Jax and Hope spent the rest of their day talking walking from place to place their conversation was mainly focused on Jax since she had went through something heavy and she wanted to know more about him so he didn't hold anything back taking memories from this body. When the sun was going down he noticed that she hadn't eaten since breakfast so without asking he picked her up by her legs princess style and teleported back to her house right in the kitchen surprising the four people who were sitting at a table currently that had a snake slithering around and maggots on a plate of food, before anyone could ask any questions or speak Jax spoke first, "Everyone who isn't Hope or Frey's leave now as I am going to cook for Hope and I don't need her food turning to maggots because all of you are here. Come back in an hour then you can all talk about what is next."
They all looked ready to speak but he held up his hand refusing to speak until he got Hope some food he would deal with them being in the same room together later, reluctantly they all left on leaving Freya and Hope with Jax who went straight to the fridge letting out a sigh of relief that the food didn't spoil. Taking out taking out boneless chicken breast, olive oil, salt, pepper, milk, garlic, chicken broth, fettuccine, heavy cream, and Parmesan cheese.
Using a large skillet he coated it with olive oil heating the skillet before putting in the chicken cooking it to a golden brown color and letting it sit so he could cut it later, next her added milk, broth, garlic, salt and pepper to the skillet letting that sit before adding in the fettuccine cooking the pasta noodle to a nice texture, letting that sit to finish cooking he shredded fresh Parmesan and added it with the cream letting those thicken before adding it to the skillet, after that was added he cut the chicken into nice long strips adding it to the fettuccine before putting it into a bowl and walking it over to Hope who was waiting.
"Hey! What about mine?" Freya whines looking hurt that she didn't get any food that smelled heavenly she couldn't help but feel jealous that Hope was getting some and she wasn't.
"Wait your turn Hope hasn't eaten since breakfast so I obviously have to feed her first." Jax said walking back and getting some for Freya he thought about making garlic bread but thought it was to much dough in on sitting so he went against it. Going to the fridge he brought her a glass of lemonade and then sat down watching her eat, their was still one bowl left but he wasn't going to touch it until he knew she was fully which she wasn't if her tearing into the second bowl was any indication. Freya look physically hurt that she didn't leave her any but was afraid to say anything for fear that next time he cooked she wouldn't get anything.
When Hope was done he washed the dishes then sent Antoinette a mental command to bring everyone back, in minutes they were but Jax really couldn't take all the loud threatening lightning and the snakes and dying plants so he took hopes hand going into the living room with everyone following. Moving to the couch he sat down because he was about to attempt to hold some of the Magic back with his body but it was his first try so he wouldn't be and expert, "Klaus in the corner and Elijah in the opposite." Jax said point and they did wanting to see why he was putting in such a serious expression, turning to Hope he gave her a small smile "I'm going to try something it's my first time so if anything happens look after me until I am okay." Hope was honestly confused but nodded her head holding his hand.
Letting out a breath Jax concentrated on the energy that was being realized by the Hollow between them catching it blue lines thread between the three into his body, he couldn't kill it off officially since it was broken up like this. Jax groaning in agony he didn't know it would be hell doing this but it did stop the crazy stuff going on in the city making everyone sigh in relief but Marcel and Vincent headed straight for the Mikaelson house, "You have ten minutes. Fifteen at most before I get a huge f*cking rebound so do what you need to."
Everyone looked at Jax weirdly they could believe what they were seeing only Hope had a look of worry on her face she could tell he was in agony and it was hurting her to see him like this but she was thankful cause she could be in the same room with her father and uncle. "What are you doing exactly?" Klaus asked looking at the blue line that was going from him into the boy.
"Let's just say I'm interfering with the Magic going berserk sort of just suppressing it really." He bit out trying to keep his concentration it was like being shot then having something digging in the wounds he was in complete pain. He could see hope looking at him with worry and he gave her his best reassuring smile which didn't make the look go away at all.
"What are you?" Asked Elijah not truly believing what he was seeing right now.
"Ha that's easier you could say I'm like you only a stronger version like really stronger, with the added benefit of being null to magic." Jax was trying his best to stay confident because it had only been three minutes but he had tears of blood running down his eyes and he tried not to look at Hope so she wouldn't see but he ended up looking at Freya who let out a gasp at his blue eyes that were turning purple because of the strain. Communicating with his eyes for her not to say anything she nods reluctantly looking at home who is rubbing his back, what they didn't know was Jax was actually killing it off a little making the Magic suppressed for a week so this was taking a bigger toll on his body. He was doing it so the didn't have to worry about this for a week why they tried to find her mom but he would not do it again because this sh*t hurt!
"How—-" But that was all Jax heard before coughing up blood and falling to the ground passed out from trying to do more than he could, of only the power was all together he could destroy it but if he tried now he could truly get it all of them since some still lived in others.
Third Person POV*
Hope tried to catch him at suddenly falling but couldn't in time and everyone else was to afraid to move as the lines still haven't gone away, right when she was going to reach out for him Marcel and Vincent walked into the room seeing them all together. "What are you all doing here you aren't suppose to be within city distance of each other I was wondering why hell was coming to earth." Vincent preach like he usually did when something was upsetting for him not even glancing at Jax on the ground but the Mikaelsons that were all standing around the room.
Marcel did take notice though he also saw the blue lines that faded out of the room then looked down again at the kid who smelled like blood and death, walking towards him Vincent finally looked over and was startled as well before making his way over. "What exactly is going on here?"
No one could answer because they were waiting for the chaos to start again everyone expect Freya who knew he did something to stop it for awhile she couldn't figure out how but she knew he gave them some time before it started acting up again. Walking over to Hope she tried to pull her away but Hope refused to let go of Jax she had tears streaming down her face not know if he was alive since she could turn him over to check his heart beat. She knew he had one she felt it all the time when she was hugged by him but she was freaking out to much to think logically about anything since all she wanted at this moment was for him to be okay.
Elijah and Klaus walked over noticing no changes in the environment after a few minutes, "What is happening?" They look at Vincent for answers but he dissent know what to say since he wasn't here for it all and has no clue what is even going on right now.
It's Freya who answers, "He suppresses it I don't know for how long but you three can now be together for some time before it comes back," everyone looked at her with shocked gazes then back at Jax laying on the floor wondering who the hell this could was to be able to do that and still be alive, "Not only that I'm pretty sure he has some sort of magic nullification that can be used to where magic doesn't even effect him if he doesn't want it to. His eyes when he was using that earlier turn violet he was using some sort of his own magic to keep it under." The news shocked everyone around them this was huge news because if it was true then if they asked him they could finally find a way for them to do something about this and all be together again, maybe even be able to visit for major holidays.
"He won't do it again." Hope said firmly making everyone in the room look at he with wide eyes, she looked at all them then back to Jax, "Don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's his choice I'm saying this is the only time he will do it because he is letting me have my wish, and I won't let him do it if it puts this much on him." Her tears had finally stopped and her mind was clear and she had realized he only pushed himself because she had wanted her family together and he was giving that to her.
Freya nodded in agreement she could see this kid only did stuff for Hope if she asked him to streak across the city naked he would do it no questions asked so she wholeheartedly believed that it was true he would never do this again if Hope asked him to. Klaus looked like he was going to say something but he held himself back instead it Antoinette who spoke, "Not to butt in but is anyone going to move him into a more comfortable place or....." she trailed off and everyone finally realized he was still face down on the ground, Marcel quickly picked him up but didn't know which room to take him to since he didn't know.
"Put him in my bed." Hope said make Klaus look pissed but she ignored that for now cause she saw the blood on Jax and wanted to clean it up and get him in a clean shirt, he had finally brought clothes so he didn't need to keep wearing old ones she found. Marcel looked like he didn't really want to do it either but since no one objected he took him there with Hope following behind leaving three Mikaelson's, Antoinette, and Vincent in the living room all lost in their own thoughts.
Elijah was the first to break the silence, "We can come back to this later I think our main focus should to be finding Hayley while we have this time." Everyone agreed with that since they could find out more about Jax when he woke up whenever that would be.