The next morning started like any other morning except for Jax and Hope, instead of going straight to make her breakfast he spent the morning in bed with her and she did the same they spent it talking since they didn't want to leave their little cocoon yet. Jax smiled at Hope who was radiating with a glow and he could resist kissing her all over her face making her giggle. After last night their relationship stepped up to a whole new level and he could clearly see the love in her eyes but he could guess she was waiting for him to say it first since she hasn't taken the risk to try and say it. Pulling her closer he took her lips again giving her a quick but slow kiss, "I Love You Hope." He whispered after pulling back and looking into her eyes.
Hope gasped but quickly composed herself she knew that this was something more than a little relationship and he didn't plan to leave her no matter what, with tears at the corners of her eyes she responded, "I Love You To Jax McCall." Right when she was going in for a kiss *BAM* they heard something being dropped in front of her door and they both looked over to see Hayley there. Since her return they haven't slept in the same bed considering Jax actually had respect for Hayley unlike Klaus so he didn't really want to do this without her permission but looks like they have been caught.
Composing herself Hayley leaves the box she was holding on the ground and looks at them, "Living room two minutes no more no less." Then walks away not giving them a chance to reply at all.
"Welp the cat is out of the bag now." Jax says trying to lighten the mood but Hope just hits his chest moving out the blankets away and quickly throwing Jax some clothes from her closet before she gets dressed. Sighing he quickly gets dressed with her and they head to the living room where Hayley is waiting with her arms crossed tapping a foot on the ground waiting for them to take a seat across from her.
"How long?" Is the first thing she ask after they take a seat which makes they look between each other.
"Be more specific please." Jax says cause technically they did two things she didn't know about last night so he didn't know how to answer her.
Hayley and Hope both look at him for a moment but Hayley realizes it does make sense so she re-fraises he question, "How long have you two been sleeping in the same bed? And how long have you two been doing that?" She say still not fully believing her daughter is already having s*x.
"Ahh umm well we started sharing a bed maybe two days after you went missing and we had s*x for the first time last night." Jax says putting it all out there, Hope looks ready to run away but he is holding her hand so she can't escape weirdly no one else is in the house except the three so this is easier than he thought it would be.
"I see." She couldn't think of anything else because she had already heard her daughter say she loved this boy so she could only be happy for her which she truly was since her daughter hadn't been happy in a long time. Sighing she looked between the two and saw Hope's Hopeful gaze making it even harder for her to say anything negative, this was her daughters first love so she didn't want to ruin it by saying something wrong. She looked back to Jax who she honestly didn't have anything so say bad about she had learned from Freya about everything this guy had done for her daughter, the support, cooking, cleaning and making her happy 'he was perfect for her' were Freya's exact words.
"I'm sorry we did this behind you back Miss. Marshall," ugh it was weird for him to call her that but he still wanted to stay respectful to her, "But I promise you that I truly love your daughter and would do nothing to hurt her because that would mean hurting myself which I could never do." He really wanted her to understand how much she truly meant to him and he could see the resolve in her eyes and that she was going to approve of them.
Hope hearing his words realized she felt the same it might have started out as a friendship that she was happy to have but along the way she realized her life was 100x better with him in it so she knew that in her heart. Leaning into him she gave him a side hug holding him tightly cause no matter what her mothers next words were she was going to stay by his side even if it meant a fight with her she didn't really care what her dad thought since she figured he already disapproved. Glancing at her mom she could see her smiling at the two and knew she had approved of them, squealing with delight she rushed over and hugged her mom, "THANK YOU!" She shouted in excitement.
Since then Jax made Hope and Hayley breakfast who couldn't help but praise him again for his cooking skills, Jax just smiled and as always watched Hope eat which made Hayley even more assure of her decision to not keep them apart. After her mom left Hope got a serious expression on her face and looked over at Jax who was changing the sheets on her bed, they hadn't been since last night so her was doing that while she painted. "Hey we need to go get the stuff ready for later the sooner we get this done the sooner it will be off my mind." She told him pulling him after he finished cleaning up her room, some people would thank him a coward for doing all the house work but her truly treated her like a queen and did it all for her.
After leaving the house they went to a witch owned shop where Hope picked out the little stuff she needed to do this, usually you would need a syphon witch to get the magic into another but since she had part of it in her they didn't need that. After paying for everything they went back to her house the only people there were Klaus, Elijah and Antoinette so it would be easier this way since her mom couldn't stop her from what she was about to do. What she didn't know was that Jax was going to steal it as soon as the Hollow was out of all their bodies before it could get in hers. Waking into the courtyard the three were standing around talking about something and Hope gave Jax a light nod which he followed through and proceeded to snap the necks of Klaus and Elijah he left Antoinette alone since he told her his true plan days ago and what would happen to him.
After they were down he moved them to the abandoned church like in the show putting them in the formation Hope set down after that he went around the city and did the same for Kol and Rebekah but when he tried to take Rebekah Macel showed up. With no other choice he said sorry and did the same taking them both back with him to the church after they were set up he went back to the Mikaelson courtyard where Hope was. Telling her everything was set he watched her start then ritual and could see blue lines moving through the walls before showing up in front of Hope where a ball over blue light shot out of her forming with the rest. Soon the lines started to fade and the blue ball was floating in the air, before Hope could call it back into her body though she was pulled away and take back from the Hollow, giving her a small sad smile Jax only said three words, "Wait for me."
Concentrating on the Hollow he gripped it with his hand before stuffing it into his chest, "AHHHHHH!" He released a loud shout at the pain coursing from his chest the hatred and power was slowly corroding his mind but he needed to hold on if he was going to get rid of it. Using his power he slowly started to get rid of it but as the god told him even if he passes out his power will still destroy it, looking back up to Hope who has tears streaming down her face he gives her a small smile before falling on the ground.
Third Person POV*
"JAX!" Hope screamed after she was released running over to his body but unlike last time she didn't hear a heartbeat and it was making her cry even harder. Looking at Antoinette she wanted to scream for her to do something but she didn't even She her worried in the slightest which made her sober up some, "What is happening to him?" She asked impatient worried she might have lost the only person she thought she would ever love.
"I don't know the full details but I can tell you that he is destroying the Hollow and when he wakes it will be completely gone so no one will ever have to worry about it again." Antoinette says he did t really explain in detail and really just gave her details so she couldn't be to sure but he made sure to tell her everything important about him being asleep for a week and not to let Hope do any magic on him since it won't work.
"How long will he be out?" Hope asked caressing his face while muttering how stupid he was under her breath.
"A week and—-" she was going to say more but the rest of the Mikaelsons and Marcel showed up at that moment.
"Hope what did you do?" Klaus ask pulling her away from Jax completely ignoring him but if he would have looked he could have seen the blood leaking from his eyes like the previous time.
Pulling herself out his grasp she sits back down and puts Jax's head back onto her lap, "I was going to put the Hollow inside myself but before I could he took it and it is now he is destroying it." Hope said softly but in the quiet area everyone was able to hear what she said and they all stared at Jax with gratitude and sorrow since he was going through this pain for them even if it wasn't his responsibility.
"Is he going to be okay?" Rebekah ask half out of concern and half out of her own selfish reason since she still wants him to give her the bite for a new life.
"He will need a week and then he should be fine." Antoinette answered when Hope didn't bother and just kept stroking his face silent tears falling every now and then at her powerlessness since she couldn't help him out any but she knew he would want her close so until he wakes she wouldn't leave his side unless it was absolutely an emergency.
Hope's looked over to Elijah, "Can you carry him to my room for me I don't want him on this hard floor." Elijah just nodded and took him there since he now practically owes this kid everything first he let him keep his fiancé Antoinette then saved his family from the curse of the Hollow he swore of the kid asked he would be there to help with any problem.