Jax POV*

Jax had just smash Klaus's head into the ground causing spiderweb cracks to appear before his anger vanished he quickly snapped the neck of Klaus putting him into a temporary sleep he needed to have a little chat with Antoinette before their guest woke up. Looking at her he chuckled at her shiver, walking past her he picked up the quarter that Klaus tried to crawl towards only to be pulled away by Jax at the last minute since he wanted to play with him. "Ah since we are alone now you have two choices 1) You can truly love Elijah and follow to help save Hayley from your 'Mother' or 2) I can kill you here after finding where you are keeping her." He had been trying to remember the plot but it was slowly leaving him he meant to ask the god what was happening but he left before he could so now he was stuck trying to remember and figure everything out before it happened. They couldn't get the address earlier because Greta was one tough SOB so they could only hold back and now he was forgetting who helped her escape plus which house she is really in so it was killing him.

Looking back at her she was biting her lip trying to come to a conclusion but she stopped for a moment going back over his words, "Wait Elijah will be okay?" Her happy smile couldn't be hidden.

"Geez woman of everything I just said you stick on that no wonder... never mind yes all I did was turn him back into an original and give him his memories..... so what is your answer?" He was getting tired of explaining shit to people and only wanted to be back with Hope it was 1pm here meaning it was 6am back in the states so Hope would be waking up soon and he wanted to make sure he was there to make her breakfast before she woke up.