Who Knows!

Jax opened his eyes again in the void where he heard the voice that gave his new life but this time he freaked out because what if he was dead again?! He worked so much to get Hope to be with him he didn't want to lose her or have to restart all over again from dying from this little act of suppressing their magic for awhile. Sighing he waited to see if the god would join him and he didn't have to wait long cause walking in front of him was the old man he saw last time but this time he looked as though he had aged a million years, "Hey old man are you alright?" Jax asked looking confused when he only shook his head before sitting in front of Jax with a tired expression.

"Let's just say someone shouldn't be playing the games they are but after finding out that it was out of love and not fear of destroying the entire multiverse I have calmed down a lot." Singing he looked Jax over before speaking, "Now, no you aren't dead just dead tired so I brought you here to explain a couple of things it should be two hours here which will be two days there." He explained so Jax wouldn't freak out on him or anything when he got sent back. "Now your body is perfectly fine and you did everything right it's just your first time using this and that's not even to say when you finally destroy the real Hollow that you will be knocked out here and come here for 7 hours which is a week there." He waited for a reaction but only saw Jax closing his eyes and trying to sleep, "What are you doing?" He asked with his lip twitching.

"Yeah I don't care about any of that if you aren't here to give me another wish then I will just sleep until I am sent back." Jax said uninterested in anything he just wanted to get back to home to let her know that he was fine and she didn't need to worry.

The old man could only chuckle lightly at his carefree attitude and his shamelessness to actually ask for another wish when he already is op in this world with the things he can do. Conjuring a table the old man creates a chess set and broad he is intrigued to see if he could when in a match between him and plus he was bored, "Fine then if you can beat me in a match then I will give you one more wish." Jax was interested and immediately sat down to play.

1hour 59minutes 55seconds later*

"Hey old man that is the 139 time I have beat you just give up already and give me the wish you owe me already." Jax said slapping his hand on the table pissed that he went back on his deal right after losing the first match and insisting it was a warm up every time he lost.

"Hoho would you look at the time it was nice seeing you again Jax." Is the only reply he got before being pushed back into his body waking up in Hopes room. Jax has the urge to yell out and scream but noticing Hope beside him sleeping he didn't move and only watched her, it was six in the morning and he had really slept two days he felt a lot better. Jax really wanted to make her breakfast but she was hugging his arm so he couldn't get away without waking her up, sighing he lightly stroked he head but that was enough to wake her up because her blue eyes clashed with his.

In her eyes was so much emotion ranging rom relief, anger, sadness, then back to anger as she hit his chest startling him since she has never been angry at him since they met, "Don't you ever do something that crazy again. Do you hear me? I could have lost you and that is not happening!" Her grief won over the anger cause she was soon crying laying her head on his chest.

Rubbing her back he soothes her trying to get her to calm down, "Its okay didn't I promise to help you with your troubles? There is no way I can leave you before we accomplish that. And even then I still won't leave your side."

Hope was reassured but was still wary as she didn't want him to go anywhere he was a big part of her life now and she would make sure if he tried that again she would find some way to stop him at any cost. Jax could tell she was scheming but he would stop her at the time there was no way he was going to let her keep the Hollow inside of her or let her lose her family so she won't be upset, "Well do your morning routine I am going to go and make you some breakfast." He told her after knowing she had calmed down.

Before he could take off hope stopped him grabbing the hem of his shirt, "Maybe you should take a shower first I mean you have been lying in bed for the past two days." She said her nose crinkling adorably but he agreed with her he didn't notice at first but since it was pointed out he smiled lightly kissing her on the forehead before goin to the bathroom. After his shower he couldn't find Hope anywhere but he could smell something that he assumed was suppose to be food, in the kitchen he found all the Mikaelson's plus Antoinette watching a frantic Hope as she tries to make eggs but what weirded out Jax was the fact that she was currently burning them 'How do you do that?'.

Walking up to her she gives him a small smile and her eyes look downcast at the fact she couldn't make him a simple breakfast after everything he has done for her, "I just wanted to thank you." She said looking down and kicking her toe against the floor lightly, she didn't want to see the disappointment in his eyes at her attempts.

Jax ignored her for a minute turning off the stove top and piling the eggs onto a plate before taking a big bite shocking everyone even Hope who looked up when he didn't say anything to her, Jax wasn't going to show it but he bit into shell when he took a bite he also almost threw up but held it back. "Delicious." Is all he said smiling at Hope who had the biggest smile on his face which is all he wanted, everyone else in the room only had on thought going through their heads 'How is he still alive after those eggs?!' Ignoring everyone else he looked Hope in the eye, "Go get ready we will wait for you here before we figure out our next steps." Nodding Hope kisses his cheek before skipping off upstairs.

When he noticed everyone's gazes he tilted his head curiously, "What?"

Freya was the one who spoke up since she was the one who has spent the most time around him, "Is it really good? I mean it looks like death." Pushing the plate towards her he lets her try a bite but her eyes go wide and she spits it immediately into the trash looking at him like he is a monster, "How can you eat that it's awful."

"Simple Hope made it so of course it is delicious." Jax replied righteously everyone else though looked at him like he was a freak thinking the same thing 'True Idiot' "It's not nice to think mean things about people." Is all Jax said still eating the food their was no way he was going to throw away something that Hope made for him even if he felt as though he needed to get his stomach pumped afterwards.