Jax had been feeding her eggs a little to much in his opinion so instead he made pancakes from scratch along with a honey syrup to tag along, throwing in chocolate chips he whistled along while making her food ignoring the gazes on him. When he finished making the pancakes Hope walked back into the kitchen and was utterly shocked when she realized he had finished the breakfast she made him and that it wasn't just thrown away she couldn't help the grin that spread across her face or stop herself from kissing his cheek and hugging him. Jax smiles at her actions but made her sit down and eat since the conversation was about to get pretty heavy with the topic of how they were going to find her mother, they had Antoinette but they couldn't just focus on that plan Incase something went wrong.
"So where do we start?" Jax asked not bothering to take his eyes off the eating Hope, she had gotten use to it so she didn't say anything to him just continued eating.
"Well if it doesn't work out with this girl," Klaus looked annoyed at Antoinette after he learned of her origins he didn't trust her one bit not even if she was now squired to Jax because he didn't like Jax either, "Then I think we just kidnap some witches and make them try harder to tell us the location of Hayley."
"Nicklaus calm yourself we all want to find her but we can't go about it like that or things will fall apart." Elijah says placing his hand on Klaus's shoulder so he doesn't suddenly take off somewhere Freya just nodded in agreement enjoying the pancakes Hope have her since Jax refused to make her some.
"Well brother then what do you suppose we do wait around until they kill her." Klaus says with a snarl scaring Hope with the possibility of her mother actually being killed.
Jax calms her down by rubbing her head soothing her back to eating while sending a glare at Klaus, who has the decency to look sorry for saying something like that in front of her. "Well I think we should use Marcel to help us out, he can keep the vampires in check that way Antoinette and I can walk the city without Greta catching wind but still believing that we are with her." Elijah says fixing his tie with one hand being the ever classy vampire he made himself out to be.
"That's good. Ahh!" Jax snaps his finger bringing a ring out his pocket, at first Hope panics and Klaus looks ready to kill him but they calm down at his next words, "They probably took her daylight ring you should keep this on you so when you find her you guys won't have to stay there long." He might have been calm but he noticed their reactions and chuckled on the inside, leaning down her whispered in Hopes ear but everyone but Freya heard him, "I might not be giving you a ring now but I will one of these days." Brushing the hair out the side of her face she shudders and he smirks kissing her cheek then leaning back to look at everyone else.
Klaus can't say anything and Elijah and Antoinette just smile, Elijah has already accepted him and knew that it was good to have him on their side rather than fight against him because he wasn't sure that they could really win. Klaus has to rain in his killing intent because he saw Hope who was despite being embarrassed looked like she really liked the idea of it so now he actually had to get use to the idea of his daughter dating. Moving back to the plan Klaus rushed out the house to find Marcel while the rest sat around the table catching up over the lost time with each other, while they were doing that Jax took Antoinette into another room he need to tell her a few things about how he would treat her and about herself.
Living room*
"Your probably wondering why I squired you and left a connection even if it isn't that strong." Jax said looking at Antoinette with his head tilted to the side, she just nods not wanting to interrupt him she was genuinely afraid of him since he could take down the original hybrid. "It's simple really nothing to complicated we needed you for this and you love Elijah but I wanted a little assurance about you so I left it there. Your are the first of my line but when you decided or if you don't make another they will still need daylight rings unlike you."
"Another thing that is different about ones I squire is that they can have kids." After his little bomb she lets out a startled gasp but her eye look bright and happy, "yes Elijah can give you kids but you kids will also come out as vampires and like Hope they will grow up but stop at a certain age and be immortal like us." Letting the information sink in he just watched her curious if she is going to speak since she hasn't said a word the entire time but she hasn't asked anything even after that little information so he just let it be. After ten minutes when she still hasn't said anything then he decides to walk away he has been away from Hope long enough so he went looking for her, after he found her he erased his presence watching her paint from behind.
Back Downstairs*
While Jax and Hope were in her room everyone else was starting the plan Klaus had already sent Marcel to watch specific vampires that he hadn't seen before assuming they were under Greta and followed what she believed in. When he got back to the house Antoinette had already called Greta and found out where her and Roman escaped to but she still needed Hope cause she wanted to watch her to watch her mother die by her hands, hearing this Elijah and Klaus has to rein in their blood lust before they did something stupid. Freya ever the cool headed one just thought of a way to get it done without their plan falling through when a lightbulb went off in her head.
"Elijah I know this might be hard but you have to pretend to be cruel towards Hope and when you guys take her to meet them make it seem as though you only used yourself as a pawn to 'catch' her." She suggested.
"No we are not sending my daughter into the mouth of the beast!" Klaus growls pacing trying to find his own solution.
"We don't have a choice here if it doesn't seem authentic and we go about it any other way then the plan won't work." Freya said as they were talking Keelin walked in with a suitcase surprising her, "What are you doing here?"
"Like I was going to let you do this all alone pssh." She said with a smile before hugging and greeting everyone else.
"Look Nicklaus we have to follow it this way or it won't work and we will lose Hayley." Elijah said ever the philosopher.
"And What are we to do if she is hurt did you ever think about that." He retorted still trying to throw them away from what he knew was a suicidal plan.
"Haha" Freya couldn't hold back her laugh holding her stomach and looking at him as if he was stupid.
"Have you forgotten about the boy who would literally burn this whole state to the ground if even a hair was touched on her head." She said trying to control her laugh, "You may be the scary boogie man that everyone is afraid of but I am 100% sure if anyone tried to harm or upset Hope in any way that boy wouldn't just stop with this state he could potentially hunt down and kill anyone who even has a relation to vampires."
"She isn't wrong." A new voice said walking in was Vincent and Ivy who was the one who spoke, "I only see two paths for that kid and while one is full of love the other is utter destruction if anyone or anything hurts Hope." She is a scared making her body shudder, "You may be the originals and sacred of nothing but if I were you I would fear that child who could end you with one bite."
This took everyone but Vincent by surprise everyone having different thoughts running through their heads about what they just thought was something that she said to make them sacred but when they notice Vincent's nod all they did was gulp. "Well have you forgot my bite that could end him?" Klaus asked with arrogance in his tone making her roll her eyes.
"Not even Marcel could harm him are you sure you want to try?" Eyebrows raised, Klaus could see the seriousness in her gaze and all at once everyone looked at the room Hope and Jax were currently walking out of both laughing at something.
Jax and Hope came down the stares only to see the room full of people with the addition of Keelin, Vincent and Ivy, Jax ignored them and sat in a chair next to the courtyard while Hope went and hugged Keelin before moving back next to him. "So What are we discussing?" He asked a little confused why ivy couldn't look straight at him and why the other looked at him with curiosity. No one answered though an just looked at him with questioning gazes for what reason he had no clue but shrugged it off looking at Hope who also didn't know the reason they had suddenly became the center of attention.
"We were just talking about our plan to stage a fake kidnapping so we could get Hayley back. We just trying to convince Klaus that we need to let Elijah and Antoinette take Hope with them so she could play hostage." Freya said trying to figure out if he would be as difficult as Klaus was being or would they finally be able to move on.
Nodding both Jax and Hope agreed with this plan, they looked at each other already on a level in their relationship where they could just speak through their eyes, 'I will be near you to protect you no matter the issue, don't think you can get rid of me that easily.' Jax eyes said while giving her a sly smirk. Hope blush but responded in kind 'I trust you fully but don't forget what we are going to do once this whole thing is over.' Nodding at each other they turn back to everyone else who only saw they stare at each other but come to some sort of agreement after a nod which was a little freaky. "That's fine we can follow along from behind and stay a safe distance until they get where they need to be then we can just storm the place."