Their plan was going to start in a little while Jax might have been okay with Hope going since he knew he could save her in time but that didn't mean he was entirely okay with her going out their even if Elijah and Antoinette could protect her. It had been a couple of hours and everyone went out to do their own thing Hope was even walking around the city with Elijah and Antoinette but they would send Jax a text when they got close to the time for them to take off Greta was a little paranoid after her plans were ruined so she wanted to have some time to set something up. Since he had nothing better to do Jax teleported outside of Malia's den and waited outside of it for awhile reading a book he picked up from the Mikaelson house that told of their adventures which he was enjoying.
After an hour Malia showed up and when she saw Jax she trotted right to him before laying her head into his lap, it had been a couple of days since she had seen him but when she went around the woods and town stealthy she couldn't find his scent at all. Their was a faint lingering of his scent in one house but she realized it had probably been months since he had been there so she didn't put much faith into it and hadn't returned but looked around more for him. Now here he was sitting waiting for her and she couldn't be happier it wasn't only for the food but also because it was nice to have someone that knew she was here and wasn't afraid of her of course she knew he was something to with his strange but enticing smell that drew he to him.
"Ahh I'm sorry I have been gone for awhile there was something I had to do, plus I was unconscious so.... yeah anyway here." Jax set down some steaks he had made earlier for lunch, he didn't know when they would be back so he made Hope a heavy lunch so she would go hungry waiting for him to return they had to wait the longest time for Greta so everything would fall into place. Malia didn't even question the food and started eating right away enjoying the savory taste and the cool water he set for her, she didn't feel treated like an animal more like a friend who she trusted.
Jax wasn't going to stop Scott and them from changing her when the time came because frankly he wanted her in a human form so he could spend time with her outside these woods their time was short together but he got a relaxing feeling when he was with her. Now it wasn't on the level as when he was with Hope but it calmed him non the less and since he couldn't be with Hope right now this was definitely the next best place, running his hands through her fur he went back to the book and kept reading some interesting stuff that they didn't put into the show. He still hadn't received a text from them yet so he decided while he was in town he could at least visit his brother and mom although he didn't feel a strong connection with the Jax was someone in his past life who valued family over anything so why not make more connections other than Hope since this would be his new life anyway.
After telling Malia his plan she went into her den to sleep while he found the presence of his mom and brother, his mom was currently in the hospital working surrounded by people in a room and his brother was on the lacrosse field during practice so he chose his brother first. Running he got there in less then twenty seconds on time to see Scott effortlessly catch a ball thrown by Jackson, Lydia and Allison cheered along with Stiles at the stands and bench, Jax just stood at the end of the bleacher with a small grin he didn't want to really be in this town but he was thinking he would come back here for season two and three since Legacies wouldn't start for two years. Scott was going to head to Stiles but noticed Jax first making a huge grin take over his face they didn't spend much time together but Scott was still more than happy to see his brother, "Jax!" His yell made everyone look over to where he was running.
Third Person POV*
Stiles looked over at the notorious older brother of Scott who he had only met once years ago and he was taken back by the big changes that happened over all those years, the guy he saw now was basically the picture of a Greek god not overly buff but you could tell he had muscle and his eyes even captured him for a moment. Everyone else was having the same reaction Allison looked at Jax curiously she heard from Scott he was suppose to joined them this year at school but the last moment went somewhere different which bummed Scott out but he said that they would see each other sooner or later. If she didn't know him already being his brother she would have not thought that since they are complete opposite with Jax having grey hair and deep blue eyes opposed to Scott's brown eyes and dark hair, She was going to say something but Lydia beat her to it.
"Who is Mr. Handsome?" The girl had a blush covering her face which was unusual for her but her heart rate definitely kicked up when she saw this guy. She had just taken a little notice of Scott and now he was walking towards someone she could definitely see herself with and practically made her drool with his white t-shirt, black leather jacket, black skinny jeans that hung a little low on his waist he looked good enough to eat, and she definitely wanted to.
"That's Scott's brother." Allison answered her too not being able to take her eyes away from him.
Jackson and Danny both looked over the new guy who walked up each with their own opinions Jackson wondering if this was the guy who was the one who gave McCall his power and Danny was wondering if he swung for his team praying he did so he had a chance or if not he at least wanted him as a friend so he could stare at him whenever.
Jax POV*
Jax gave Scott a one arm hug, "Nice catches there man I see why you got on first line you are a beast." This was another reason Jax chose this world he was also a fan of Lacrosse now why he didn't play he did enjoy watching it it was slow paced most of the time but the shots people took and the battle made his blood pump. Scott looked shy but still proud of himself for what he did so he puffed his chest a little glad he could impress his brother, "Thanks. How—" he didn't get to finish before the gang walked up but it was Lydia who spoke up.
"Scott aren't you going to introduce him to everyone." She asked making Jax earn a little glare from Jackson but everyone else looked intrigued.
"Ahh this is my older brother Jax he was suppose to come here this year but started going to a private school instead." Scott said a little down that he couldn't be in the same school as his brother after all these years.
"Jackson." "Allison." "Lydia." "Danny." Everyone said giving him a nod the only one to reach and hold his hand was Lydia who held it for a little longer than he was comfortable for but he ignored her flirting he already had his Queen. Danny looked like he really wanted to say something and in the end couldn't hold it back which was one of the main reasons that Jax liked him since he was always outspoken, "Hey there is no chance you play for my team right?" He asked hopeful but still okay with just getting friendship.
"Nah man sorry." Jax said with a little chuckle because he heard Lydia sigh in relief, looking at Stiles he raised a brow, "How are you staying so quiet for so long Stiles did you finally lose your voice?"
Jax, Danny, Allison, and Scott bust out laughing at his question but Stiles only then started to go on a rant about how Jax had changed over the years and looked completely different so he couldn't believe it was actually him at first. When that was brought up Scott did give him a questioning glance but when Jax replied in the same manner as him saying Scott was 'different' too both of them tensed before laughing it off. "Anyway Scott I'm in town for a little while and was hoping we could have dinner or something while I'm here how about with mom?"
"How long are you here for?" He asked which made everyone perk up their ears to hear the answer.
"Ahh just until I get a important text I'm waiting on then I have to leave." Jax replied mysteriously.
"What do important about the text?" Stiles asked since he couldn't hide his curiosity.
"Haven't you ever heard the term curiosity killed the cat?" Jax said giving him a non answer, "Oh yeah are you taking care of my Jeep Scott?"
At the question he lost all color in his face knowing his brother treasured that car and left it in his care but how was he suppose to know that the alpha would go and make him wreck the car putting it out of commission with a broken axel and transmission. "Ha-ha well you see..... it kind of... got wrecked." He whispered the remaining words but Jax still heard which caused him to go stiff a little.
With a low menacing chuckle Jax grabbed his shoulder, "why don't you go get changed and showered so we can have a nice long talk." Jax was really connected to much in this life but his dream car was that Jeep so when he heard this idiot crashed it he was truly mad he only had Three things/People he liked in this world and one was wrecked so now he was a little upset. Scott with the heighten sense of his wolf side could feel the danger coming off of Jax but could only nod and take off towards the locker room with his head down and Stiles in tow.
"Why does it feel like someone is about to die?" Asked Lydia curiously with her head tilted to the side.
An hour later Jax had already had lunch with his mom and Scott and Stiles who tagged along for some reason but he didn't say anything instead he cooked them a meal then like twenty more and placed them in the fridge telling them to heat it up if they were hungry. He had given his number to Danny who he thought was cool and planned to keep tabs on the story through him, after they finished eating his mom went back to work and Stile and Scott kept asking him questions about what was going on in his life. When he was just about to talk to Scott about his wolf problems his phone buzzed in his pocket, 'It's time we will be going there in thirty minutes we will wait here until you come' Hope sent him the text and he responded with a thumbs up emoji.
Sighing he cracked his neck getting loose then looked at both Stiles and Scott, "I won't say much but I will tell you this before I leave, Scott you have to grow stronger if you want to survive as a wolf you don't have to kill but you do need the strength to protect those around you."
"How—" before Scott could finish Jax teleported away leaving both Scott and Stiles mouth agape then they looked at each other deciding to ask him the next time he came to see them.