Another Day Out!

They turned the corner and it wasn't really any big surprise but the ran into Vincent and Ivy who were working on a float for a parade the witches were doing, coming to a stop the looked over everything but didn't say anything instead just silently watching. Feeling a gaze on him Vincent turned around and looked back at the two, "Hope?" He called looking at her and Jax he didn't know who the other one was but he was still think hard about the card reading they did for Hope and could get it out of his head. Walking to them he thought they were coming to see if they had found out anything about her mother which they hadn't but he wouldn't say anything so he wouldn't have to deal with Klaus.

"Hey Vincent." Hope said a smile on her face not something you would think when her mom was currently missing but for some reason she had the strange feeling that with Jax by her side her mom would return safe. When Vincent got near he looked the two over who seemed to be enjoying a day out rather than hunting down answers for her moms whereabout.

"Hey who is this?" Vincent asked looking over at Jax who was staring at the float not that he was ignoring Vincent it was just he felt the same magical signature of someone who had been looking at him these past days and it turned out that it was Ivy cause she also looked at home before quickly looking away. Turning back to Vincent he gives him a smile, "Jax McCall Hopes boyfriend." Vincent is a little shocked he couldn't believe that While Klaus was alive there would be a boy brave enough to date his daughter and dream of living to tell about it.

Looking at Hope she is looking down shy because he said out loud what neither had even really talked about but she liked the sound of it so she just nodded at Vincent's questioning gaze. When he was about to speak again Jax interrupted talking to Hope, "Want to help them make the float?" He knew that all they could do was wait until they got a location for Hayley so until then he would distract Hope until they can do her plan until then she can enjoy her youth. Looking at her she gives him a wide smile before nodding and they both look at Vincent, "You don't mind right?"

Vincent was shocked but had no reason to turn them down he didn't know if this kid new about what Hope and her family was but he wasn't going to break up there time together that she seemed to be enjoying, "Sure."

Following Vincent over Jax and Hope got to work helping them add decorations to it and painting it, Jax could feel Ivy glancing at him but he ignored her he had a feeling she knew what he was but he wasn't going to say anything if she didn't. Halfway through making it someone called for a break to get lunch but since Jax and Hope ate breakfast not to long ago they declined and said they were going to go find something to do for the day, many people waved them goodbye thankful to the pair for coming to help.


Vincent POV*

"Now are you going to tell me why you were staring at that kid so intently?" He asked Ivy who was still watching the back of the retreating kid who was singing some song dancing around a laughing Hope.

"Do you want the truth or a lie?" She said wanting her a weird look from him but he let her continue obviously want the truth, "Last night after we did the reading on Hope I listen to you and did another hoping I was wrong and it did change but this time it had him in it and.... Vincent that kid has two paths that aren't clear... I couldn't even read him completely."

"What do you mean." He asked startled she was the best reader he ever knew and if she was saying she couldn't even read a kids fate then there is definitely something abnormal about him.

"It's not clear but one was one peace, beauty, and love so much love it made me feel as though everything I saw in this world was through rose colored glasses I could have sworn I was under a love spell." She said on a lovely sigh but soon her voice grew hard, "But the other I couldn't see the end but their was pure death and nothing else screams of millions death of millions I can tell you one thing he is deadlier that Nicklaus and Marcel combined."

Vincent shivered at the thought looking at the spot where the two disappeared feeling helpless how could some kid be deadlier than that psycho but he had to believe her words, but she wasn't done yet, "But its all being suppressed right now he is only on the love path and it all ties with Hope but I'm pretty sure if anything happen to her nothing and I mean nothing would be able to stop him from making this world burn not magic, not wolfs, not the Mikaelsons, not even a bite from Marcel. The only thing that can keep that side of him down is that girl and only her."

Vincent nodded absentmindedly taking in everything she just told him he had been around the supernatural long enough to notice one but could even tell that kid was one which made him frightened to the core.


Jax POV*

Jax sneezed as him and Hope walked into a bar Hope looking at him weirdly, "Can vampires even get colds?"

He shook his head, "I think someone was just talking about how amazing your boyfriend is."

She only shook her head walking to the bar him following behind like a puppy following its owner who just got home, when they got to the counter a man reached across and hugged Hope and if Jax didn't know this was Declan he would have torn those arms off. Hope turn around seeing his partial glare she giggled before pulling him forward, "Declan this is my boyfriend Jax McCall, Jax this is Declan he runs this bar."

They shook hands and Declan gave him a friendly smile he was completely different from Klaus who was a fight first ask questions later person (not that Klaus could hurt him) "So how did you two meet?" He questions a big smile on his face.

Hope looks like she doesn't know what to say because ever since they met she has known he was supernatural but never knew how he had known her she didn't really question it but it didn't really matter to her since he was always helping her, "Ahh I was passing through town on my way to get to my new school and ran into her at a diner, but it turn out we were going to the same school so I came back to hang and it kind of just happened." Jax decided to answer since he saw that Hope was currently lost in thought about something, but when she heard his reply she looked confused but seeing he wasn't lying well all the way at least she couldn't help but to smile knowing even if she went back to school he would be joining.

"Ahh so you are a gifted child too huh?" Declan said since he didn't know about the supernatural world they had just told home that Hope got accepted into a school for the gifted and he didn't question it since her painting skills were off the charts.

"Yeah....." he let drag off because that wasn't something he really wanted to talk about as long as Hope didn't want him to know about their world. They then had to sit for two hours with Declan and Hope catching up but Jax didn't mind it and joined in every now and then commenting on some stuff but he was content to just sit with her and do anything so he kept his mouth shut for the most part.

Afterwards they left and she still looked on cloud nine she was getting everything she wanted and she had someone who could share her secret even if she didn't really believe everything would go as easy as Jax said she was going to trust him. Skipping down the quarter Jax took her hand and pulled her towards a store that he had found last night when he was running out the city it is a little art studio that someone made where people could hang up their work as amateurs trying to make a name for themselves. Hope was surprised cause she had never seen this store before not even all her years of living in this city did she once come here, granted most of her life has been spent dealing with problems.

Inside smelled like fresh paint and with Jax's heighten senses it was a little annoying but he was use to it since he smelled it every time he had stepped into hopes room, Hope dragged him from his thoughts when she gave him a fierce hug. "Thank you." And than was all he needed that soft sigh and light thanks made him feel for the who knows how many times happiest person on earth. Since he didn't really understand art he had her drag him around and explain stroke patterns, color schemes, the difference between paints etc. anything and everything she knew he listen to it all enjoying his time with her, in the show she rarely smiled with all her problems but seeing it all the time would never be enough for him.

They didn't notice it but the people around them also listen with rapt attention some who were trying to be real artists listen and wrote some of her knowledge down and others who just came fro the art enjoyed her views on the pieces. Jax has noticed them and got her to talk more and by the time she was done she was breathless and the people around them applaud her for her knowledge and understanding of the paintings thanking her for the great experience, she was shocked they even did and gave a shy smile before dragging him to her favorite she saw. The painting was of a little girl holding hands with a shadow in the park facing the water it was titled 'Are You Alone?' She never took her eyes off of it, "I always felt like this," she started, "I use to think me being born was the worst thing to happen in this world. From a baby until now there was only bad luck around me. I mean what child has go through this kind of stuff." Her eyes had tears on the sides threatening to spill over.

Jax came up behind her holding her in his embrace with her head resting on his chest, "Well I will make sure you realize that you being here is the best thing ever. Want to know why?" He asked brushing the hair from her face bringing his mouth near her ear.

"Why?" She honestly didn't think their was one good thing since she had never been at true peace since since birth her family had to many hardships because of her.

"Because if you weren't here I would also have no reason to exist. I know we have only known each other a week and you probably think that I am just some godly chef," that earned him a chuckle which is what he was hoping for, "But you Hope Mikaelson are a treasure and I am so glad that you are here because I would be lost if I didn't have you in my life.

Behind them stood three people who they didn't even realize was there because they were so lost in their own world they didn't even notice the little chaos that was caused in the store because how close they all were, but the three people didn't interrupt them because they were listening in on the conversation not even Jax knew they were there since he was only solely focused on the girl in his arms.

"Don't ever think that you aren't the best person Hope because even if you don't I will remind and show you every day just how great you are," turning her around her looks her in her blue eyes smiling slightly, "You are everything don't ever believe you are the worst." Lifting his hands he wiped her tears away before kissing her lightly on the lips before pulling her into a hug and resting his head on hers.