Voids......... And New Wish

Jax opened his eyes but in stead of being in the void like he thought he was in a forest but there was nothing around him, after walking around the trees that seemed to soar into the sky he started walking in the direction of a voice. When he got closer he saw a beautiful girl with long black hair and blue eyes who was looking at him but she was mumbling underneath her breath calling him closer which he walked towards just out of curiosity of why he was here and not in the void like he should have been. "Yo hows it going Inadu or should I call you The Hollow?" Jax asked hands in his pocket sitting next to her leaving her staring at him strangely.

"Why are you still in full control? I should be able to control you but it feels as though my powers are actually being stolen?" She replied ignoring his question all together since she didn't really care for either answer and just wanted to her her revenge.

"Ah simple right now I am slowly killing you or erasing you from existence." Jax said leaning back against a tree soaking up the warm sun that was flowing over his body.

"WHAT!!!???" She screeched trying to do everything she could to pull the power that was being to taken from her but it wasn't working so she tried again to use spells on him but they were ineffective. Realizing her fate she slumps down and sits next to him letting fate take her there was nothing she could do anyway so why try to change the fact that she was going to officially die. Looking at the being next to her she couldn't help but sigh she had tried to take over his mind once but thought it was a fluke when he suppressed her but now she realized that he truly could stop her, "Why?"

"Mhm," Jax says looking over at her, "Why what?"

"Why are you doing this to me?" She asked.

"Easy since the moment of your birthday you were nothing but crazy since your tribe gave you amazing power you became the regular old villain craving more," he looked into her eyes going completely serious making her shake a little at his serious attitude, "Plus you tried to control the woman I love and that is one thing that no one.... and I mean no one in this world could do or I will destroy they and make sure they no true pain."

She could only stare at him but gave him a slight nod she still truly believed that she was in the right about everything but she couldn't refute him when he said she had gone power hungry. It wasn't like she didn't know about her ambitions being high but she wanted to rule over the weak at all cost she didn't believe people who were weak were even needed so what is the point of them. Looking back when she was killed by her own tribe she should have realized her motives were wrong and taken another route but she just couldn't do it since she had her pride as one of the strongest witches to exist.

Jax was done talking to the woman who was just going to keep her same mindset and who was due to die soon anyway.. relaxing he thought about his next steps school was about to be out for summer so him and Hope didn't need to worry about that. He was thinking of taking a trip with her to enjoy the summer plus her birthday was next month so he wanted to go big or go home, all of a sudden he felt a rift then looked around and noticed he back in the void. Sitting at a table was the old man with a chess set who was playing a game with himself.

"Hey old man you owe me a wish and I am not leaving here without it this time." Jax said stalking over to him ignoring what just happen since it wasn't that big of an event anyway.

"Ah yes go ahead and tell me so we can get this over with I don't want to spend the time with you bugging me." He said not looking up from the board he was playing with.

"Aright then I want to be a wolf too with full control over my changing into a real wolf, also being an alpha along with Hope being able to do it too but take away the curse of having to kill someone. We should also be immune to all things such as wolfs bane, mountain ash etc... oh and before I forget make her an alpha to but with bright pink eyes instead of deep red like mine." Jax said he already knew he was going back for season 2 and 3 and maybe 4 he hadn't decided yet, but since he was going to hang with wolfs he might as well go.

The old man thought it over and realized that Jax hadn't been doing anything wrong with his powers or even tried to be a great enemy or hero he has been keep the balance so why not. "Okay I will allow it..... haha lets play some more chess now!"

Jax felt a slight change in himself and knew he was strong and could feel the wolf power coursing through him, shrugging he walked over to the table and watched as the old man reset the game. "So What are you going to do now, Legacies doesn't start for two years so....." he asked moving his rook and taking a pawn.

"Stay with my brother for awhile I would like to see if I changed anything there or not." Jax said shrugging he wasn't to concerned with what he was going to do as long as he was with Hope it didn't really matter.

"I see..... ever thought of leaving this world?"

"Never not even if I could take everyone I care about.... there is really nothing I want to do outside having a peaceful life so I would rather not travel to much." This was true since he chose this world since he didn't want to become anything more than he was and didn't want anyone to change his plans no matter what. After three hours Jax had beaten the god 200 times so he had given up and was ignoring Jax for the rest of the time he was here.