The Wedding! Minor R-18!

The whole Mikaelson clan had assembled at the house waiting for the wedding everyone was downstairs waiting to head out and get started, Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah etc. we're ready long ago but couldn't leave due to a certain event taking place upstairs that put an awkward smile on everyone's face.

Upstairs Jax was looking down like a little boy who was getting a scolding from him mother but instead it was Hope mad at him, "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING DOING THAT AGAIN!!" She screamed pissed that while they were away from each other last week he had suppressed the Hollow again so her family could be together for today.

"Well I—-" He immediately shut up when she started screaming again.

"DONT YOU DARE SAY YOU DID THIS SO WE COULD BE TOGETHER AGAIN I DONT CARE IF THE WHOLE CITY CAME DOWN..... DONT DO THAT CRAP AGAIN UNDERSTAND?!" It was more of a command then a question but he didn't even speak in fear she would just scream at him again so he just kept his head down. It was ironic he was the strongest being in the world yet he couldn't handle this girl in fear she would leave him. Calming down Hope looks back at him and sighs, "Did anything happen this time when you did it?"

"No I told you it would only be like that once I had to get use to it before I could use it again.... by the way you look really beautiful in that dress." He snuck in trying to calm her more but it was true she was beautiful her hair was flowing down her right shoulder, and she had on a black lace dress with roses on it in black flats it was taking all his self control not to push her down right now.

Hope blushed noticing his gaze, "Thank Yo— Wait a minute you are not getting out of this just because of a compliment." She was almost caught by that and brushed away the issue at hand but didn't get taken away that easily but her heart was full when she heard his compliment.

"Okay fine.... I will not do it again..... I Jax will never suppress the Hollow again as long as it is inside you or your family." A promise he made but it was full of holes.

Not noticing Hope nodded and hugged him, she was surprised when the city wasn't destroyed when they all showed up but after he father hinted (straight out told her) what was going on she ran back upstairs as Jax was getting dressed and started screaming at him. She had to admit though she was happy he did it for her and they could have this day because she didn't know how everyone's feelings would be tomorrow morning after she had went behind their backs and put the Hollow into herself. Moving back she almost drooled seeing him in a maroon suit with a white tie and black dress shoes she could barley contain the sigh she was trying to hold back.

After they finished their 'talk' they went downstairs and ignored the glances pointed at them, Jax just took hopes hand and teleported to the field where the weeding was being held since he didn't want to get stared at by Rebekah anymore.


A Day Before*

Jax had came down to make breakfast for Hope like always but it wasn't just Freya in the kitchen sitting next to her was Rebekah and Antoinette who were talking about tomorrow events, ignoring them he walked to the fridge and got everything ready. Before he could get started cooking though he got grabbed by the arm by Rebekah as he went to heat the stove, looking at her with a confused expression he was wondering why she was holding on to him. "Can I help you?"

"Who are you and why are you in my family home?" She asks not really with a threatening tone more curious.

Jax looked over at the table but realized they hadn't told her about him yet she just got in this morning and they had only been talking about the wedding and she was getting to know Antoinette so they didn't really bring up the topic of him fully yet. Jax looked back at her and smiled lightly removing her hand from his arm, "I'm sorry they haven't told you who I am but could you not hinder me from making Hope's breakfast she will be up in a little and I want to have it almost finish before she gets down." Going back to what he was doing he started making a meal of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast he had to make a lot since Antoinette and Freya always join now. Rebekah watched him with a confused gaze before walking over to the table he could hear their conversation but chose to ignore it and the girls knew it since they knew he didn't mind someone talking about him.

"Sorry we should have told you about him sooner he is Hope's boyfriend.... I'm surprised you didn't know she had on I thought I told you." Freya says trying to remember if she truly did tell her about him or not.

"He is also the one who gave me a new life." Antoinette chimes in.

"How do?" Rebekah asked curiously.

"Well he is a vampire like us but different while he may seem like a normal one he is stronger than and original, Klaus, and Marcel." She says thinking it over seeing if she forgot anything, "Ah also his bite changes you where you can be a vampire and immortal but also be able to have kids but they will also be a vampire just growing at normal rate."

After her last sentence Rebekah once again grabs Jax arm while he is in the middle of flipping the bacon which annoys him to no end because he could hear Hope coming downstairs to eat, "Yes?!" He asked he playing dumb.

"Give me a baby!!" She shouted.

This caused everyone to freeze including the newly arrived Hope who walked into this situation, a blush took over her face before she charged into the room pushing her aunt to the side and hugging Jax, "No he is my boyfriend you guys can't do that!" She shouted making Rebekah think back over the word she just said before she came to the realization.

"Ahh no not that I meant change me to be able to have kids!" She said, it had always been her dream to have kids grow old and live normally but since she didn't have the cure she could take the next best thing and that was have children and raise her kids right, she would happily spend eternity with them as long as she could have them.


Back to present*

Freya and Keelin just finished their kiss after saying 'I Do' and everyone was cheering for them the sun was almost completely gone but the light remaining made the ceremony extremely beautiful. Jax didn't even pay attention to the end because he was entranced by the light on Hope making her look like an angel, smiling lightly he couldn't help but to thank god once again for letting him be reborn into this world. Standing they all went over to the makeshift reception area that was decorated with lights hanging everywhere and a big round table in the center that had a beautifully done pink and white cake that Jax spent all last night making so you know that cake is going to kill.

He walked over to a pole leaning against it while watching everyone talk, laugh and dance, it had been awhile since he had been in a big family environment back in his old like he came from a huge family with six other sibling who all had three or four kids a piece so he missed this.

"How did you meet them?" A soft voice asked from next to him, looking down it was Davina she didn't come by the house yesterday probably from bad memories there so he hadn't had the chance to meet her yet so she didn't know his relationship to the family.

"I met them a month ago.. nice to meet you I'm Jax McCall Hopes boyfriend." He says reaching out his hand which she takes and shakes lightly giving him a shocked stare. Before she can respond he is pulled away by Hope who drags him to the dance floor twirling around and shaking her hips to the music, he joins in giving her a huge grin that he couldn't hold back even if he tried. He knew they could have started their plane a couple days again but he didn't want her to damper the mood or have her upset with him before the wedding so he convinced her to wait until the wedding was over so everyone wouldn't be mad at them today and he would miss it.

Pulling her close they danced to a slow song that came on next he didn't want the fun to end yet, "I'm glad we got to relax like this it was a crazy couple of weeks." He said whispering in her hair swaying together.

"I'm ready...." is all she said and he understood immediately not saying goodbye to anyone he teleports them directly to her room.

When they land in the room both of their breathing is ragged with their faces inches from kissing so close to stealing a kiss but holding back, "Are you sure about this?" Jax asks his voice husky his last shred of gentlemanliness about to leave him.

"Please Jax..." she whispers and he attacks her lips greedily taking her into his arms their tongues swirl around each other taking every last breath making them pant into each other but not stopping their actions wanting to be closer.

Jax loves the dress on her body and doesn't want to destroy it not even in the heat of the moment so he pulls back and gently removes it from her body and he is greeted by her bra-less chest that is a little more than a handful that he cups with light pink nipples standing for him. Moving closer he takes one into his mouth making her moan out loud he didn't even take the time to look over her body because she was already to perfect form the little he saw. Greedily sucking her nipple he lets it out with a *pop* before going to the other and giving it the same attention.

"Jax!...." Hope Let's out on a moan making her sound even more sexy and making it hard for Jax to keep his pants on. Moving away from her Hope lets out a sexy little whine when he stops messing with her but his words stop her from speaking out.

"Goddess." Is the only thing he can say looking down at her, her body is an hourglass figure with no blemishes and nice long legs with a perky a**, her little blue panties separate him from his promise land so he slow reaches and takes them off of her. When they are gone he can see she is completely wet but he ignores that and instead dives in licking and sucking at her clit making her jump and let out something between a moan and scream. Swirling his tongue around her moves it inside of her relishing her taste sucking at her greedily, going back to her clit he pushes one finger in and slowly works her before putting in another she is to tight for more so he has to slowly work her.

"Oh Jax!..." she pants her hips bucking trying to get in closer to his face, "Oh god I'm about to—-" all of a sudden her pleasure is gone and she looks close to tears when she looks up at Jax.

"Only say my name I am the one doing this call out no one else." Jax had met one god so he wasn't sure which were real and fake so he didn't want her calling out to anyone but him, getting her nod he goes back to her quickly getting her back to her release.

"I'M CUMMMMMMING!" She shouts out and Jax slurps her up letting her ride her ecstasy on his face. When he is done he moves up after taking his clothes off only leaving him in his boxers, Hope has a blush from her chest to her cheeks and is trying to catch her breath so he lightly kisses her should letting her control herself. "That.... That was.... Amazing." She says on a huffed breath making Jax chuckle lightly, looking at him she stares at his aroused self and before he can say anything she is taking control.

After light work with her mouth that was almost as tight as her cave she lines Jax up to her entrance before slowly moving him in and letting out a wince at the pain, stopping her waits for her to adjust to his size before they continue. She fits like a glove to him and he keeps pounding into her for the rest of the night her cumming on him repeatedly and him release a large amount on her stomach. After calming down they take a shower together before crawling back into bed holding each other with dreamy smiles.

(This is how most of my R-18 will be because I don't want to spend entire chapters on it since it doesn't move the story forward any I will try to do one every fifteen chapters maybe less I will mention them doing it though it just won't go into fully detail... but chapters will be marked from Minor R-18 to Heavy R-18)