(3) Let’s Finish This!

When he got back to the Mikaelson house Jax saw everyone waiting for him the only missing people were the three they couldn't be seen with right now but he knew they were still in the city since he could feel them a couple block away. Not bother to talk to anyone he texted Hope telling her to go so they could get this over with as soon as possible, after the okay he left the room with Klaus and Marcel following behind him the others couldn't move as fast so they stayed behind. Running for over an hour they reached outside New Orleans and came to a white abandoned house on a street with trees in the background three SUV's were parked out front and three people were walking around the house protecting it.

Wanting this over as soon as possible Jax rushed and took out the two people who were about to pass each other ripping their hearts out and staining his white shirt making him groan but he left it alone for now, Klaus took out the last guy silently and they each went to a door that was on sides of the house. Marcel was at the front door, Klaus at the back and Jax at a door at the side of the house and without talking they all rushed in seeing the place they weren't even shaken by what they saw their were five people surrounding Hope and Hayley, Three blocking Greta and Elijah and Antoinette standing with Roman.

"Well look what we have here." Greta says moving toward the tied up Hope and Hayley before pulling Hayley up by the hair, "Look abomination you have three hero's here to help you but I don't think they can stop me before I can kill you." A sinister grin took over her face but Jax looked on curiously Hayley already had the ring on her finger and he didn't understand how Greta didn't see it as she moved her, she could do anything though a fight broke out between the two and they started crashing into walls of the house.

Klaus having had enough of the stuff going on moved and took down two guards that were block Greta earlier while Marcel took down the last and one guard that was blocking hope biting their necks and letting the wolf poison seep into their bodies. Seeing the two monsters the last four thought it would be better to go after the last kid they didn't recognize but that was a big mistake since he was the deadliest of the three they just didn't know it. When they got close Jax had already ripped the heart out of on while another went for Jax's but he shifted slightly making the guy miss and have him stumble and using that Jax kicked the other two away before ripping the guy who fell on the floor heart out.

When they saw their companion die they got even madder rushing at Jax completely blinded by rage which was their downfall because they didn't notice the two people who came up behind them and ripped their hearts out before they could even get close to him. Sighing Jax walked to Hope and removed the ropes binding her and brushing the hair out her face, "Are you alright?" He asked not caring about the outcome with Hayley since everyone in the room besides Roman would help her anyway.

"Just fine. Thank you for everything." She had a sweet smile on her face and Jax couldn't help but to lean down and kiss her.

Greta and Hayley has just reached the climax of their fight but before Greta could stab Hayley in the heart her hand was grabbed by Klaus who smiled down at her mincingly, taking notice Greta realized she was alone except for Roman. "What is the meaning of this?!" She growled and Antoinette and Elijah who were holding Roman down since he was trying to help her out.

"Ah nothing much she just hasn't been on your side for awhile now and my Brother would never truly help you." Klaus said mockingly with a smile on his face, he removed the daylight ring from Greta's finger before throwing her out the window he didn't want to dirty his hands with her blood. He watched as her body burned up completely not even leaving behind ash instead it was blown into the wind making him smile all the more.

Not bothering to thank Klaus Hayley ran to her daughter pulling her into a tight hug they have been separated for two weeks and she was really missing her, "I'm so sorry." She said softly into her head.

Hope fidgeted a little, "You don't need to be sorry mom I already told you that I was the cause of this all I shouldn't have locked you in there." She said looking guilty since all this could have been avoided if she hadn't tried to lock her mother in that coffin and brought this danger on them all. She looked over at Jax who was leaning up against a wall looking out a window even with a bloody shirt it didn't put her off by his godly good looks and she sighed taking her mother's hand bringing her to him.

"Mom you remember my friend Jax who came by that day." Hope said giving a small smile towards him.

"Just a friend?" Hayley asked in suspicion Jax to was wondering why she didn't say boyfriend but he wasn't going to say anything until she explained it all.

"Ah I guess you're right,... mom this is Jax McCall my boyfriend." She said her cheeks going red, she didn't know why she did the slip up either if just calling him a friend after the time they have spent together and already claiming each other there was no reason for her to lie.

"Haha good to see you again Jax thanks for looking out for my daughter while I was ummm gone." Hayley said with a smile directing a teasing glance at her daughter who was shy and blushing.

"No trouble at all I couldn't bare to see Hope said so of course I had to come out and help her out." Jax responded with a friendly smile his heart was a little hurt at the friend comment but got over it quick when she fixed it. While they were talking Nicklaus walked over to them and checked over Hope since he was always opposed to this he needed to make sure she was truly okay.


A week later

Jax was standing on a balcony looking down at the passing people who were celebrating something one way or another, Klaus and Elijah are still in the city because Jax had done his work again in secret suppressing the curse. The only reason they haven't left was because Freya planned to get married soon and she wanted the whole family there so everyone was also waiting for Kol and Rebekah to show them it would happen a couple days later. Hope didn't return to school because of this and stayed here spending time with her mother so Jax went always for the week exploring the world to see if their are any differences but so far he hasn't found any.

"Hey when did you get back?" Hope ask Jax coming up behind him and giving him a tight hug from behind making him relax, he had missed her this past week but didn't want any surprises.

"I just got back..... I missed you." He says turning around pulling her into his chest for a tight hug.

"I missed you too." She truly had when he went away for the week she of course wanted to spend time with her mom but she also wanted him near by she missed him and his breakfast but mostly him in her bed she wasn't ready to take the next step but she was getting there.

"So are you ready it's almost time for everything to go down?" Jax asked into her hair swaying slightly with her, he remembered that after she tries to put the Hollow in herself that was the time he needed to destroy it and it would put him out for a week.

"Yeah I need to do this so my family can be whole again." She whispered into his chest glad for his unwavering support of her decision.