He wanted to rush her but the Mikealson's weren't awake yet so it didn't really matter he could finish his business by just killing her if she didn't hurry and choose and option, glaring at her she must have gotten the hint since she shuddered and spoke, "I will follow him but it will be hard as I am sired to her so how am I suppose to refuse her?"
Jax didn't really care about any of that, walking over to her he bit her neck changing her too into a new vampire not an original but one that could live like a human who didn't just need blood to feed and could walk into the sunlight. What he did do was make sure she was sired to him he wasn't going to just help her out without a price, plus Hayley was still with Declan so this would help out with that problem unless Elijah decided to throw her away later on. Letting her wither on the ground he nodded at his handy work at what he has done here and she would naturally feel the changes that he had done to her without further ado he brushed his hands like he had done a good job and teleported to Hope he didn't want to be later.
Twenty minutes after Jax left*
Klaus woke up to a destroyed room with his brother sitting to the side talking to the women he has been spending his life with for the past year, looking at his shirt he can't help but to sigh at the blood covering it. He couldn't help but to say the kid was strong halfway through the beating (you couldn't call it anything else) he had realized the last time they fought the kid held back because Hope was around this time he let him know not to fuck with him again. But who was Nicklaus Mikaelson exactly as the name says a Mikaelson he wouldn't back down but he would let it go this time since he saw his brother was okay.
Moving towards them he was going to try and convince Elijah once again to come back with them to find Hayley even if he had to drag him by the hair, "Elijah we have to go find Hayley I don't care if you don't believe you truly loved her but you will help me that is my daughters mother." He growled stalking towards them.
"It's okay brother I don't know what that kid did but I remember it all everything about our life, promises, and Hayley I will help no matter what." Elijah said standing up holding the hand of Antoinette they took the time to talk and he had realized even if he was going back to help find Hayley he wasn't going to lose her because that was his past and he wanted the chance to actually have a happy life with a woman who he could be with.
Klaus noticing this didn't say anything but looked around for the kid he didn't know about Jax being able to teleport so he assumed he just went to the airport and he might end up seeing him there. Antoinette could actually feel he was in New Orleans but couldn't comment on it since he had forbid her from saying anything about him unless he permitted it, She told Elijah that she was now sired to him but he didn't care as long as they could be together. Now they only needed to figure out a way to actually get information on Hayley's whereabouts unknown to them that Greta had already been released and she was now gaining her strength getting ready to go into the second part of her plan.
"So how are we going to find her." Elijah asked looking back at Klaus.
"I don't know but we need to hurry and get back home it might cause problems us being there but the sooner we get this done the sooner we can get distance from each other so we don't destroy the city." Klaus said trying to think of the most logical plan but coming up with nothing since he couldn't get anything out of Greta except some past story.
"I might be able to help with that." Antoinette said tasing her hand. When they both looked at her she sighed, "Jax commanded me to still work with Greta until I learn something new about the plan or her whereabouts cause according to him she has already escaped your hands."
Both Klaus and Elijah's eyes went wide and decided they could waste anymore time here or something might happen to Hope or Hayley they didn't really have time to question her about everything Jax said to her they could worry about that later. Nodding in a silent agreement they all took off towards the airport Elijah and Antoinette not even bothering to bring anything.
Jax POV*
Jax had gotten back thirty minutes ago and was just watching Hope sleep with a content smile on his face, this girl had so many troubles but he swore to take them away no matter what. Brushing the hair out her face he couldn't help his grin growing bigger when she let out a smile at his touch or that was what he was telling himself even if it wasn't true, "You know it's not good to watch someone watch someone sleep." Jax said turning to Freya who was standing at the door with a playful smile.
"Realize what you just said and tell me that what you just said doesn't make sense at all." She smirked with her arms crossed.
Chuckling he couldn't counter that so he gave Hope a light kiss on the cheek before moving out the room with Freya following along, she had been curious about him ever since she saw his expression when Hope was eating his cheesecake. In the kitchen Jax took out all the ingredients to make his favorite breakfast, basil, diced garlic, a little chili pepper, bacon, eggs, milk, cheese and bread before heating up two pans to start cooking he didn't know why but he could just sense that Hope would be up soon so he had to get cooking.
Scrambling the eggs he added a pinch of salt and pepper along with the garlic, chili powder, basil, and a splash of milk, when it was all cooked he added the now cooked bacon which he chopped into smaller pieces mixing it all together. Right when that finished he could hear Hope moving around upstairs getting dressed, smiling lightly he took the cheese and put it on the bread putting the bacon and eggs between before adding it to a pan with butter making a grilled cheese. When both sides were perfectly golden brown he took it from the pan before repeating the process four more times cause he knew Freya was going to ask for some since she was already across the counter drooling over it.
Giving her a plate with two he takes the others to the table and right when he is setting them down Hope enters, grinning at her she blushes but smiles back giving him a small wave. "Well good morning sleepy head. I made you some breakfast, come here." Smiling widely she basically floats to him taking the offered seat with no hesitation. Seeing her so happy the grin couldn't be taken from Jax's face right now even if you told him something super important because to him she was the most important thing (well maybe 99% her and 1% Malia) but he wasn't really counting. Freya quirked a brow at the two but was to engrossed in the food to even really pay them any attention since it was like she was eating something sent down from heaven right now.
"Thank you." Hope offers with a smile going to eat so Jax does what he does best cleaning the dishes and when he is done he takes the seat next to her watching her which she doesn't really mind just enjoying her food. After eating two and a half Jax eats the last half of her food he doesn't need to eat but he didn't want it to go to waste so he ate it anyway.
"So how was it."
"Good. Thank you again you didn't have to do that." Hope says feeling shy now that the food isn't their to distract her from his intense gaze that she can never really look away from.
"Of course I did. You should always start the day with something good to eat." Brushing hair out her face he leans over and kisses her lips enjoying the taste of the food on them, Hope doesn't push him away either instead she accepts deepening it until finally pulling away, "Delicious, now I'm going to go take a shower, I know you already took one but want to join me?" Jax winks but when she shakes her head refusing he doesn't get sad but leans in for another kiss smiling at how she blushes, "that's fine I'll be back soon then we can go out for the day sound good?" At her nod he walks off leaving her alone with her aunt.
Hope POV*
When Jax walked out she was left with her aunt who was giving her a playful smile and she couldn't look her directly in the eye because of it but she also wasn't going to apologize, in the past years this is honestly the happiest she has been and she was glad he was around. Hope took her plate to the sink she had refused to let him clean it for her and he had already done so much and couldn't ask for more so she had to basically hold it against her chest so he wouldn't take it away from her. She had noticed already that he would do anything she asked unless it was something that put her in danger then there was no getting through to him, but when it came to small things then he would relent but she would pay the price with her lips (not that she minded though)
"He likes watching you." Hope have Freya a curious look, "When I came in this morning to see if you were still awake he was watching over you like you were the only thing that existed to him." Her tone doesn't give anything away but you could here a little bit of approval in her voice along with some wariness.
"He won't hurt me I'm sure he would rather have himself get hurt before he let anything happen to me." She said with a silly smile on her face it was her first crush but she was falling hard with him.
"I can see that but make sure he really has the right intentions or things might get bad." She gave a mild warning she also didn't believe he would do anything but she didn't want her niece getting hurt just in case things didn't work out with him she didn't want her hurting to bad.
"Don't worry Aunt Freya I got this." Hope said while hugging her.
Jax POV*
What the two didn't realize was that Jax just heard their entire conversation but he didn't really mind it he knew this family was really close so he didn't take it to heart because he knew he would hurt hope so they had nothing to worry about from him. Humming a tune he finished his shower and got dressed before finding them downstairs Hope dressed in her leather jacket over a T-shirt, with tight fitting black skinny jeans that hugged her a** great and black boots. Jax couldn't help but let out an audible gulp that made Freya laugh so hard she almost fell out of her seat and Hope blush but quickly calm down when she almost did the same seeing him.
"Ready to go out girlie?" Jax asked his hand stretched out for her to take, nodding they said goodbye to Freya before walking out of the house.
When they were a good distance from the house Hope looked at him expectantly she had knew he was going to get her uncle back last night so they could start her plan but because of Freya she could speak about it out loud. Jax just whistled while looking around like he didn't know that she was staring at him but it wasn't a good idea because she threaten him with something he knew that he wouldn't be able to take, "If you don't tell me how last night went in five seconds I will not talk to you for the rest of the day."
That little threat made him spill the beans quickly which gave her a victory smirk when she saw his panicked state but giggled when he lifted her up twirling her around for teasing him, "Fine I'm sorry." She said when she couldn't take the spinning anymore laughing with tears. Jax smiles triumphantly which made her pinch him in the side which he mocked whined at just to appease her, she knew he was faking it but smiled all the more because she knew he was doing it for her. The two hadn't even been really paying attention to where they had been going before they turned a corner and saw...